The sun arises to dawn on new troubles, tribulations, and tribble-sized problems- things that will start small and multiply- into invasive thoughts, pervading senses of doom and despair, becoming conquering masters of deceit, illusion, and trickery. From outside my bleak and tiny window, the rays of betraying star-fire reach- creeping over parked cars, dazzling my eyes in an ill attempt to gain my favor, as it entangles the world in its ancient hands. Redefining what it is to be alive, each and every morning, it persistently climbs with self centered surety, to lord over my aching head as I cling to the skin of this tiny world, bound to it by responsibilities and duties of the most mundane necessity. What will this day bring? Shall all the nusisances of adult life be avenged? Or am I doomed to continue plodding on in grunting, laborious, displeasure; to pen my utter dismay at having to work before the sun is up?