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Patrick McCombs Apr 2016
Sometimes when I try to force a poem, nothing happens.
But in the moment before I fall asleep
In the swirl of commotion that consumes my mind
Pops in that perfect line that was just
Out of reach
Then the flood gates open
My mind is awash with line after line
It goes as quickly as it arrives
If I don't get them on paper quick enough, they start to decay
That's why I keep a notebook next to my bed
Often when i read it in the morning it doesn't sound like me
Ironically this poem came to me right before bed
  Apr 2016 Patrick McCombs
Tell me how two people find each other, in a world full of strangers?   ~Got to Believe in Magic*

Is it the heart that does the recognition?
Or is it the soul that finds it's own reflection?
Patrick McCombs Apr 2016
When I digest poems
I often regurgitate them
It's like throwing up
Alphabet soup
The letters
Are in a different order
Coming up
Than going down
After they've been
In my juices
They become mine
Patrick McCombs Apr 2016
My words are delivered
To the shores of my mind
By The Veiled Lady
She comes to me in a rosewood boat
From a distant land
She speaks to me in tongues long dead
My mind goes blank
My heart discerns their meaning
And creates poetry
Patrick McCombs Apr 2016
Constructing my Web of lies
Strand by strand
Day by day
Self imposed ignorance
Thousands of soft lies
To bury one hard truth
First it's a safety net
Then it's a noose
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