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 Dec 2016 JamesCoffee
Delight in these words,
As I enlighten your mind.
Twist and tie your tongue,
until you are twisty tied, its fun.
Your tongue, entangled with mine.
After just meeting for the first time,
in this precious moment; of a lifetime.
I cross the fine line, of your life line
until our lines are entwined.
Entangled encryption
the meaning defined.  
Everything happened,
to cause this moment,
Our stars must of aligned,
now our minds intertwined.
Juices flowing ripper than wine.
this scripture use to glow, now it shines.
your literal needs, encompassing mine.
The thoughts alone; truly divine.
These words, sinking into your unruly mind.
Our lips synchronized,
with the sinister hands of time.
The moment everlasting, in our minds,
even after -- the second time.

— The End —