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Tonya Cusick
23/F/Joplin, mo    23. Criticism is very much welcome to my ORIGINAL work. Drug addict. Driven by anger. Pain is beautiful.
England    feminist/pagan/17 into reading, writing, poetry, philosophy, psychology and nature
Tales of a Broken Girl
If I could explain how much I hate myself Maybe they would understand
Nomad    *flesh hands write spirit thoughts* My name means Light Sky. Cover photo : Seeds I painted.
Tara India
"How did I know that someday—at college, in Europe, somewhere, anywhere—the bell jar, with its stifling distortions, wouldn’t descend again?"
Aleska Servian
Brazil    Beautiful little fool.
in my head    :)
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are ...
Allen Wilbert
florida    you all can find me on facebook allen rhymeaholic wilbert and please buy my 1st ever book will rhyme for food on amazon barnesandnoble ebay ...
The fire in the pit of her belly tells a different story. From the mounds in her throat to the tears pressing against her eyes, ...
Laurel Elizabeth
Carl Joseph Roberts
Florida    I now have my first book published called, Through My Eyes. The book is on Amazon, Lulu and Kindle and can be seen and purchased ...
LaToya Taylor
Frederick le Roux
M/south africa    I abide in South Africa- Writing is for me more than just words-its about creating a feeling, like of hope- All things are possible with ...
MY Scarlet
Writing stories and poems is the only way that could burst out my emotions.. Dreaming to be a writer since then :)
I express my unexpressed thoughts and feelings into words and poetry. @elizasjournalx on twitter.
Timothy Kenda
Worcester    When all else fails, you have to set yourself on fire.
Baie Verte, NL   
Boise Idaho    I actually suck at writing.
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