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There is something about your smile that makes me want to part your lips
And discover the touch of your fingertips as they carve your name into  my back
To feel the warmth of your breath as your teeth release the blood within my neck
Revealing the hidden lust and rage of my pulse
Letting both tounges and limbs tangle and twist
Along the secrets locked beneath the colors of hushed closed eyes
To give you my flesh and bone and time
To grind away
To pave the sky
To paint the stars
To have my heart and life explode
And scatter across the dark haunted sky
Below the slight part of your lips
As the moon reflects
The mystery and beauty
Of your smile
 Oct 2016 Neha shimoga
**** the society
that tries to
inseminate me
with hateful
violent tendency.

**** those laws
that cause
liberty to be
denied to those
who don’t
make as much money
are look the same as me.

**** those reality stars.
Stuck up,
money mongering
Hollywood housewives
that sell lies.

**** those fake
pop stars
who claim
their art is
making them
brilliant artists
when it is just
their bringing.

**** me for singing,
poetry writing,
Not injustice fighting
cause I enjoy my
lazy lifestyle
and social justice
seems like a losing war.
A hundred battles
I lost before
I even started;
 Oct 2016 Neha shimoga
I am the unpacked parachute
that will not stop the fall
but the fall will be beautiful.
Till the ground catches us
crushing flesh under the force of
gravity’s hateful love,
as you take in air and give it up;
Slip in the quicksand
that becomes mixed with blood.
Till, the dried terror trap becomes mud
and the earth spins like a ****** up
treadmill. You will learn to feel
just enough to die from flying to high
and coming down from that
hormone honey drug,
cause I am not big or soft enough
to stop this collapse.
Perhaps you must be flattened.
Perhaps this **** must happen
so you can be free.
I'm not sure
Maybe we are all just growing up
Or growing down
I can see circular yellow lights
Behind my blinds
And I came home a little depressed
Just none of it's the same.

I don't expect it to be
But it's just all such an uphill constant climb
My girlfriends here don't know how to talk to me
And I feel an anxiety when I spend time with them
Because they just don't get me
In a certain way

And it's tough right now
The world is evolving
I told my boyfriend my ideas are being made before I get to them
Everyone knows the market is changing

Here's how.

The left part of my head
Has been spazzing
Not enough sleep or rest
And I feel like I can't really complain
Because I'm just an ******* if I do
But ****.

I get to work
In my hours of what's supposed to be alone time
And it's not so much just a hyper focus
To the point I can't listen to those I love any longer

It's just that if I don't do it
It will never get done.

I'm so sick of everything meaning something
But no one says anything
Or if they do it's with such analytical eyes
All of them. All of them.
Wish I could
Just turn off my mind.

I'm really not sure
And the night was filled with lots of color
But she thought she could be honest
And tell me how much better looking than my boyfriend I am
And I'm not gonna be any less of her friend
But I told her that would be the thing
No matter what the thing
And we laughed
We did
But after
It made me sorta sad
I don't know why it's so hard sometimes
To try and just really feel content.

There is always a but
I do feel a little attacked these days
More on my guard
I think I'm just so tired
But I procrastinate on sleep

But I can't complain
Because so is everyone.
Then all was quiet in the world
As the shouted goodbye was said
Hanging head in defeat
The last candle snuffed out

The book being read finished
Climbing into bed
Last chapter done
Not knowing if tomorrow will be new

A lone candle stands
It's light not lit
Bursts forth into life
A new chapter started

Then all was quiet in the world
Head now held high
The candle burns bright
As the whispered hello is said
The mightiest of words come from the most quiet....
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
Time ruins our eyes
for each other,
while the moon burns
down the nights around us,
as if attracted to our madness
and spellbound by the dark
- ness that surrounds us,
yet here we remain, apart
and together, alone in a home
for the stone-cold heartless.
Gnite, Zelda. Morning comes soon enough, says the moon.
There were flies in my dumplings tonight

Two to be exact.

Dark their wings shiny
Eyeballs red

I wanted to eat around them
But comedically and calmly pointed them out
As to not wound my friend
Who is really quite a good cook

And I just think
Sometimes no matter how eloquent you or your dumplings might be

Sometimes flies die in the sauce of your food
Mid your chop stick reach.
But I get to come home to the love of my life
We make each other better
And that's so good.
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
As a rule
I was never good
at turning away
ignoring another’s pain
even when they tried to
make it a rule.
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