Her I guess that's the problem Everything changes And people always expect me to be some transformer
Him No I expected u to take my hand when I stretched out for you
Her I was lost And for some reason I didn't want to be found And even though you were constantly waiting for me I couldn't step out of my comfort zone
Him I wanted so much to be there for you As a friend and as a lover But I felt like every time we had *** it was just *** for you I wanted us to make love
Her I knew that you would never hurt me But I was afraid So I blocked you out and tried to mute what I felt for you
Him I wanted to be your super man
Her I know I will always be your damsel in distress
Him This is a cruel world And I don't wanna get hurt
Her Nobody wants to get hurt We only get a say in who hurts us
Him But we lose those who don't want to hurt And end up with those who hurt Because we're stupid
Her I'm stupid
I'm sorry
Him I've always forgiven you Even before you **** up
Her* I'm sorry I love you
I'm not perfect but he thought I was. I'm an expert (unintentional) heartbreaker. We will forever be friends.