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pitik Aug 2016
years has past by but I'm still stuck thinking of you as always. today's my birthday and the only thing I want is you
pitik Aug 2015
when life let you choose between time or money, which one will it be?

for me it will be time. people will say I'm stupid or crazy but you need to remember that money doesn't buy us happiness.

when we have a lot of time we can do anything, literally anything. just think about it, we work and earn some money. someone people work hard earn a lot of money but does not have a time for their love ones.

just think about it, maybe we won't be rich but at least we have someone to be by our side and not feel lonely. in the end you will die and money won't be there at your grave
pitik Jul 2015
I live my life alone
when she left me I felt empty
I'm stuck in our home
where it's full of DARKNESS
#home #darkness #alone #stuck #empty
pitik Jun 2015
there's this feeling that I can't stop, the feeling of missing you. it will never stop, it started on the day that you left. you left a mark on me and it will forever stays there. I can't undo the love what's done is done. I've got this feeling that you will be back by my side but my instincts are always wrong just like how I believed that you will never leave
pitik Jun 2015
someone asked me do I miss her?
the answer is yes I do

do you miss the sound and the wave of a sea when you leave the beach? do you miss the wonderful palaces that you have been before?

in other words you'll miss everything but things won't be the same if you when there again.
pitik Jun 2015
to be happy we need to know what is sadness and we need to feel them. after knowing them then we can know how it's like to be happy. let the sadness flows in your blood, drown yourself in sadness it's worth it cause in the end we can know how being happy feels like.
pitik Jun 2015
thoughts that never leave are thoughts that are going to **** you. thoughts pull the trigger anytime without us having a clue. thoughts **** our soul. thoughts are way much dangerous than guns.  you got a choice to pull the trigger of the gun but you got no choice whether or not to pull the trigger of thoughts they automatically pull the trigger themselves.
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