When I was seven my mother broke a glass cup against the ground by accident my bare feet taking the plunge. I cried for an hour when the blood continued to gush the way it does as my mother bandaged my wound that is what it meant to me
until I discovered that my hot breath on a cold day would encourage me to write words invisible to the air until it was against glass until my fingers carved into the condensation "I love you", punctuated with an off-centered smiley face that too soon descended to frowns when he would ask
"Where'd you get those scars?" "Got mad. Threw a glass." all up and down my arms using my worst enemy and my best friend to get by with the skin of my teeth
parted slightly paired with a not-quite-there expression imagining better days materializing under the roots of grass personifying trees executing what I could only dream of: Sweet peppermint lips rough stubble corrupting soft peach fuzz branches restoring their shape only with interruption when a teacher would drag claw marks down my desk "Do you agree?"
she spoke, on your first day back from winter break but honestly you did not know you were thinking of me 200 miles away
behind glass again the same concept of being so close but so far away of our palms pressed against each other with only a sliver of clear distance between us just enough that we couldn't feel each others skin. That's probably what hurts most more than any amount of seeping blood accident or not piercing cold nostalgia out a window. Whispering good-nights accompanied by glitches and lags just wanting to be a part of our sweet conversation a crack in the system never so large as now feeling the warmth of my laptop wishing it was you. I try to decide differently find an angle that will bring me closer to you
your eyes have always engaged mine through somewhat of a double framed looking-glass taking them off so I could see you more clearly so that there was nothing stopping us even if my face would blur together in strange triangles and squares hazy colors and faded motions you were still seeing me much better.
Until I reach the big red "X" on my calendar again I have to fight through 2 layers of glass to really find you without ever touching you the best way the worst way I've always remembered.