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Jul 2018 · 610
40 Years Holding Hands
Nick Durbin Jul 2018
Our limitations -
Our mortality,
Makes this existence;


40 years of holding hands -
A lifetime spent with you;

This love we have together -

Worth living.
Inspired by "If We Were Vampires" by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
Time and Gravity (30W)
Nick Durbin Jan 2016
A manifestation methodically erasing our brief moments together.
A force we abandoned to prolong our brief moments together,
and exist eternally outside of the manifested confines of time.
We are given but one life. Live yours.
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
The Moon, Stars, and Us
Nick Durbin Oct 2014
A journey not calculated by distance or time, but by memories -
Our story unfolding between those layers,
Like small puzzle fragments coloring a portrait,
Revealing their purpose -
Presenting its complicated story.

We are but silhouettes reflected upon the sand in the moonlight -
Dancing and howling at the moon,
Asking for the stars...
To keep,
To hold,
Just long enough for another one of those moments -
Even if it is the length of a breath,
I could find eternity in you.
Thinking of how we met, the journey, and how we will soon be together.
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Haiku II (Magnanimous)
Nick Durbin Aug 2014
Magnanimous Earth,
Giving without receiving -
One last sunset, death.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
What I Want For You (20W)
Nick Durbin Apr 2014
Pure happiness,
Drenched, no, saturated -
Overwhelmed by meaningful moments,


Security in adventure -
What I want for you,
To the woman I love, Jing.
Feb 2014 · 4.5k
Wilted Flower
Nick Durbin Feb 2014
You are the wilted flower in the sea of the dead…
The last beautiful sign of a world forgot –
Your beauty stretches beyond the words,
Tipping over the cliffs of tongues,
Crashing into the abyss and swallowed –
Eaten whole,
You are the last droplet of sun,
Kissing the horizon as you asunder from the day –
Leaving your taste in the sky,
Painted with the colors of your soul…
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
She, Who Kept My Heart
Nick Durbin Oct 2013
As the light fades, and the darkness settles over my room,
My thoughts are engulfed by you –
A woman whom has encapsulated my struggled journey through this world…
She, who received my heart and simply kept it –
So, I watch as the sun sets on this day,
Flickering against the porch and the clouds above -
Fading over my horizon, and shedding light on the beginning of yours…
I reach for the fiery embers and dissolve into the sea of orange and red,
Melting into the sky, in search of your beauty –
Bursting ‘cross the shores, crawling over the ebbing tides,
Erasing shadows, meticulously illuminating each minute morsel, each delicate droplet of life –
The arrays pouring over your skin, as I soak into your golden brown complexion,
Seeping deeper and deeper, layer by layer…
Flooding your body; saturated,
I am a part of you, I am now yours -
This poem is for Jing, the woman I have met through poetry and love through delicate words...
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
This is our Hello.
Nick Durbin Sep 2013
When I embrace you,
                                                       my right hand caressing your cheek,
                             running the length of your face to reach the nape of your neck…

                                                   I will stare into your eyes,
                                                           ­    smile,
                                                          ­           then kiss you longingly.
A conversation with Jing.
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
We Are
Nick Durbin Sep 2013
Endless whispers make way, layered beneath star-lit skies,
The sounds formed in blissful flirtations, as tiny secrets composed of love…
Like the apex of an overture, encompassed by a standing applause –
An ode to the dedication of a honed craft, melded in artistic perfection,
We are but fireflies dancing in the darkened fields of life…
Illuminating sparks of matter, stretching our wings t’wards the heavens,
Each flutter of our ascension striking a beautiful chord,
A precise note of enchanted color, displayed ‘cross grass covered earth –
It is in this place we understand our magnificence,
Molded by those colors and sounds of feelings…
It is in those moments we found our immortality,
Created by the hearts of hopeless romantics and starving artists –
Defined by the words found beyond omission…
As if casted in series, structured in sentences of diaries and journals,
We are now infinite, our sculpted myth and legend etched in timelessness,
Our love forever told of its immaculate beauty –
We are…
I had been washed over by the music of a symphony, and the love of a woman.
Aug 2013 · 1.7k
Broken Moments
Nick Durbin Aug 2013
It is in those broken moments we find ourselves,

Torn to pieces, with no explanation –

A dark crevasse molded to fit our shape,

Holding our deepest thoughts, encasing our forgotten spirit,

We tend to allow ourselves to be encompassed by this abyss –

Explaining to ourselves the need to dwell on the darkened past,

Swallowed by its projection of memories,

Sprayed upon the walls of our mind like murals –

An endless catacomb of images, seemingly permanent in their manifestation…

It is in those broken moments, that we find ourselves.

Seemingly unbearable days, leading to sleepless nights,

Dreading the thoughts that creep their way to our dreams –

Resting in an endless adaptation of our subconscious,

Playing out their roles, as if upon a Shakespearian stage…

Each thought, acting its part with tragic precision,

Layer upon layer, scene upon scene…

Reaching back to grasp our inception of reality –

Griping its contents, and strangling the ideas to exhaustion; gasping…

It was in those broken moments, that we found ourselves,

With a weighted world pressed firmly upon our chest,

The ebbing soil began to crumble –

Giving light to the somber path traversed…

Filling the now hollow crevasse with purpose and meaning,

Each memory defined by the silver lining expressed in love –

The fleeting darkness, swallowed by the over-whelming feeling of home…

Finding it in the simplicity of a kiss, and the certainty of an embrace,

It is here that we find ourselves,

In the intricate details and delicate idiosyncrasies –
A poem written from experience - from the darkened hole to the anticipation of a kiss. I hope that if you have found yourself immersed in the darkness, you find light. Dedicated to the beautiful woman, Jing.
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
Essence of Beauty
Nick Durbin Aug 2013
The morning tide, crashing ‘gainst the shores,

Sounds of seagulls and distant winds tickling ears –

Whispering messages of painted portraits, laid over endless landscapes,

Poetry for the eyes, explained with a rising sun beyond the cresting oceans…

Splattering the skies with a beautiful fire in shades of orange, red, and violet –

Bringing illumination to the wondrous adventures sought each day,

‘Tis this place that feeling gives meaning to living -

‘Tis this place, beneath the pealed layers of existence…

The Essence of Beauty dwells.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
The Moon Shall be Yours
Nick Durbin Jun 2013
Tonight, shall we dance on the beach under a moonlit sky –
Cool sand between our toes, and the tide kissing our feet.
Swaying our hips to the sound of the crashing ocean,
Our stage is the illuminated sea spreading in all direction –
The entire world encapsulated as our audience,
We have captured the concept of being infinite.
May 2013 · 1.4k
Nick Durbin May 2013
Senses are heightened -
Imaginations aligned,
Fabrications of thought become truth...

A simplistic explanation -
Minute in existence,
Yet, monumental in significance...

The inner workings of hope defined,
Outlined to give reason to the universe -
To give purpose to the soul...

A word,
A feeling,
An expression -

This had someone in mind when being wrote, and inspired by the creative people I surround myself with... May we begin our revolution, and spark a flame to ignite the people of this world.
Nick Durbin May 2013
Beautifully aligned,
This perfectly created being -
Seemingly insurmountable distances stretch between us -
I have but one wish,

A simple thimble...
May 2013 · 2.6k
Complete in my Brokenness
Nick Durbin May 2013
I am lost,
Only to be complete in my brokenness...
An imagination left to its fragments -
Almost methodically widdled down to dust,
My body left mindless,
My soul in shambles -
I am empty.

An uninhabited cup waiting to be filled,
A blank canvas needing paint -

Who am I to wander this world?
Who am I to love someone?
Who am I to exist?
Conformed from conversations, and endless thoughts during the morning hours.
May 2013 · 1.5k
Knowing the Beginning (20W)
Nick Durbin May 2013
Muddled endings,
Eliminated by overwhelming intrigue -
Bridge disparities between depression and happiness,
Giving guidance and allowance for virtuous new begninnings.
Inspired by Into the Wild, my friends Angel and Lacus Crystalthorn.
May 2013 · 1.8k
Nick Durbin May 2013
I sit, perched upon this star -
Watching the world change; evolve,
Sculpted in time, as if by the hands of Michelangelo,
Morphing this vacant, plain stone - into a beautifully crafted masterpiece.
May 2013 · 1.5k
Good Bye
Nick Durbin May 2013
You have now stripped me to my bones..
Bare, bruised and battered,
Left alone; undone -
I have but few words remaining -

I love you, and this will be my last breath of you...

Turning from you now, as you have turned from me,
Each step distancing our once solidified foundation -
A rising fire, extinguished by an unforeseen ending,
I no longer will await the day you had promised...
For these futile thoughts of us will fade,
Our love whither -
Our love perish -

Simply put...
This is good bye.
May 2013 · 1.2k
We are the Moon
Nick Durbin May 2013
We are married to the Earth in an endless dance,
Floating through the abyss of life,
Imagining adventures with the stars -
Using the universe as our stage.
"Cratered with imperfections. We are the moon." - Lacus Crystalthorn
She inspired this poem with her words. :)
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
Left alone on this makeshift raft,
Drifting further into the wake -
All I see is darkness...
Slowly collapsing upon my bones,

Waiting to be resolved -
To be encapsulated with meaning,
A filament of hope to define our love...
Show me my life is not *insignificant.
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Circles (10W)
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
Pretentious nature,
Consuming thought and reason,
Overwhelmingly secure -
A poem constructed from a conversation with a new friend. The idea of forever and the nature of a shape.
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
I turn from this once known certainty,
Free from the burden of love,
Hoping this world will have me -
May I become what was meant to be.
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
The End
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
The end of a beginning,
The solitude of a heart -
When the memories dwindle...
All that I knew of you,
Begins with love -
And ends with hate.
An ending I had hoped would be different, but t'was the only ending you had seen.
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
A Moment
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
The eerie existence of a simple moment,
           Small and finite, yet full of pretentious meaning...
                                   Simply crossing through dimensions -
                       Almost systemiatically defining life,
           Clarity amongst a constant ibid of chaotic misdirection.
Leaving us with profound instances of life,
                                                                            love and loss...
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Silence (10W)
Nick Durbin Apr 2013
Silence -
Emphatically daunting,
Patiently awaiting resolve,
Hoping you choose me.
Waiting for my love to come back to me.
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
Falling Words
Nick Durbin Mar 2013
An intensity of a thought, and the intimacy of feeling produce the sound,
The announcement, immediate and incomplete, but monumental -
The outpour of falling words, running from my mouth like water droplets from the clouds…
A leap towards faith and freedom, towards the excitement of uncertainty -
Experiencing a brief moment of weightless resilience,
Strong, proud and fearless…
Fiercely crashing into their destination without restraint,
Saturating the contents,
          Slowly falling, seeping down further –
                                                               ­             Layer…
                                             ­                                                       Upon layer…
Hopefully finding welcome,
                                  Hopefully finding reciprocation.

It starts with an intensity of a thought, and the intimacy of feeling to produce the sound...
I hope I have depicted this moment well enough for understanding... This is always a scary moment. To be certain about how you feel, and the wonder if they feel the same...
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
Dream Invasion (25W)
Nick Durbin Jan 2013
Images captioned by darkness,

My eyes closed...
Invasive thoughts -
Somber mind,
Silhouette of those lips...

Your taste on my toungue -
Our love entangled,
Us; Together...
My not so hidden message. I sleep to dream of you, and wake wishing it were true.
Jan 2013 · 2.1k
A Singularity
Nick Durbin Jan 2013
A small infinitesimal point,
               Miniscule in stature -
Invisible to the world...
               This fraction of time,
This expression truth...

Monumental in its simplicity,
               Yet, estranged in its existence...
It is the finite place my heart dwells -
               A singularity amongst the abyss,
Patiently waiting to paint the universe.
Dreaming large dreams, and waiting for that star to move me from here to there.
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
Nick Durbin Nov 2012
I, with every ounce of who I am, need you...
               I need you to complete my sentence, my day and me -
     You are always following my thoughts,
                    Knocking on my every conceived notion to be let in -
                                                               ­                                                                 ­     Please, come in...
I, fiercely want every morsel of you -
                       I want you beneath me, on top of me, in front of me,
But...        more than anything...                
                                         I want you beside me...
               Walking with me through this haze of a life together -
                                                          Figur­ing the world out as one,
                         Living a great adventure and setting the world ablaze...
                                                       ­                  All it will take is one word -

                                                               ­            Yes.
Nov 2012 · 1.8k
Moving Forward (10W)
Nick Durbin Nov 2012
Passed the past,
Looking ahead beyond time -
One precocious step.
Nov 2012 · 19.7k
A Sigh, and A Relief
Nick Durbin Nov 2012
Light rain washes the red from my soul,
I close my eyes to see the darkness -
My own personal escape from the world...
The crisp air trickling its way to my chapped lips,
Invading my mouth and crawling into my lungs,
A brief discovery -
I exhale,
S    L    O    W    L    Y  
Thoughts are relinquished almost instantaneously,
Quietly in my solitude; nothingness -
Extraneous Relief.
Oct 2012 · 2.6k
Turning Pages
Nick Durbin Oct 2012
The cold distance between two hearts,
Once beating simultaneously, in unison -
A small disconnection,
A simple malfunction,
Unforeseen miscommunication amidst unvanquished certainty -
Muzzled, tightened grip,
Cloaking an angst shell of a body,
Harvesting repressed emotions,
Alluring a passive tongue -
Releasing an outpour of an outcry in an outburst,
Retribution -
Freedom released from with-in,
Healing of a contorted soul...
Oct 2012 · 1.8k
Haiku I
Nick Durbin Oct 2012
Sunset falls low, dark,
The trees fade from green to black -
Lights dim, one last breath.
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Reaching for Weeks End (10W)
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Only Thursday?
Betrayed by Time -
Finally, Friday!
My life.
Sep 2012 · 1.6k
Small to Small
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Disrupted and befuddled –
                                                          Falling away,
                                                                            Behind and beneath the stars…
                        Gazing into the black abyss,
                                      Filled only with questions,
                                                                      Mystery melting into my skin,
                                Seeping and escaping…
                                                                                                             Again empty, Again alone.
Sep 2012 · 3.6k
Discovery (20W)
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Entertaining Ideas,
Slowly Mauling Thoughts,
Over Manifesting Mindless Acts -
Complexity Turned Suddenly Simplified -
Outburst Magnification Aligned,
Creative, Innovative,
Sep 2012 · 2.9k
It's Like Flying
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
It’s like spreading your arms in hopes of flight –
Catching the wind and holding it just right…
Every subtle gust grasping your body like a sail,
Winning the battle against gravity without fail,
Fighting through the impossibilities, the improbable,
And entering the realm of weightless freedom - unstoppable…
Soaring above the clouds of an orange sky,
On passed the day and into the night we fly –
From here to the moon and beyond the stars,
Floating through the cosmos - leaving the world afar…
Gliding passed this adventure like an epic dream,
Not bound to conventional rationality, or so it may seem…
We find each other dancing amongst the clouds,
Circumnavigating the universe like gods, reckless and proud –
Revelations of astronomic proportions are manifested…
Escalating our feelings, as we now become more invested,
An Armageddon of emotion, epically destroying the world; vying,
For your love – for my Darling, your love? Well, it’s like flying.
Wrote this for Amber, she is my ray of light.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Defeated (10W)
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Moral victories
Incomplete -
Standing alone now,
Cumbersome -
And in Defeat.
Sep 2012 · 2.0k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
When I look in the mirror -
Is there a reflection?
Or am I just a ghost,
With no purpose,
No motivation,
And with only one realization -
I am lost...
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
To move on...
To look ahead,
Something rendered due to the fragments of my heart and soul -
Keeping this limitless mind in this limited body...
People telling you to have hope in something you haven't seen or felt in quite some time,
It's weird to be overwhelmed by a feeling of nothingness,
But in retrospect that's exactly what lonliness is...
A desolate space filled only with your thoughts.
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
It's as though I put the blemish in the perfect peach...
I am suffocating under the weight of breathless air...
A comodity in which only I am entitled...
There is no light in the direction in which I adhere..
Yet, I aimlessly transpose further into the darkness...
I would have gladly ceased to exist, than to taint the life to which I was entitled...
And for this reason,
The puzzle has lost the pieces to finish it's picture -
To complete it's beauty..

I am not....
Sep 2012 · 2.0k
The Sun Reflected Upon Life
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
I feel as though my life is entrained towards a constant sunset...
                                                      I know at some point in my life there was a sunrise...
     Where I in turn, was a ray of hope for my family and friends...
                                                                                 Blindsided by a hurricane...
                               By a rainstorm that never ceased -
                                              A rainstorm that never even existed at all...
Just clouds...
       Clouds in my mind and in my soul -
                                                          Obstructing my view,
                            Leaving me in the eye of the storm...
                                                             Leaving me a motionless being with no direction,
   Content with my seemingly ever-seeking failure...
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Do you ever feel as though the reality in which you live is just a  fragment of an imagination from another life...?
                                                                       My feelings drenched in watered-down alcohol...
             Burning my scars and soothing my mind simultaneously...
                                  The muzzle kept firmly, abrasively over my entire body -
     Lending my limbs just a numbness sensation,
                                               Causing the feelings I have to be morphed into an alternate state...
The things I want to be able to say...
                                                            to do...
               Are nothing more than just dreams I see...
                                     A dream in which I guess I no longer should dream for me...
Sep 2012 · 1.7k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
The recognition of becoming great...
                                  and having the fortitude -
     The determination to strive after your hopes and dreams...
           Hopes and dreams
that link your mind and soul to the captioned greatness looming beneath your skin...
                            Illuminating to everyone -
                                                  even illuminating time itself -
Etching your name in the realms of another dimension -
                                                                 A dimension unseen, yet greatly admired and feared....
Filling the spaces between the foundation in which we stand and the ceiling over head...
              Spaces which were once defined as "potential,"  
                                  but are now simply known as....
                                                                                                     common ground...
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Something Lost Adrift...
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Another hollow night of meaningless time spent trying to accumulate hours of sleep...
The clock seems stagnant during those minutes when I close my brain to escape the world
                                                                                                                              articulated before my eyes -
A world written in such a manner...
                that perfect poetry blemishes the manifestation I lay before thee...
          This perfect beauty... relevant seemingly only in the realms of language...
                             Tainting something lost adrift -
    Something so pertinent...            so... potent...  but lost...              lost adrift somewhere...
Only to be confined by our fabricated gratification of the meaning amidst the letters b e a u t y... Still resolved extraneously somewhere...
                                                                                      Somewhere lost adrift...
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
My Dove
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Born into society - society that wears a mask,
Laughing in a corner - a corner of solitude,
Searching for what the world is - what the world has,
Looking for love - love as its highest multitude,
Gazing at the holes in the floor of heaven,
The mask slips...
My shoe lace catches an air pocket...
My body becomes entangled like my tongue..
As my face meets the cold grass...
My dove...flies away.
Sep 2012 · 3.1k
Undeniable Presence
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
The undeniable sense of presence, seen through the realms of deception...
Amidst the very capillaries strung infinitesimally throughout our bodies...
Overwhelming at times, the very concept cripples our thoughts,
Circling us back to seemingly endless questions -
Endless roads without a point of reference,
Leaving us standing in a dark crowded space searching for the unreachable light...
Yet, the meaning behind the unseen presence forces the deluded mind to forge on -
Stretching our morbid ideals even further...
Leaving us the inhibited beings we possess...
Still concluding at plebeian answers -
Fitting, yet discouraging...
The common capacity of our restraining thought process, leaves us almost hopeless to accumulate the information needed to fulfill our determining destination...
But it is that feeling,
That inkling sensation of the undeniable presence that keeps us searching -
That gives us hope...
And in that minute innovative state we dwell on what could be...
Sep 2012 · 1.9k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Time is of the deception of immemorial agreement...
People, friends and family will get together time and time again -
To discuss what?!?
Most of the time, they petulantly boast about their own personal apotheosis -
What does this prove?
Where are they going with their abrogated thoughts?
The people speak with impetuous pertinence and achieve absolutely nothing....
An asundering of cryptic thoughts that fell into oblivion -
This is the sole reason why the inauspicious world will disintegrate and become a history book for worlds to come...
When time has come to overlap itself . . .
The world's clock stops. . .
Your heart stops. . . .
Time, the inevitable dimension that will carry on with no remorse
When we are gone. . . .
When I am gone..
Sep 2012 · 4.8k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Somehow I scrounge through these jumbled words in my notebooks and I piece together this puzzle.
When connected it forms some idea of who I am - my brain... my heart...
it personifies my existence, so to speak.
Although, like all puzzles even when put together as a whole to form a landscape or object,
the cracks from the pieces are still present...
Now, from afar people wouldn't notice these cracks -
these blemishes in the photo,
but like a collage when up close, it becomes more evident -
the imperfections become more radiant or profound...
The glue so to speak for this picture of words - this illustration of life would be -
it is those cracks, those blemishes that make a puzzle - a puzzle... and a person - a person.  
Each individual, as everyone knows, has different life experiences, different scars to form different pieces to make up their own unique puzzle.
One piece may be interpreted through skills or hobbies and another with goals.
Each and every second of a persons' life could ultimately be a piece of a puzzle.
Sep 2012 · 3.2k
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
Awake, still dreaming of you,
     a layer of contemplation
I still see your eyes of blue -
    an image imprinted
                           upon soul...
Belonging forever entwined with you...
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