I miss you.
I miss the way you smell.
I miss the salty ocean air.
I miss my little blue house.
I miss seeing the people that I love on a regular basis.
I miss you Bonney Lake.
When I was a child,
My parents brought me to the cliffs.
It's the only thing that I vivdly remember about you.
The fog that filled the air was dense enough to hide the ocean from view.
You covered it in a beautiful white blanket.
My skin felt wet from your mist and the ground was damp.
My parents dressed me up in my multicolored raincoat and jeans and took me to you.
My father held my hand while my mother took pictures of me standing on the edge.
Now those photos are gone.
Bonney Lake.
I miss you so much.
My love.
My home.
You're in my heart.