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 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
There is no cure for depression
but love.

It's what keeps you going on.
It keeps you floating on the
surface of the pond.

It clears out your veins from
the poison you sip on the way
you do with red wine

It's what makes you see when
your blind.

But society sets so many rules
for love and how it should

Forcing you to keep it a secret sometimes the way fishermen do when they capture mermaids from the sea.

Making you afraid to tell everyone you know alive including your mom
and dad.

But only the rebels know how to
survive. Only the rebels know
to how to runaway with their
loved ones.

As they pack their bags and hit
the road. Without knowing where
to go or looking back.

Not giving a **** about the
people and what will they say.
Only the rebels know how to
get away.

To marry the love of their life and have a family of their own. To
have a child and live in a little
home built from stone.

To go miles away to say their I
love you's and vows. To ditch
the crowd and yet feel very

Only the rebels know how to
slap society on the face and

Only the rebels know how to
let their love exist and have a

Because they know it's true and
not false as the people in town
say* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
He opened
his mouth
and love
out* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
Standing on the edge
of death. Feeling nothing
but pain in my chest.
Blood drips from my
eyes. The veins have
froze in my arms , legs
and thighs. Bitten by a
zombie. Infected by it's
germs. Feeling the
adrenaline rush and a
storm in my bones. I've
been cursed and ******.
And left without a plan.
All i think of now is eating
you. Starting with the
brain in your head and
ending up with your
feet and toes* ~
Hey Mom?
I miss you.
Like a lot.
I miss dancing in the kitchen
To Madonna and Meatloaf.
I remember singing under the paper lantern
From the dollar store.
You bought it just for me.
I miss your strong, muscular embrace
And your scent of cloves and earl grey and earth.
I miss your long, silky hair
Just like mine.
I cut it all off last week.

Some days,
I just wish I could talk to you,
Talk to you about what hurts
But you hurt.
Just to remember hurts.
You're gone.

Hey Mom?
If you're still in there,
Beneath all the alcohol-infused blood
At the bottom of the cavity in your soul maybe,
Could you peek out from behind the curtain?
If only for a moment.
Could you give me some signal
Some kind of hope
That beneath it all
My mother is still here
On this earth
That she isn't lost to me forever.
That the woman who cherished me in her lap
Swaying me back and forth while I cried
From bad dreams or heartache
The woman who taped up my broken arm
And taught me how to make the best spaghetti
My mommy,
Who taught me to sing with beauty
And shared her green thumb secrets.
Don't be lost to me entirely.
Please come back.

Hey Mom?
I miss you so very much.
No one reads the long poems..but I think this is worth it...then again I'm the (biased) poet

I've never been in love
uhh so what?

A Poet
whose never actually said
"I love you"

I've done that
but its closely chased by
"But I'm not IN love with you"


With rejection likely imminent  
I shy away from such overt acts

I'd rather have you
and pretend not to love you
then lose you in honesty

I'm a poet that's never
been *"IN" love

We're always
"not there yet"
"just friends"
who do all the things that lovers do

No...not just "benefits"
I don't allow
you gutter minds

Gray area *******
where we

Care deeply?
deeper than most

anything the other needs

never wavering

and trust?
uh huh
a given

my being..yours
you being...yours

re-read that if you missed it

I'd rather have you
in my presence and pretend
then lose you in honesty
b/c without you it feels like..
my being is gone

To you..
I've NEVER considered
such ridiculous ideas of

But to my pages..
you're My Mornings

I've always loved me
But funny thing...
I began to value  me

I realized
maybe I didn't love me?
And then I started
you know...
really loving myself

honesty took you
and our love was like mourning

I'm just a Poet that's never been in love
but a believer in it
and my love poems have not a bit of reality
Untarnished by experience
I imagine it
like Morning

*SEE PART 1: Love Like Morning
READ PART 1: Love Like Morning
If you got to the end THANK YOU!! : ) I hope this comforts someone loving themselves more than wanting to play at being in love. Trust me it'll be worth it... not that I know. :)

am tired
lost in the world off axis

been stuck
in a rut
watching you stuff your face with earthly desires

fill voids
with imaginary cement

you giggle
as I stand vigil
on eggshells over our relationship

you spat on it
the games...

you search for joy that you yourself chose to sacrifice

I do everything
I fight for us
I'd give my life for us

but your (everything but clinical) obsession with
kissing Depression
strolling Pessimism through parks..
while simultaneously
******* Love into physical attraction

I'm tired

You continue to put assimilation on a pedestal
letting it...
dictate pleasures,
still your joy,
define beauty and then lock it away

if I call you baby

will it prove my love for you?

baby...I'm tired

running in the circles of your first emotion
trying to prove my devotion

building you a smile

I'm tired
you'll put me 3ft under in a shallow grave
I'm tired

I love you
what do you need? What's wrong? what can I do baby? what can I do?

Do you see the brighter side is an illusion?
All I see is bright
The grass aint greener
Its just ******* green
We don't need to chase peace
It never leaves

stop ignoring my needs
feed me
save me

 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
Bodies coming together
in a dance of flesh and
bone. Bodies craving
one another the way
people crave luxury
and sitting on the
throne* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
Her clothes race to
the floor while they're
stripped off by him.

She's left in his room
naked again. He kisses
her soul before her
gentle skin.

While sunlight covers
them from the cracks
of his window. He sets
music in the background.
A solo violin.

While he drenches her
in kisses from head to
toe making the seeds
trapped under her curves
to bloom like flowers  
in the season of
spring* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
I was freed from my
shackles by your love.
My soul now soars up
above in God's velvet
skies the way white turtle
doves do. And the air
entered my lungs after
you breathed poetry
down my throat the
moment you kissed me
against your bedroom
wall. As we stood shy
saying our vows and
our I do's. I'm no longer
prisoned , for my  
shackles have broken
and the time has come
to know what it's like to
be truly living in the
heavens you hold
between your arms
without any fear of a
mother's love chocking
me deep down to the
bone and telling me
right from wrong* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
A girl who speaks to
him in the language
of poetry and love.

A boy who speaks to
her in the language of
the angels in the
heavens above* ~
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