To cook something beautiful You need a few unsightly ingredients. Like to make a cake You need flour and baking soda Baking powder, sugar, and a hint of salt Water and eggs. They aren't appealing to look at By themselves Or even when mixed together. But when handled right, And with a little time Love and care An oven and a spatula You conform them into exactly the right shape And those unsightly ingredients become A tasty treat, But what's a cake without frosting? It's something bigger than what it was. It's a combination The frosting makes it more Visually appealing, It masks the overly cooked Side. Some air pockets from An inexperienced Or careless chef. It's masks imperfections. You can't force a cake to become perfect. It needs time, it needs love, it needs care. Dare I say it again, It needs time, It needs love, It needs care. When the cake Gets those, and is left alone To bake, To think about what it's job is, To not just be beautiful Covered in frosting But without it as well, You'll have the best **** Cake you've ever made. It won't be over done on one side Or the other, It won't have air bubbles, It'll glisten and gleam, And be pristine. You'll have a cake Beautiful On the inside and out.