She lies there So beautiful So peaceful Nobody would call for her Not while she was in the tub The music loud Almost too loud It sounded more like incessant banging But she didn't mind And didn't care if others did Warm water up to her chest Only getting colder She's been in there for an hour Or two When usually she only stays for half Her family, Beginning to worry, Bangs on the door They wonder if they got a response And just couldn't here it But no The girl said nothing So the family enters To a sight of pure Horror. I look past the deep Bleeding cut That goes long ways down her arm Past the old scars, Already a pale white, That cross her arm And I look at the family Their faces Their eyes Not full of tears But shock And it occurs to me That I am her And she Is me.
When you don't know what your life is and you just _ _ \(○-○)/