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472 · Feb 2019
Memory Made Of An Ivory
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2019
Keep your catty heart
in the cold chest of yours.
Wipe out the tears made of iron.
With an ivory on the wall
carve my name - if you can,
inbuilt it, if you can, with a piece
of an fading memory.
Throw it away, if you can,
in the traces of the ocean waves.
Ghost of an caged memory in an amber.
The time can not touch it.
The ocean can not wash it away.
He is left to sleep in an sandglass long time ago.

A catty heart -
cold hands on the wall.
Eyes - gazing in the wistful silence
Thoughts - drown in the ocean
Knees - on the floor they're leaning
Heart - left to burn in the fire,
In the blue flames
Tears of molten iron
With an ivory my name on the wall has been carved,
to remind has been left
In the traces of the ocean waves his mind is wandering
in an sandglass
This is the english translation of my bulgarian poem with the name
"Спомен от слонова кост" written a few minutes ago.
414 · Dec 2018
Nerilia Xekoen Dec 2018
Arsiana - este valentis caoleste,

memento incredia axare?

Arsiana - et non revetermur

millenia ecrides existenco?

Nobis ecalea in monti vidimus et stellas.

Arsiana - solo est valentis expectabo domum redire,

redire et domum, Arsiana.

Solo est caonillum neo,

e momentum:

stella vivere, vivere stella ecridia

Memento, Arsiana?

Memento incredia axare?

Millenia veo amorphia et inma caonillum, Arsiana.

Qualentis elara nobis in monti streo caenma

Aeonis, aeonia, arinme:

Onmia et estera.

Memento, Arsiana?
This is the original form of the poem and it's written on Ancient Latin language. I have translated it on my mother language (Bulgarian).  I think, the poem is still beautiful in her real form. Sometimes even when you don't understand what it means, you can feel it through the words. I'm working on the english translation as well.
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2019
Cover my body with a sheets made of silk
Imagine me walking amongst the daffodils
Under  a silver moon light
Lie there and watch
Hear the wolf's howling
Watch me coming to you and ask
"Shall we sleep or shall we sing
Or we shall weep for those whom are
no longer here? "
You said nothing, my dear.

You took my hand and quietly said
"I'll play for you the song you've always wanted to hear."
The man was holding his harp next to his chest and quietly his fingers the strings  embraced. He closed his eyes and played.
"What a beautiful song, I have never listened" - I said, "That it made me forget.. that I should let the man with the harp go away."

"Wake up, wake up!" - the man said, holding my hand.
I heard his voice in my head:
"It's just a dream."
"What a sad dream... " - I though,
"Such a sad poem I wrote",
"What a distant memory of a melody..."
2.a.m poem in sleepless night
244 · Feb 2019
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2019
There's blood on the ground
Eyes half open
Trembling hands holding the dagger
Blinded mind
Did the sin
Now is prisoned in an ocean shell
Say 'Farewell'

See what you have done
Seal it in your soul.
Better soon be gone
With the morning mist
You must.
Leave her dying
Paint your wistful heart
with traces of red

There's blood on the ground
In a silent room
And a wound in her chest
Her body already gone cold,
left to rest
With the morning mist you disappeared.
237 · Dec 2018
My Nemesis
Nerilia Xekoen Dec 2018
I shall never be the incurable wound

I shall be the silver sword by whom

You shall meet your doom.

I shall never be the victim,

miserable, screaming for help victim,

I shall be the merciless executioner

Who shall chain your body on a pyre

And set it on fire.

I shall never be the Moon,

Nor the nameless soldier with no honor,

Nor a protector of the helpless and the weak,

Nor the Goddess you would’ve been

praying for redemption,

I shall be the warrior who will never

feel fear Of Her enemies (I’ve already killed them all),

And choose someone else to fight my future battles,

I shall not ask for salvation!

I  shall never be a slave, begging for last breath of air

( I carry my own scars and sins as relic in a golden hutch ).

I shall be the crown made of light and dust of a million stars!

I shall never be the prey

with whom you loved to terrorize and play

Now I am the weapon that you fear,

I am the sword that orders you to Kneel!

I barely could hear the screams of yours,

And the smell of your body that it’s burning on the pyre,

I stepped back into the Forest long after I left you to burn in the Fire…
Nerilia Xekoen Dec 2018
You have gone million light-years away

Time waved last farewell with the aeons

The white nightingale sung his song before its

tender voice to be gone forever

The seven moons' light shall be gone

by the end of the twenty years of night

The ninth suns soon shall be awaken

From silver-silk slumber

One by one they'll rise and shine

Thirteen urns for the Forsaken

For each of them -

A single tear covered with thorny pain

and ugly emotions.

Let the rain wash away everything else

Until it fades

Until your memories losts its satin shade

Time has lost its beauty

No one recalls

Birds have flown away

Searching for a new home to stay

Forests seems so hollow now

moons are no longer shining in the night

Even the ninth suns could not warm your soul,

nor your heart

They've lost its halos as they rose

You slipped away

Drown in the ocean,

I could not hold you back,

You decided to disappear

Where have you gone?

I should've hold you tight.

After twenty million light-years

My longing is still the same

I wish I could see you again
174 · Dec 2018
Brother And a Sister's Play
Nerilia Xekoen Dec 2018
Blood within a blood

Two souls dancing in a silent night

Sigil of a nature unknown

Search the truth beneath the white thorns.

Blood within a blood

Brother and a sister's play

Sword against a sword

Horns against sharp nails

Sound of a razor on a naked skin

Who shall pay the sin?

Loving someone of your kin

Is nothing more but a deadly, tempting wish.

Who shall win?

Blood within a blood

The Moon is embracing the night

This ain't a childish game

But an aiming fight between their stubborn minds

Unleashed thoughts

They should've known what they lost.

Every emotion,

Every motion,

Every step they make

Every single sight of the eyes put them astray

Sharpen blades

Armor next to another

Tempting eyes

Dry lips took a deep breath

Weapons down

Brother and a sister's play has come to an end.

Took their armor down on the ground

They lay on the grass

Scratching nails on his back

Blood within a blood

Neither of them won the fight

But a deadly, sinful night.
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2020
/ The wound /

Nobody's home
Room silent remains
A deep wound on the body bleeds
Which will eventually leads soon to an end
Memory of an ivory holding the mind
Still awake
And then she'll hear the man's mourn

"I have told you this before, you know... " -
I spoke, "Sing to me the song of Calimir,
just like the times where we were
dancing among the trees"
And so he did
His hands for a last time the harp embraced
His voice quietly was signing and so
My soul was dreaming of...
And the eyes I hardly kept open
Now are closed

And then suddenly he stopped
"Don't be afraid. I was just listening
And wandering through
the places we have been to." - I said,
holding tight his hand
"Please, sing it again, my friend
I want to know where he went
After he lose his faith" - then added
The man's smile was a gift I gladly took
His eyes I quietly look
"I shall sing as long as you can hear,
As long as you're here with me, my dear.
I shall never let our memories disappear
In Lethean,
I shall play for you as long as you're near." -
then he told me with a single tear on his eyes.
"I shall no die yet,
It's just a wound of a spear"- I said
"Now sing me the song again
And do not stop even when I close my eyes
I shall listen. For you I shall be awake,
For you I shall live"
And so he did
He singed while playing on the harp's strings...
147 · Feb 2020
Dream #1,2,3
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2020
First -
I was dreaming of an earth
on a unwordly place,
so far, far away,
somewhere in this endless star space
With my eyes half-open and
a soul far from so called "grace",
but rather living with a hex.
My body was covered with
armor of a molten mace,
And in my hand I was holding a silver axe
Crimson wax I had on my face,
Thought, I have killed a whole ******* race
But it must have been a mirage or
my mind washed my memory away.
Dunno what else I should say...

Second -
I was there -
in a middle of a golden meadow,
with dress made of silver silk,
so long that almost it reached my bare feet.
I was early in my twenty of years old,
What would've think my pagan gods
about being so reckless and so lost,
unless they've made me believe in this?
It must have been in the middle of the night,
On a silver full-moon.
Gone girl
Alone, in the dark,
who was walking amongst the fields,
waking up the demons who have been left to sleep
putting to sleep the angels who have been hidden
behind the nearly golden trees
Was singing about magical places,
calling out for the fairies to come back,
calling the bears to wake up,
waiting for the wolves to show up...
Lit a fire for them and for me,
put my gown on the greeny ground
and laid down
Thought still I was an innocent girl
But the one who has denied to be the only one
who could've saved godless faces  who sold her
In exchange of their filthy miserable lives.
But where are they now?
They ended up drowning in the burning waves of chaos.

Third -
It must have been so long time ago
when I was a queen of the Muldorogk
With a kingdom and a beautiful land
created by those whose faith & power
reached levels far beyond and distant
to those of the human, unimaginable mind.
I ruled and I served as one goddess to another ones,
Living in peace and in wars  
My people were a fighters,
a true warriors I would say,
they chose me to lead them through
the stone sun just to reach out the brightest moon...
142 · Aug 2024
Nerilia Xekoen Aug 2024
Cast a fire

For the shadows

That were dancing

under silver moonlight,

Deep within a forest

Out of mortals' sight

Let them dream,

Let them dance,

Let them breathe

Set them free

So may their souls  

Finally be at peace

Let them be,

Don't take away their hope

Give them one last chance

To feel the summer breeze on their skin,

To hear the birds singing

To gaze within each others' eyes,

laying their bodies on a meadow evergreen

With flowers of any kind

Observing the night-sky;

To catch a firefly on their first try

Just like the times when they were young

Erase their memories

From the past

When they were wounded

and left alone to die

by the ones they once

loved the most and

trusted with their lives.

Set down the fire,

For where their souls are headed

No pyre is needed

By light they came

By light shall fade
123 · Feb 2020
Nerilia Xekoen Feb 2020
Pastel fingers were shaping circles
On the white porcelain wall,
depitcting with them moments incoming and gone
Palms - foreign and unknown are imaging
Otherworldy shores on her.
Ah, you, pagan gods,
hardly will ever get see her star ices
You will never hear the songs,
telling about the colors of her body.

Pastel eyes saw
in her other distant worlds,
while his hands were drawing
in these circles:
waterfalls and around them
low with flower meadows,
and deers passing by through,
high-light palette of feelings by the sun warmth...
Was him an artist without a name,
Or a colourfull writer?
Or completely destroyed by the smell
of the peonies blossomed in her, dreamer?
#neriliapoetry #colors #imagine
86 · Nov 2024
Worst Enemy
Nerilia Xekoen Nov 2024
I wonder if it was you that was afraid
of the light
Or the light in you has completely faded
You chose chaos amongst the fight
And the fields of fire you've created
Still echoes every night
For all the lives you have taken

I wonder if it was you who ran away from us
Or the demons you secretly fed
Finally have taken you over
They misguided you from the right path
And you were so **** grateful

I'm not sure if I want to save you now
You went too far with your vengeance
That pit is no friend of mine
And you don't crave for salvation

I don't know if it's worth my time at all
Searching for a way to bring you back
You never leave a track
And I'm no hunter to be honest

Every tear that I have shed
Shredded the cosmic ocean
Every memory from the time we met
To our last became a wound
I should've treated with care

Tell me, do you still carry the love
You stole as a bittersweet memento
from our once joyful times?
Or you throw it away to vanquish
Your so-called enemies
Who were your family?

At last
I hope it left a savour taste
In your mouth, and I hope my face
To be the only thing you would
Never erase from your mind

That much you owe me,
Don't pretend that you forget
Because you can't compensate
For all mistakes you have made

And when everything come to an end,
I know, my name will drive you insane
The fields are now greener
I won't let them vanish again
And the rivers continue to flow,
Down to its destinations
The mountains flourish with life again
I've never seen them so lively
The vast skies are clearer than before
Not a single trace left of malice
And the sun is shining brighter,
You would've seen, if you only tried harder

If you weren't so blind and greedy for power
Then maybe you would've survived
And spared me the sorrow

I wish the love you had for us
Broke through those walls
And reached you out sooner
Because the next time
We gaze into each others' eyes
Only one of us shall survive


— The End —