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Words can cut you
to the core
leaving you lying
on the floor

When they're spoke
it can make you cry
makes you feel like
you want to die

Other times
they can make you feel love
delivered on
the wings of doves

Words of love
and sweet romance
feeling like
you're in a trance

Another way
they can be spoken
feeling like
you're sad and broken

Hearing them spoke
can make you smile
even if
for a little while

Raising you up
or making you sour
they have such
incredible power

Some are true
and some are lies
hits you right
between the eyes

Careful of what
you say or write
it can cause
an ugly fight

All us poets
we are not zeros
we are literary
super heroes

Using our words
to express our feelings
there's no floors
and no ceilings

So keep on writing
till you die
making them laugh
making them cry
Here, in this
Revolving island,
Surrounded by spacious galaxies,
Crumbling and growing
In chorus

You and I
Stand still, astonished,
Make love beneath
The faces of sunlit raindrops,
Promising forever

A third eye
Behind the forehead, sleeps
Throughout infinity,
Still we enlighten and paint
Each other's heart with our aura’s
Burning colours

Over our hundred years
Old soul, mortal us,
Wearing the coat of stardust,
Changing faces,
Arrive time after time

Through this intense
Whirling ride on a boulder
Called earth, we meet
In the middle of somewhere
And begin our
Beloved meaning of life
Try not, mustn't you relieve me, this pain
This journey is mine, my solemn tale
Where upon my soul, bears a scar
is a curse, my crying heart

As mind unravel, untangle, I
forget, I ***** into light myself, pass
Sufferings again, In between sometimes
as these sacred memories linger, I write...
To you it seems enough to cry to erase
pain, what to me is life- I praise
I praise, I revere, Advocate thy pain
For it has always made the joy - thou gain
Only more darling
Only more darling.
To the dark figure
in my house late at night
Is it really me
your trying to fright?

Seeing your shadow
crawl under my bed
Why are you trying
to mess with my head?

Did you follow me home
from a place far away?
I can't make you leave
your will is to stay

You enter my dreams
moving across the floor
grabbing my feet
pulling me under the door

Then you will drag me
to the end of the hall
Open the door
down the stairs I will fall

Hitting my head
on each stair it'd seem
Pain starting to sear
I let out a scream

When I woke up
I was covered in sweat
this a dream
that I soon won't forget
 May 2016 PaintItGrey
I wished for you,
On a winters falling star
I wasn't waiting for it
It just shot
Clear across the sky
Then faded to nothingness
As all things do
It took a second for me to realise
What I'd just seen
I've seen so few
Never bothered to wish on any
I didn't wish for money or fame
I wished for you

My eyes squeezed shut
Then right out loud,
I wished for you
It was so cold that night
The star had come from the dark
Leaping out of the night sky
With your name on it

I kind of got my wish
You see, I didn't wish for your love
Only for you
And with YOU
Came tears, loneliness,

Next time I wish,
I wont wish on a falling star
Because they are dying
Leaping from eternity
My next wish
Will be on a living,
Twinkling star
Staying firmly in place,
Shining brightly
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