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Feb 2015
We do things that are unnecessary to show affection to one another
It's so much better to just be open and straight to the point
Cause every worthless word we get more far away
Make every word you say count
Let someone know how you feel about them
In a sense it's a risk, but a risk is always worth taking if you've been thinking about it for a long time
I'm all over the place here listen
There will always be those butterflies in your stomach when you see her
Those won't go away get used to them
That's what I was told
It always stressed me out telling someone how I felt about them
I always asked the same questions
What if they don't like me back?
What if I lose the only relationship we have?
What if they never want to see me again?
It's hard making these decisions
Never easy
But doesn't mean I should not tell her and I will but first what I like about you
I like that when we talk it feels like we've known each other our whole lives
I can share my interests easily with you because I know you'll also like them
I love you sense of humour
I love every talent you have
You look even more beautiful with glasses than any other girl I've seen and equally amazing without them
Your wanderlust matches mine
The stars above and the ocean below amaze you
That sense is discovery and curiousness makes me want to go on a journey with you
Aha oh man the first time I saw you
My heart melted
I had butterflies
I want to tell you this in person
I wanna be your perfect man
But I don't know if I'm that guy
And my lack of confidence won't let me fly
So maybe someday I'll tell you but
For now I'll enjoy your company and like you from afar until I'm ready to ask you out
   Ryan Hoysan
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