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Mar 2015
Fields full of sunshine, both above and below my bare feet.
Nothing hurts, nothing singes my exposed skin or ****** my callosed toes.
You chase me through the light, which fills our hearts and faces as well.
A little piece of heaven we've found within our world of hell.

There is oh so much to talk about, and yet, nothing at all.
There is so much left unsaid, even though it feels that I've said it all.
I want to taste your bitter-sweet soul, and stitch that big, broken heart.
I want to scare all the demons away, to banish any which form of evil that tears you apart.

I want your hand in mine, our bodies equally inclined- to lie together in our fields
of golden sunshine.
I've never wanted anything so feverously, desperately- hoping that I can always hold you as close as I can to me.

It's all so much, a downer and such a rush.

Leaving me absolutely breathless, if church we're as liberating as they say- they would preach this.
If schools were so informative, so set on success they should teach this.
How to explain when you love someone to this extent, the magnitude of emotion and whatever else makes me feel like this.
I can't help it, but one day
I hope I find a way- not to be so speechless.
Anyone know a word in a different language that can translate this feeling? Ha! Pun intended. This feeling can't be translated in the English speaking mind. I feel like there's a word in mandarin.. or spanish.
Here I go rambling again hahaha
Written by
Natasha  25/F/here, there & everywhere
(25/F/here, there & everywhere)   
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