Like an old boarded up house Preparing for the storm ahead All weak spots braced for any rain fall All fragile pieces hidden away for safe keeping in case of any earthquakes lights shut off leaving total darkness in case of a power surge This is how you prepare Holding everything you hold dear close Fire extinguisher within reach radio on the emergency channel so you can hear every breaking detail Constantly praying you didn't forget anything bracing yourself for the worst holding up in your comfort zone Feeling safe here with no fears No one gets in No one goes out Like the story of ***** Wonka and the Chocolate factory But even in that story ***** had to let someone in Slowly un-board your windows The sun is warm turn down your radio listen to the birds chirping Turn the lights on the light is safe open your eyes to the beauty this world holds Don't live in fear anymore This world isn't like your world but it's safe too Let them see your world They've been patiently knocking for ages now knowing you were too afraid It's going to be ok Don't give up hope Face your fears Hold your chin up high as you smile towards your newly discovered sun The storm has passed