I did not give you permission to **** me inside of your head. Please get your imaginative hands off of my unobtainable soul, and close your mouth, you're drooling like a coward when he sees something that he cannot have. I belong to no one but myself. I am old enough to know the rights of my body.
I am only pretty when I'm naked.
Stop recording every moment we will never have with your undistracted eyes. I did not ask for this, I am covered in clothes that do not accent the curvature of my frame and yet still you gawk, and I will be asked what I was wearing that night. I was wearing my right to say no, but to him I was wearing my inferiority.
I am only pretty when I'm naked.
I am a female powerhouse. I am competent with my tongue in many ways yet you ache to abuse it. I am inclined to tell you what is best for me, but I am a woman. And I know nothing. You will beat it into me until I actually know something so well that I choke on it.
I am only pretty when I'm naked.
I am incapable of loving because, to you, I am not justified, so you will show me how until I cannot breathe any longer. The bruises and scars will taint my porcelain skin like mud on brand new sneakers, except the black, blue, and crimson cannot be rinsed from my body as easily as my clothes were removed by you.