You cant sweep your kids under the rug.
You cant push us aside and go drinking.
After all,
You made us.
It was your night of fun, wrether intentional or not that made us.
You cant ignore us
We need you.
As much as your work ****** you off
You cant take it out on us.
Why do you think we are so against you?
Or better yet
What did you do to make us that way.
Because we...well i dont hate for no reason.
i always have a reason
Why do you hit us,
You know you wouldnt like to be hit.
Why are you so angry
I *****,
But your kids will find out eventually, no need to make them learn now.
You cant butter us up
Because we arnt dumb.
Love the kids.
You made em
So love em.
Dont leave them in the dark
Because it hurts.
Dont. Leave us