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Gregory K Nelson
39/M/Connecticut    Writer, Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Proud American, Political Pragmatist #LoveWins2020 #whowillsaverockandroll poetry, plays, video: prose:
The Netherlands   
lina S
Let me enlighten you Indulge your senses Guide you through my map Put down the fences Soak you up with loads of me Then spin ...
India    16.Indian.Crazy.Complicated.Sweet.JaggedThoughts.Confused.Amazing. I'mma big mess with a capital M. I actually suck at writing.but i dont care.i write it for myself,to myself,or maybe anybody who's going ...
Jeremy Bean
M/Detroit, Michigan    You can find my poetry book, MIND AFIRE on Amazon if you are interested in my further works Other than that I am a songwriter, ...
I'm up to my ears in unwritten words. -Salinger
zaly dae
i am a free spirit, trapped within the norms of a perfect society.
32/F/Wonderland    I'm fucking gold- but you prefer silver, & that's alright.
Pennsylvania    Kummerspeck (n.) weight gained from emotional eating literal def. (n.) grief bacon
Artist, in literature and visual arts. Expression is imagination that drives the world.
My name is Heaven
21/F/Moonlight    I am not sure. Writing poetry is like the only way my words can actually be understood. It’s the only way I know how to ...
Singapore    to find peace in war
Victoria Ryan
Pennsylavnnia    who are you to judge me
Muggle Ginger
A human raised by humans.
Dallas    i like to write poetry when i feel like it and i am not as deep as my poems are so don't be scared to ...
F    Sometimes the words get in the way So I re-read, I revise, I edit... and I believe it helps © Renae Arias
South Texas    S O L A C E S S E C A L O S Orion is the first to greet me.
Gabriel Peter Green
I don't care for writing biographies for or of myself though with the mood I'm in, I'll try. I don't know who I am but ...
Michelle Brunet
27/Gender Nonconforming/Ottawa, On    Back into the poetry game after years upon years of a break! Book nerd, creative type with a passion for people and intersectional feminism. INFP ...
Alucard Sepet Dalv
jaymie b
31/Neutrois/Tx    tiny moments, haikus, memories, futures
Samantha Louise
Lewiston Maine    I'm Sam and I have a long story.
Karakura Town, Japan    "~Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you; While holding the sword, I cannot embrace you~" If I'm gonna drown, I'll fucking drown with ...
M/Dallas    Amongst the hobos and the stars. Living in the land of cars. I write my words when I've been drinking, spent my night out at ...
Victoria R Beveridge
young and a fool ♫
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