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 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
My heart drifted upon
the waves over the

It was that night we
spoke online for the
first time. When we
were miles apart.

I placed it in a clam shell
to keep it safe so no
pirates or seagulls take
it away before it reaches
the bay.

I had hope and faith that
you'll hear it beat under
the seaweed and golden
sands that your gentle
feet will stand upon.

As you take your morning
stroll by the ocean's
beautiful blue
shores* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
My hands and
fingertips as
poetry across
your skin* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
He raced to her dreams
dragging the moon along
on a pretty string. Cause
he knew how she loved to
see the wolves gather and
howl at it filling the night
with lonely cries while
she sat and sighed as
poetry rolled down her
arms and thighs* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
I'm finding my heart
using your hands.

Healing my scars
using your love.

Lighting my dark
with all of your
Reading the
words trembling
off your

I'm following the
map that's stretched
over your skin and

While tasting the
honey dripping
from your voice.

And listening to
our hearts hum
the same melodies
from within* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
I'll make you lose
the control. Before
I roll over your bed
and roar like a lioness
in the middle of
the night like a
warrior fighting
at war* ~
 Jul 2015 Peter Heerings
She barely knew his
name. But she kissed
him anyway and his
beauty was to blame.
He was like a city
while she was just
a dark abandoned
alley* ~

— The End —