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 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Ocean Blue
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Ocean Blue
Running on the roof of the world,
Pushing further the limits of the breathing,
Singing and thinking of your smile,
Greeting the idea that you are mine,
Knowing that life is just starting,
Feeling the pulse of your heart,
Being indestructible,
And smiling at tomorrow's sunshine.
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Ocean Blue
I want to run with you
On the roof of the world
Through a misty forest
To break through
And at dawn wake up the deers.
I want to dry up your tears
When you are sad
I want to convince you
To give up your fears
And to tell you that
Never, never I've been mad
Or angry at you.
I want us to look in the same direction
And to have a common horizon.
I want to walk next to you
For a while, if life allows,
My heart melting your arrows.
Now I want to tell you
That if for you this is a burden,
You can, all of a sudden,
Tell me to stop these public wish lists
And, promised,
I will not insist.
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Ocean Blue
Last night
I asked to the moon
If she would still want me.
She replied very soon
That she's not used
To deal with cases like me.
But she whispered
That if I wished
I could
Lift mountains.
Inspired by Indochine's song "J'ai demandé à la lune"
(Mistakenly deleted and fortunately remembered)
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Abdullah Ayyash
If my love can last like a river
If my heart when I see you, shivers
If my promises can make you better
Would you accept me in your life forever?

Abdullah Ayyash
April 24th, 2014
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Sweet gentle daughter of dreaming blue eyes
Reflecting visions from some distant sphere;
Untainted by nightmares of icy fear,
Nor saddened yet by fate's mocking disguise.
Unopened book of fickle tomorrow,
Not certain of how future may unfold,
With hours of lead or hours of molten gold;
Unenlightened yet by unknown sorrow.
Sands rush through the hourglass of wasted years,
While breaking our young hearts with shattered dreams.
The clock of life wrings disappointed tears,
Unhampered by our plans and clever schemes.
Beware grim reaper swinging ***** blade
Who mocks thee as childhood days slowly fade.

© Hilda September 20, 2014 4:48 PM
Dedicated to my dear daughter Marian.
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Silence Screamz
When did it visit me?
I really don't know when.
It came out of nowhere,
I feel that it's a sin.

Naked in the shower,
washing up clean.
I felt this little lump,
scared and unforeseen.

Feeling all alone,
I looked up to the sky.
Fingers locked together,
I asked the Lord, "Why?"

Now, I lay in silence,
while the tumor grows inside.
Putting up these walls,
all I do is cry.

Months have gone by,
with the chemo and the draws.
The sickness took my *******,
now that's the final straw.

It's been six months now,
I struggled for my life.
I beat the **** cancer.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor. But I also wrote this for all the survivors and to the ones to whom that lost their battle with this disease!  PLEASE SHARE AND LET THIS TREND!!
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Sia Jane
I'm made of all;
The books I've ever read
Poems I've ever written
Faces who have smiled at me
Hugs that have wrapped around me
Caresses that have graced my inner thigh
Countries & continents my feet have touched
The lovers as we simultaneously reach ecstasy within
Lonely nights shedding tear drops
Nights gazing black skies moon & stars
Children falling asleep to my heartbeat
Animals whose soul was found through reflective eye stares
Conversations spoken in French, Spanish, Italian, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Norwegian, German
Years of ******-, cognitive-, dialectical-, art-, drama-, music-, mindfulness-, trauma-, psychiatry-; therapies
The drinks & drugs & mind altering substances dispersing my mind
In all I'm made of;

In all I'm made of;

A soul; securely contained within a body of battled scars;
pain & triumphs, losses & gains, rejections & acceptances, dishonours & accolades...

With the hope; she too, can live life through.

© Sia Jane
Written at 1.53am
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