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Aug 2016 · 328
can't move on
pitik Aug 2016
years has past by but I'm still stuck thinking of you as always. today's my birthday and the only thing I want is you
Aug 2015 · 531
pitik Aug 2015
when life let you choose between time or money, which one will it be?

for me it will be time. people will say I'm stupid or crazy but you need to remember that money doesn't buy us happiness.

when we have a lot of time we can do anything, literally anything. just think about it, we work and earn some money. someone people work hard earn a lot of money but does not have a time for their love ones.

just think about it, maybe we won't be rich but at least we have someone to be by our side and not feel lonely. in the end you will die and money won't be there at your grave
Jul 2015 · 265
pitik Jul 2015
I live my life alone
when she left me I felt empty
I'm stuck in our home
where it's full of DARKNESS
#home #darkness #alone #stuck #empty
Jun 2015 · 554
pitik Jun 2015
there's this feeling that I can't stop, the feeling of missing you. it will never stop, it started on the day that you left. you left a mark on me and it will forever stays there. I can't undo the love what's done is done. I've got this feeling that you will be back by my side but my instincts are always wrong just like how I believed that you will never leave
Jun 2015 · 306
pitik Jun 2015
someone asked me do I miss her?
the answer is yes I do

do you miss the sound and the wave of a sea when you leave the beach? do you miss the wonderful palaces that you have been before?

in other words you'll miss everything but things won't be the same if you when there again.
Jun 2015 · 317
pitik Jun 2015
to be happy we need to know what is sadness and we need to feel them. after knowing them then we can know how it's like to be happy. let the sadness flows in your blood, drown yourself in sadness it's worth it cause in the end we can know how being happy feels like.
Jun 2015 · 567
thoughts and guns
pitik Jun 2015
thoughts that never leave are thoughts that are going to **** you. thoughts pull the trigger anytime without us having a clue. thoughts **** our soul. thoughts are way much dangerous than guns.  you got a choice to pull the trigger of the gun but you got no choice whether or not to pull the trigger of thoughts they automatically pull the trigger themselves.
Jun 2015 · 431
weakness or strength
pitik Jun 2015
I always have this soft part for people. I don't know if it's a advantage or disadvantage. it's like I feel sorry for them even when they don't care about me. maybe some people take it as a weakness but maybe others take it as a strength
Jun 2015 · 200
pitik Jun 2015
ever miss being in love? maybe not being in love maybe miss someone existence? the feeling that they gave towards us but is it real? if it's real they won't leave us right?
May 2015 · 352
pitik May 2015
we can't control time that's what people said, but we don't realized that time is in our own hands. it's like we rather spend our time sleeping than going out to smell the fresh air to be in a new surrounding. we are stuck in a cold dark room wasting time after break ups, where we can't actually stop thinking about that and be someone better in other words change ourselves. so now you are still trying to say that we can't control time? yes time keep moving forward that's true, but why are we moving backwards or holding back. make use of that time and you will never complain about needing more time. life is better with more time than no time at all.
May 2015 · 512
pitik May 2015
as loud as you can be silence always scream the loudest.  silence kills everything that's inside of us. silence make the thoughts in our mind louder. silence make us listen to our own heartbeat, every beats of it make us calm. the power of silence.
May 2015 · 222
pitik May 2015
something are meant to let go. even if it's hard we just have to just like our past. past plays a big part in our life if there's no past there will be no today and if there no today there will be no future. past holds a big part in life, it leads us to today and the future
May 2015 · 247
what if
pitik May 2015
what if one day you wake up in your past and you could change something's . will you do it? it's like the most difficult decision to make. what if you change your past and you can't be here today. do you still want to change it?
May 2015 · 365
pitik May 2015
I understand everything even when you're in silence I understand them. everywords I understand them, but you never did understand me even when I'm in tears
May 2015 · 239
pitik May 2015
when the silence gets too loud that's when I miss you so much.
May 2015 · 209
pitik May 2015
maybe I think I should stop thinking about what others feel just for once and think about how my heart feel and do what's right for me. it's not selfish it's just that I've been putting everyone else  first but who's going to put me first in their life?
May 2015 · 318
alone and lonely
pitik May 2015
I stay silence when everyone is talking. I feel like I'm still alone when I'm surrounded by people. I love being alone it's like I have all the time to myself but being alone for too long makes me feel empty. it's like you are free but you are empty at the same time. i want to be alone but I don't want to be lonely.
May 2015 · 357
my mind and heart
pitik May 2015
everything about you matter to me.
you're not mine but you still matter. my mind and my heart isn't over you yet and it will be. cause all my life loving is all that matter
May 2015 · 235
pitik May 2015
someday I'm hoping you'll be knocking at my door crying for help but I won't say "I told you so" instead I will say I still love you though
pitik May 2015
please keep it safe. safe where no one else could have it. I kept it this long just only for you. hold it don't let go. don't break it, no don't return it to me just keep it I'll be needing my heart again one day.
May 2015 · 268
red box
pitik May 2015
I came across an old red box where all our memories are kept there. I don't dare to open it up cause I know I can't handle it but something made me do it I opened it up and all those stuff are dusty. I stared at them for minutes then I realized that even memories gets old
May 2015 · 333
pitik May 2015
welcome to the world were everything is unknown, you don't know what's the purposes of life, you don't know why some people left when you love them the most, you don't know why the lesson was taught to us when we didn't need it. full of questions but all of those questions have no answers. welcome to the unknown
May 2015 · 326
pitik May 2015
eyes are full of lies, I believe them when I know I shouldn't trust them. I can't resist your beautiful eyes I don't fall in love with your looks I totally fall in love with your eyes but then I realize your eyes are lies. the most beautiful lies
Apr 2015 · 211
pitik Apr 2015
as soon as I close my eyes those dreams comes knocking or should I say nightmare I don't know. it's been years when I last saw you but seeing you in my dreams is like reality.
pitik Apr 2015
I used to imagine how and I gonna take the pain when she leave me on day
I used to have thoughts of that one day she'll be kissing someone else
I used to think that what if you she's gone what am I suppose to do
I used to asked myself that can I live without her
that's the questions I been asking myself when I'm with her

now I don't have to imagine, think or even ask myself all that questions cause now I've seen it I've feel it
its all happening and someday I still hope she's coming back
Apr 2015 · 224
pitik Apr 2015
I have lost all my hopes
it's too much to handle
I feel like tying my neck with a rope
cause all my hopes are all tangled
Apr 2015 · 308
new morning
pitik Apr 2015
here's to another morning
people are still sleeping
some are still yawning
and I am still weeping
Apr 2015 · 302
pitik Apr 2015
never to have an emotion that is unbecoming
Apr 2015 · 310
pitik Apr 2015
I thought I have move on from the past I was sure of it. but somehow the past haunts me again. the urge to say that I miss you but you are happy out there with someone else. you replace me like I was nothing to you. the words you said haunts me at night. the memories crawling back to my mind even after I buried it. things just keep coming back. even if I take a step forward I will always take a step back. I keep coming back for you but you keep pushing me away. I fell in love with your eyes those are my weakness, it’s true what they say that eye lies. maybe it’s my mistake for falling in love with your eyes and staring straight to them when all this while those are lies
Apr 2015 · 228
in return
pitik Apr 2015
don't expect anything when you are not willing to give. this world doesn't revolve around you alone. it's not all about you!
Apr 2015 · 226
inside of love
pitik Apr 2015
I want to know what is love
I want to know how it feels like
to be in love

I want to understand love
I want to know how it feels like
to be inside of love

I want to love someone
who love me the same as I do
towards their soul
Apr 2015 · 262
pitik Apr 2015
how silly life is! they teach us lessons but the lessons are not even close to useful. how silly love  is! it's not even half as useful for us. love and life are making us believe that things are not true.
Apr 2015 · 284
fool for you
pitik Apr 2015
I'm a fool who stays up till midnight
missing you

I'm a fool who believe the three words
I love you

I'm a fool who falling into you you you you

it's had always been about you!
Apr 2015 · 226
may or may not
pitik Apr 2015
I may or may not be the best for you
I may or may not be the one for you
I may or may not be the valuable for you
I may or may not be a fool for you
but surely I know I am the only one loving you the most
Apr 2015 · 414
pitik Apr 2015
I may not always believe
but you're are nothing different from miracle
you are not like rest of them
love will always keep us to the very last
but something else has come over me
rain has come to show how I feel
wait for the day light to come and fill my empty heart
Apr 2015 · 308
pitik Apr 2015
silence is when our time is forgotten
silence is when we are really hurt
silence is when words can't be heard
silence is when we have no more hope

silence is everything
it shows that we no longer feel
and rather keep it to ourselves
but we must soldier on

people think silences are stupid
but saying things that are irrelevant
are the most stupidest thing
but they don't know that

they don't know anything
anything at all
silence are words
words that are unspoken
Apr 2015 · 283
happy ending
pitik Apr 2015
I want it to last,
last forever
but I know
that's impossible

I want a happy ending
happy ending with you
but there isn't happy ending
and never will be

cause every ending are sad
Apr 2015 · 301
pitik Apr 2015
I love you
but you broke me
and I still love you no matter what

I love you
but you left me
with and empty hole

I love you still,
forever and always
maybe my love will never cease
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
pitik Apr 2015
I no longer love
because I no longer feel
I can't break
cause I'm already broken

you can't break someone
who's already down
and feeling numb
Apr 2015 · 264
pitik Apr 2015
the more I see
the less I believe
it's all about perspective

see things in different ways
see things from different views
and you will see something new
perceptive plays a part in life
Apr 2015 · 265
everything in nothing
pitik Apr 2015
I gave you love
I gave you hope
I gave you everything
you ever wanted

you left me with no love
you left me with no hope
you left me with nothing
but just memories
Apr 2015 · 271
dreams and reality
pitik Apr 2015
dreams are hell
that awaits you at night
when you wake up
you are still alone

just like reality
they say they will be there
but when the time comes
they are nowhere
Apr 2015 · 340
pitik Apr 2015
I was there
when you are down
I was there
when you are crying

where were you
when I need you?
where were you
when I'm dying?

I sacrificed
myself to be a candle
for you
to light up your world

but instead you left me
in the corner
of a cold dark room
all by my own

and now
that room
is my home
Apr 2015 · 358
pitik Apr 2015
I wait and wait
as time goes by
I'm still wait
for something
that's not going
to come back home
and I'm still waiting
Apr 2015 · 172
pitik Apr 2015
the world
doesn't always shine
just like us
Apr 2015 · 225
pitik Apr 2015
I know nothing
nothing about you
but I know something
and that's enough for me to love you
Apr 2015 · 331
pain of love
pitik Apr 2015
I want to feel the pain
not the pain of missing you
but the pain of loving you

— The End —