When you love something,
You risk your sanity
You lose your ability to reason with a sound mind
Love takes over and is unyielding when it comes to the head and heart.
The path of logic is a clear road with hardly any obstacles
The path of love is unknown to the outside eye
It's unpredictable in every way
You could go down that path and never make it to the other side
Is it worth, to pick love over logic?
You have to decide for yourself.
If you choose the path of logic,
You are almost guaranteed a safe and clear cut journey
But oh, what an adventure love is
If you choose the path of love, you could find your worst fear;
Experience the worst pain you've ever felt in your life
Or you could stumble upon everything you've ever wanted
Is it worth it?
I'm going to counter my own statement and say that in my opinion, when it comes to love you need to include even just a small amount of logic to the equation. Life isn't as clearly divided and the choices you make and how you act are the same. In the long haul, love brings you more than logic. Logic will get you where you want to go and will take you the safe route, but love incorporates a whole other world into the mix. So try to find the balance between the two. C: