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PFL Jul 2016
Defying the consensus of complacency,
And the enantiomorphic political practicality,
Candidates embrace their vacillating indexicality.
Spouting thrift store self reliance sapientiality,
Telling lores of cultural compatibility.
Hope filled promises of economic suitability,
Aligned with institutional feasibility.
Packaged in over-inclusive catchall empty signifiers
Strewn across all media screens, communal utilitarian plan flyers.
Requesting no need for responsiveness,
For a vote no longer dictates precedence,
   In the age of social media endemic presence relevance.
PFL Jun 2016
Comfortable our pillows,
Softened by the wear of lingering memories
Their fabric faintly entangled with our combined scent.  
Woven are we into each other, this our linen.
Today begins to beyond the remainder of time,
We share hours of happiness and moments of discord
Laughs balanced by sorrows, love’s tousled story
Betwixt these sheets
Captivating it's clutch, as we grasp the whole of our complete
Remembering our promises again, each and every morning
Together within them, we awake.
PFL Jun 2016
Ask your heart,
What is the purpose of two worlds existing within one?
A mother’s first gaze into her child’s eyes,
The answer becomes.
Love seeing the creation of Love.
This epiphany gives truth to adoration,
Love is never absent in this reflection.
To proclaim peace, God sent a dove.
This messenger’s name, no mystery, Love.
PFL Jun 2016
One choice can decide a life,
Choice is a function of awareness.
Sun rises, birds sing
Notes spouted in excited sequence, not always a song,
All other sounds are muted to their syncopated cacophony
I’m still, listening to today’s melody.
Alone, they are all one note short of a chord
Together they make wondrous music.

All the while colors unfurl,
The wind unfolds their fragrance
Cinnamon warming, white Jasmine
Caressed by orange glowing beams.
This wafting perfume emanates
Between the pleated curtain of clouds
Blushing pink, as they echo this day’s secrets
Eager they are, to hide on witnessing eyelashes
PFL Jun 2016
Ubiquitously, ideas are conceived,
I wholly in you as you are in me,
This father tells his son with certainty.
Escape, we cannot, this universal reality.
Right or wrong dualities, balance, not explained,
Its instability privately entertained,
The constance of truth’s demise.
Words, alone, cannot suffice
When clarity is shadowed by
Renown contrived lies.
Freedom relents,
Best wishes set forth, then go astray.
Evil dominates good’s intent,
When humanity ceases to speak, ignorance’s silence reigns.
Those chosen step forward alone, while the rest fade away
Into the dark truths, they’ve conveyed.
Their beliefs, a glowing flame’s frenzied trance,
Drawn to, the timorous souls, who’s to say,
For such admiration would not behoove to take the chance.
They desire to part from their union with despair,
Willing to let self-identity disappear.
Granted access into an incredible nothingness,
No need forever the seeking of more,
There to find, the new you, self assured.
Told, they are, others less fortunate cannot relate,
For they have not been chosen to reach this special state.
Foolishly they never ask why?
Those who have gone before them have yet to send back a sign.
How much you believed in them and they you,
Within the moment after, you knew,
All the words exchanged and trusted were falsely construed.
You’ve lost, yet have they won?
Who’s going to tell the truth to your four year old son?
"He was a good man, who always came to daily prayers with his 4 year old son." Fort Pierce Florida Imam
PFL Jun 2016
At once, a heart declares to be,
Both full and void of love
Within the all of a sudden,
Part of humanities’ whole is obliterated.
Fallen prey to the perpetual sadness,
Problem solving, via mindless violence,
Lamentation ensues.
Free to act or not are we.
What words to all the children will we say,
It’s happened again, on yet another day,
Heaven’s angels turned their eyes away.
PFL Jun 2016
A voter’s pair of  eyes
Must see through the lulling guise of:
Envy, desire, uncontrolled lust.
Greed does not bluff,
Ego’s fueled  flames
Burn everyone's trust.
Censored is shame,
Constant the need for more stuff!
Ruining relations, while nations go bust.
Confronted, greed has nothing to say,
Actions from the master of so many slaves
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