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writing is my getaway
Things I'll Never Say
And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel …
William L Holloway
30/M/Detroit, Michigan    I'm a Philosopher that expresses my artistry thru RAPS & POEMS, PHOTOGRAPHY & FASHION DESIGN. I get my inspirations from #TMH, showing love, doing what's …
...    blank pages help me cure my bad habit of overthinking
Molly Anna Sartor
So here is me. I'm gentle. I'm sarcastic. I am broken. I am mendable. In Jesus I am whole. James 1:2-4
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." -Cesar A. Cruz
Maya Grela
17    "I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief"
Skratch Ziro
Sdy Au    ~confidential~
Melinda Éva
From my heart to my fingers, I feel every single word.
Tx    I just want to get things off my mind, new to this.. Everything I write or type is from my own experiences or mind. Thanks.
Sherry Asbury
Portland, Oregon    I am an older woman with a young heart and spirit. I have written for many years and you can google me to see where …
Emma Kolditz Jensen
Denmark.    Poetry and music is literally all I live for. Without it I would be nothing. A zero. Transparent and glasslike. All original poems are marked …
Somewhere in Asia    A coffee and books lover. A melancholy spirit. An unknown piece of particle among billions of dust.
England    Just stuff
M/Wa, On the road    What Does “Lifes” Mean? Lifes doesn't mean anything. It's just a common misspelling of the plural form of life- •life's jump poetry ©, (CC) 1997- …
DaRk IcE
Debbie Taylor
Queenstown, South Africa    I have always loved writing. I have written poems since I learned what a poem was. I became an accountant and stopped writing. Somehow my …
Hell, Norway    They told me to write about myself, and so I wrote naught, for I do not even know who I truly am~
always anxious
21/F/Denmark    i suffer from generalised anxiety, anxiety and Tourettes and i have tough days. You may also find poems about eating diorder, depression and suicide.
I hope you like my poems and stories. Thank you for taking the time to read. I'm just an average girl who wants to tell …
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