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Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Thirty Hours

Who are these men,
Do they have daughters,
Mothers, sisters, granddaughters?
Do they call tenderly their loving
Their ******,
Behind closed doors?

Thirty hours
In the country
I live, love and worry and wonder about...

This is Justice blinded,
But worse,
Publicly, proclaiming,
I am
Deaf and Dumb,
And lost in Her way.

Thirty hours.

I too, have a question.

Have you no shame?

WASHINGTON — For roughly 30 hours over several days, defense lawyers for three former United States Naval Academy football players grilled a female midshipman about her ****** habits. In a public hearing, they asked the woman, who has accused the three athletes of ****** her, whether she wore a bra, how wide she opened her mouth during oral *** and whether she had apologized to another midshipman with whom she had ******* “for being a **.”****-case-raises-alarm-on-military-hearings­.html?emc=eta1&_r=0
Sep 2013 · 2.1k
Some Rocks
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Some Rocks

Some rocks,
Certain shoals,
Necessary friends,
Needed to crash into.

Oh the poems come fast and furious this
Sabbath morn,
Every phrase a bullet graze,
Or a bullseye in the chest wound.

No matter, let them come,
But know this:

If I hit the rocks,
The boat of inspiration sinks,
I got friends,
Who are ricks too,
Rocks I can count on.

So when my GPS dies
(general poetry senses)
I look for those rocks
To guide me home,
Look for those rocks
To crash into.
For r.
A good captain, a good rock...waiting for him to find this...
Sep 2013 · 862
No Eating in Bed?
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
No eating in bed?

No shaving in bed?

No newspapers in bed?

**** woman, it's Saturday morning,
What the heck am I suppose....

Hold on.
Almost knocked the coffee over
Having our

Pillow fight!
(Fooled ya)
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Bring 'em on home
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Bring 'em on home

A long time ago,
A fellow New York Jew,
Happened to be a poet too,
Like someone else I knew,
Wrote some lines
The people of France
Thought were pretty grand.

So they built a statute to,
Her words, realized in copper,
And placed those words on its base,
Where it rests today in the harbor.

Everybody, especially a lady of
A goodly number of years,
Needs an occasional makeover.

A colossal mistake of unbridled arrogance.
Natty, you sure?

For sure, my words to greet, to welcome meet,
A special class of people,
Who come not by sea, but electronically,
Who need a statute of their own!

Give me them again and again,
The sad eyed teenagers of the lowlands,
The cutters, the pill poppers, the heartbroken,
The incomplete poems,
Send them my way
So I can
Bring 'em on home.

I have no lamp just many arms
And a handful of words,
To comfort them tween the lonely hours
From midnight to dawn,
When the ancients are on duty,
On the lookout, on patrol,
For these special many.

My qualifications you ask?
I can read, I can feel, torment, he be,
My right hand man, scars to prove it too.
Do I need more to simple want, please,
Bring 'em on home.

Like scraps of unfinished poems,
I want them all,
My job to complete and send them on their journey,
Back slapped, chin chucked, safe home,
Secured, knowing, that there are many o'me,
Who desire the same.

I cannot give them absolution, or permission
To do what they feat most in their submissions,
Lend them my grays, my ancient perspective,
My heart that has no shape,
But room enough for them all.

Unafraid to cry alongside them,
Unafraid to say it is beyond belief, inconsolable,
That hurt has entered thine bloodstream,
That there is no drug to cure what drugs undone,

But I have intent, I have poetry aplenty,
To assist, write with you, new endings,
For you are but a stanza now,
And someday you will be a
New Colossus...

And I will still be
Here, in case...

"No­t like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus
The New Colossus

"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883. In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.
She asks me what's wrong, and I say I made the coffee too strong, too hot.
Sep 2013 · 2.8k
Partial Poem Pastries
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Half of a stale croissant,
A cupcake with no icing,
Partially consumed slice of cold pizza,
A special computer file,
Called old and cold,
Some files nothing more
Than titles on a snowy screen.
A smorgasbord of delicacies,
A mason jar with a lidded hole
To keep the prisoners alive but in,
The insides of my refrigerator brain.

Where the partial poem pastries reside.

Some jots and dashes get microwaved,
Served up instantly, hot n' piping,
Read me read me now for I am
Ready to be served.

Ah, the others, miserable creatures in a
Special Victims Unit,
In a ward where the doctor has no more
Release forms to sign,
Dream on, awaiting a super nova,
A comet tail, a torn screen window corner,
To engineer an escape.

Kitty, my kitty,
Give me your tired, poor scraps of prose
Yearning to be free,
I have a place for them, where
They will reside unhappy, but free,
In good company,
Waiting for the day they get to see the
Statue of Liberty.

Until that day, when,
Your happy love poems yearning to be whole,
Say, "now I have the ending,"
To let them breathe...
Now I have the closure,
That is the opening,
I will guard them closely,
As if they were fragments of mine own
Blood, sweat and tears.
Kitty Prr · Jul 11

Sorry just had to get that out.
I have three partial poems,
What the heck am I supposed to do with three partial poems?!?!
Sep 2013 · 890
Men, I am tonight
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Perhaps none more
Than me,
To scribe these words where none
But all, will forever, foresee.

I am the forgiving type,
But not the forgetting.

But tonight,
A poetic transformation!

Tonight, I will be a Christian two,
As well as a Jew.

If I had a minyan
(10 Jews required to pray collectively)
of Francis-men, I could rule the world,

If that thought would ever cross their minds.

Nine Francis-men and one Jew,
Call him, mmmmm, call me, say Yeshua.

They asked me if I would
Write a little poem-number
And I wrote with all my might

Took this unconsecrated writ,
To the ten,
Asking if it was any good,
In agreement to the man, saying:

You may have trod the streets of Jerusalem,
Walked on the Galilee,
Lived upon the mounts and in the desert of Judea,
None matters, miracles too,
You may know Talmud, law and commentary,
But not by this will you, your doctrine be judged,

Who are we to critique, judge,
A man, even a poet, of good will,
If his poetry is any good?

Are we not all sinners, all poet-sinners,
But answer us this:

"Tell us are you a Christian child?"
And I said,
"Men, I am tonight"
*"And they asked me if I would
Do a little number
And I sang with all my might
And she said
"Tell me are you a Christian child?"
And I said "Ma'am I am tonight"*

Marc Cohn – Walking In Memphis*

Francis Sets Out Vision of More Welcoming Church, Less Preoccupied With Doctrine.   "In the interview, the pope expanded on comments he made in July regarding homosexuals. On a return flight from a trip to Brazil, he said, "Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?....When asked how he viewed himself, he answered, "I am a sinner. It is not a figure of speech, a literary genre. I am a sinner."

Yeshua us the Hebrew name, Jesus.
I have indeed trod the streets of Jerusalem,
Walked on the Galilee,
Lived upon the mounts and in the desert of Judea
A parting gift for Stephen-e-Yocum
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
I am unafraid tonight
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I am unafraid tonight

To write and sign my real name.

To like what I read which is almost everything here
For the sake, for the pain, for the unashamed, for just
Celebrating those who breathe life for the just

I am unafraid tonight

To disclose that I live as an
In a city that ghost taps on my windows,
( thank you Ilion gray for that),
When the quiet is pockmarked by so many crying the
Loudest tears.

I am unafraid tonight
To express my dissatisfaction with you.

I am unafraid tonight
To express the miracle of those across oceans,
And across town,
Welcoming me into their hearts and wonder
Where else do the wayfarers gather

I am I am
unafraid tonight
To curry your favor,
Despise your silence
Expose corners of me
That should be buried
Before my body later follows

I am unafraid tonight
To use or abuse punctuation
For their are spaces and ,
Between us that can and cannot be closed
But I am compelled to try to narrow the differences
I am unafraid tonight

Tomorrow, we shall see,
If the shale within can yet be fractured,
Brought to the surface
To be consumed,
Or the fractures spread
Destructing the whole.

But tonight,
I am unafraid.
For Marshall and Ilion, near and far. The ghost tapping heard, and saving me. Thank you.
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
What do you want from me
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Like the chef who hates to eat
The playwright who cannot act,
The clothing designer, a nudist,
The brave hero, so shy, a stammerer,
The musician, a deaf mute,
The architect, who live in a tent,
I am a writer who hates to type, for his fingers disconnect his eyes, his brain his insane

I am the father, who knows not his own children,

I am the man who hates to shave, and shaves twice daily,

The man who knows nothing of nature, but writes
in and of it constantly.                                                      ­

The man beset by endless money worries,
Who gives his capital away to charity in increments of thousands,

I am the man that never passes a street beggar,
Even the obvious frauds,
Without giving them a bill, and a god bless you,

I am the man that would gladly die young whose
Mother lived to ninty eight and gene'd up him good,

I don't know what you want from me.

I write to please. But I seem incapable of
Giving, paving streets with words you what u want to hear.

Moon, June, pill, ****, me me me be crap on this

I am the chef who cannot cook
The nudist ashamed of his body
The stammered into silence
The mute who screams inside till deaf with frustration
I writer of thin air, the unfair. I know not what
You want of me.

But I weep with frustration at the paucity of my expression,
Good god my final destination not close enough

In the hands of strangers, rejection
In mine own, verbal strangulation



I cannot give you enough of/if me to satisfy

What is it you want from me

I will write to displease

Why not do
What I do best
Secure that this voice
Is lost among the voices

I composed the anti-hallelujah

Are these verses, curses
about Depression
our mutual acquaintance,
or just research notes for further followup,
part two of a pas de deux, and,
did you go this time, too far,
or still not far enough?

Is this why you have deserted me?
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
you have a death grip
on dignity

More not needed.
Not now, not ever.

Let the rage course,
The tears, coarse,
Fall free,
When no ones looking.

The panic attack,
The body all a-wrack,
The fury unleashed,
The sobbing secret,
When no ones there.

I know, I know.

Small consolation.
Worse, no one to share,
Worse, the one to share,
Is the one making life unfair.

But all this pales by compare,
When the words out loud you speak,
The lodestar, the key phrase.
I hear them, though by proxy.
I read them, though far by mile,
I am comforted in the knowing,
That anyone who can write those words
Is stronger than most.

A death grip
On dignity.

No more needed.
For the one who wrote those words.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
A jot, a dash
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Saw Kafka's "THE METAMORPHOSIS" last night.
In dance, words realized and a man sticky
As he decomposes,
Composes his family.

But without the usual inspiration,
Afraid to tackle what can not be made more

So instead I scribble an equation
And put my head underneath the
Bathtub water,
And calculate my foolishness,
Dabbling in the mathematics of
Love and poetry.
See "Prahu opines re the mathematics of love"

Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Prahu opines re the mathematics of love

Her equations hypotenuse me,
So I write adjacently,
As if we were cosine functionalities.

A special formula,
A Hyperbolic Cosine,
For to equate love mathematically,
We must use verbal hyperbole.

Binomials,  the pair of loves,
Coefficient Trekkers,
On the mountains of waves,
To a product infinite.

So let us,
Reductio ad absurdum
That love is pointless.

Nah, nope.

Love is the point on a curve
that never stops moving,
Even as the curve forever, bending
And the possibilities,
In the sums of love,
The finite answer is always two.

So let us be clear,
This exercise has made me late
For work,
For which
I express my appreciation as follows:

X = xo,


Summation Expansion
  e e=  1 / n!
= 1/1 + 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/6 + ... see constant e
  e -1 =  (-1) n / n!
= 1/1 - 1/1 + 1/2 - 1/6 + ...
  e x =  xn / n!
= 1/1 + x/1 + x2 / 2 + x3 / 6 + ...
Prabhu Iyer · 3 hours ago
My heart rate, sine wave usually, goes
sine squared when I see you,
sine cubed when I approach you,
woh, Dirac-delta when I hear you!

How do I heal this singularity?
Now how do I extract the real part
from your complex valued smile at me?
Euler says, it all goes in circles anyways.

So, I decide to cast a phasor P
that intersects the line H bisecting
your heart plane, such that H · P  = 0.
Can Cupid tell dot product from cross?
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
It is in, the how
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
It         is in, the how,
not the why, the where,
or, the when,
no, no, it

Is         the how,
that provisions and provides
all the answers
that any lover needs, for

In         the how, one revels,
but also,                      
unbeknownst, unwillingly, reveals
what one's heart wishes to secret, and conceals
and with

The       single stroke
of a single finger,
lightly across thy cheek,
raising sky colors upon
thy skin's patina and,

How    commences the matina,
with petals of white cloud roses,
blushing anew in your cheeks,
loveliest of failed cover ups,
laughing, I airbrush your
almost, invisible tears away,
residue of melodramas of troubled sleep,
stilled and stolen, mine,
to pacify, keep,
tranquilized in my breast

It,        Is In, The How,
What,  You Are Thinking.

What   vincible arrogance
humans possess when we pray,
we hope, knowing that we are infidels,
hoping to mislead
the eyes that glance upon us

You     give up the shadows painted for me when
filtered beams, rays of
a, and of...kind,
lance shield of densest lead,
lain upon the chest to cloak
the tremors of volcanic hearts,
the eyes of hurricane thoughts,
containers of need that

Are     so full of oh so
many questions, yet,
singularly resolved,
with the answer of
a single stroke,
of a single finger,
lightly across thy cheek,
knowingly full well you are

Thinking  there is no exit,
no right of way to negate
the sum of what we let to ail us,
O disbeliever, how simple be,
for all, all of

It,        Is In, The How,
What,  You Are Thinking,

I soften and modulate,
your conflicted complexion,
with the answer of
a single stroke,
of a single finger,
lightly across thy cheek,
all that is mine,
to encapsulate,
recharge, refill thy vessel
with Bocelli tones of
passioned, gloried harmony

Worry not if my eyesight dims,
be unconcerned if
my hearing, my voices
wearies and weakens,
for all the answers
we shall ever need
remain, contained in  
a single stroke,
of a single finger,
lightly across thy cheek,
this is how I know now,
and forever more,
what you are thinking

As long as skin is the coverlet
o'er the bell jar of mind n' heart,
as long oxygen defies gravity,
I will know how,
unveil, open secret chambers,
now and forever more,
what you are thinking
I wrote this ages ago. Don't remember it writing it. Don't think I could write like this anymore. Do with it what you will. This I know, everyday I stroke her cheek with a single finger, still, and it never fails to make her smile. True.
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Composing Hallelujah
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Composing Hallelujah

Fractious lines crack,
holiday decorate the spirit inferior,
while each note upon the priest's guitar
penetrates the aspirin roughened interior,
face slaps me, daggers and accuses,
you're not composing hallelujah.

So I mislead, big deal,
composing the anti-hallelujah,
yeah, I was ******* with you,
as you sit across from me electronically
pretending, me to you, you to me.

Lie to each other with smiling faces,
you too have reaped,
been emotionally *****,
by what our minds see and sow,
scowls and howls,
we've both grown our own demons.

My secrets, maybe are all there,
maybe, writ loud and clear,
in the songs I choose to share,
and in the unrevealed ones,
buried alive, held in reserve,
but not, for your average, rainy day,
could be today, you have no say.

Are we not all veterans of a kind,
don't we all have ribbons on our chest,
stripes and stars on our khaki blouse,
a record of our own great campaigns,
including the war to end all wars,
the never ending one,
the one the ******-historians renamed,
"The 24/7 Year Conflagration"?

It used to be just my secret, no more
don't need a cartoonist to tell me that's
the enemy is us, and there are moles, traitors,
hidden deep in our intelligence organization,
planting seeds, urges, pushing to
out the identity of our communist friend,


I don't mean the ordinary, garden variety,
a mere moody blues recession,
when funk is sourced from gray clouds,
served up proper, cold and wet,
then travels on when sun warmth
clarifies temporarily, the aspirin kicking in.

So I misled,
composing the anti-hallelujah,
yeah, I was ******* with you,
sit across from me and lie to me,
lie to each other with smiling faces
we reap what we own,
scowls and howls.

A chorus of harmonious poseurs
inside your own City Center,
vocalize the lyrics of the anti-hallelujah,
a composition of questions directed at
whomever in tonight's audience deserves it,
asking, nerving, to sing too loud, at decibel speed:

Are these verses, curses
about D,
our mutual acquaintance,
or just research notes for further followup,
part two of a pas de deux, and,
did you go this time, too far,
or still not far enough?

A old composition.   Needs work,  clarity. But you will gist it, I'm sure....
Sep 2013 · 674
I went to a funeral
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I went to a funeral

Of the father of a man,
I liked and respected.

It was a two hour drive,
Each way.
I missed a day of work.

People were impressed.

But the calculation was easy.

Thousands of hours yet to live.

Even if but twenty four, yet to tally,
How many men do I
Know and respect?

Born with two hands,
Would only need one,
To make this calculation.

One is greater than twenty four.
Note to Self: Composed Sept 17th, at Delacorte Theater, Central Park, New York City, Fall for Dance Festival.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
In God We Trust, For He Invented Reasonable Doubt

In Courtroom of the State of New York, Part 62,
where the only decoration extant,
in gold leaf letters,
a magnificent joke,
In God We Trust.

Words so incongruous
to the real time drama,
a poorly acted Law and Order episode
of which I partake,
(as Juror No. 1,
ergo you may address me as
Mr. Jury Foreman),
they stun me into stupefaction
every time we enter and the
Bailiff pronounces with much gravitas,
"Jury Entering"

A potpourri of a dozen Manhattanites,
with wisdom acquired
by the singular virtue of
having attained the robust age of 18,  
noteworthy for being free of
criminal record,
having been nominated
to sit upon the jury that will decide
the fate of one Eric B.,
for what he may have done upon West 11th Street
one Summer night in
June Two Thousand and Eleven,

If adjudged guilty,
New York State can take,
incarcerate him for up to
15 years of his life

Predicate felon by the age of twenty seven,
Eric's resume consists of
four felonies,
two misdemeanors
a wife and two little children,
and a partridge in a pear tree.

Facts turgid and muddy,
Eric tells a story
one juror calls a confection of lies,
no one murmurs
much disagreement in the
tiny, overheated room
we have been sequestered to
the 2012 version of
Twelve Angry Men.

But I am not his peer,
nor am I a seer,
common sense says
if appearances are what they seem to be,
he aided and abetted
in the forcible taking of
a nice Connecticut lady's cell phone
with his brother who just happened to be
released from prison earlier that day

A convoluted tale
ripe with inanities is told,
upshot is our defendant's tale,
his robust defense,
portrays him as the unluckiest man
in the whole world,
a good Samaritan,
{chasing after the thief,
** **, his bro}

against whom events have conspired

In Manhattan can be a harsh place,
where the natives
a tough lot,
tougher than the Indians from whom
they stole it all.

Our bridges we sell to out-of-towers,
all it takes is one to say,
what the heck,
reasonable doubt is
a ***** to overcome
so let him go

Jan, 2012
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Dear Pres. Obama
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Dear Pres. Obama,

Need a favor!

My business is falling apart.
Pretty sure, I'm going to get fired.

Can I borrow your
"I blame the Republicans for everything" speech?
Don't worry, I took a poll first.
Your approval ratings won't be hurt, cause they can't go any lower.

Yours truly,
A registered Democrat.
Can we get a leader whatever party, to accept responsibility.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Packet of Time
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Packet of Time

T'is the custom of some,
To do their self-sums,
A self-review of
What is seen
When standing before the
Mirror that cannot lie.

Some like Xmas, while others
Count their turkey feathers
on January first.
Others numerical ***** on
The fifteenth of April,
As required by the IRS.

Others habit bound,
Do a spring cleaning,
Or an annualized medical checkup.

Then there are the enviable few,
Who never do
Such an exercise,
For being sure of one's rightness
Precludes the necessity of having their
**** probed, their status, already known.

As I lie in bed at four am,
Waking  after a four hour packet of rest,
Began to wonder, what is the proper period
That a person should time themselves out,
Take a look back, do a "get back Jack,"
To find where they not once belonged,
But where they should set the course heading.

Here is where
This poem gets

One minute please!

One on, one off.
Did you just spend the minute prior,
Setting your brain on fire,
Scrub away the false pretenses,
Or waste 60 of them on mindless telly?

Day dream, plan and scheme,
Outline the plan, man,
Or curse your fate
The one you, Nate,

Seems quite expensive,
Spending half a life
Thinking how to
Spend the other half.

But a **** worthwhile,
likely to reduce
Self- promotion.

For after but a few such minutes,
You will likely conclude,
Better to think of others,
Than yourself.

Then you truly begin,
The voyage human.
Dashed off just now. Completed by 4:17, in the hopes that a fevered brain, might find another packet of sleep, before the six, when  the alarm of slavery rings.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
How I Observed the Day of Atonement

If you are unfamiliar with day and its observance,

In a place of perfect solitude,
No crowded synagogue within to hide,
No cantor to intercede on my behalf,
I spoke words of mine own creation
To my creator who wisely empowers me
To judge myself, for knowing, none harsher,

We two,
Old travel companions,
Upon worn grayed, adirondacke thrones,
We overlooked,
A natural prayer place,
Bay and breeze, white-clouded and sun-laced.
Only the full time inhabitants, the animals,
Grayling butterflies to match and contrast,
Eavesdropping on our Greek dialogos, in this,
Palace of Perfect Solitude.

Amiable did we chat,
I of family, this and that.

He, wearied from recent travel,
To Syria and India,
Was glad for a day off,
For he had little to do,
But wait for twilight,
To then close the books.

For us no formality, easy the going,
No prosecutor no defender in residence,
For we exchange these roles intermittently,
The incriminatory, the penance, all deeds displayed,
No adult games of winking eyes, and
Hidden heart, secret chambers,
Rabbinical or angelic intercession.

He does so love his Bach,
Adagio on strings,
My soothing gift to him,
This music more than divine.

He returned this courtesy.

Warming sun to expose my chest,
Cooling genteel breeze offsetting,
The bay emptied of wayfaring skiffs and yachts.

A cooling beverage proffered,
But sighing, he said that he had yet to find
A beverage that his kind of thirst could slake.
For his eyes, tho shining, did not effervesce,
As when we shared this day in years past.

Too much killing, this year,
It tires me so to tabulate human excess,
Spoke not a word, for my critique would
Comfort him less, if at all.

Thanks for Kol Nidre, he plainted,
So I too can disavow,
The best intended oaths I took and take,
For each year, I fail more than the year before.

If only I could sit with each,
As I do with you,
Where what needs saying,
Is said, understood, undisguised as praying.

A schooner to the dock did appear,
For him it attended, for him, it waited,
Sails, both black and white.

He stood to depart, my arms-grasped, taken, he graphing,
Measuring my fortitude, my strengths, my divinity.

I do so love this day in your company.
I shall sit with you again one year on,
Bach sweet when next we meet, please.

Soft spoke, as almost I should not hear,
Your time is nigh, no thing I create is forever.
He spoke with such sadness,
For well I knew, the intent, his meaning.

He, for-himself, saddened, for he loved
Sitting  beside me in this manner,
Since my inception, never deception,

Only He resting easy, when he atoned before me,
And I gave him his absolution conditional,
As he gave me,
September  2013
Sep 2013 · 2.2k
My Darling, The Words of Us
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Inadequate to the task
Humbled by the enormity of our love,
The perfection of our joining,
Where are the words kept that sufficient
Honor and portray what we have achieved?

You seated, beside me by the bay, finally,
Two old adirondack trees side by side,
By the sheltered place you bequeathed me,
Where poems are raindrops, so numerous,
And you, if not the subject, the source.

The waves rolling in, mirror the
Fluidity of thy dancing,
Fluidity of the adaptation,
Two lives, now one bay blue colored,
The merging, the unification,
Many waves, but one bay,
The Bay of Us.

Yet so different.
We are cloud worshippers,
Does not the Skye's Tableau inconstancy,
Mirror our ever changing form, individuality,
Yet, one sky,
The Sky of Us.

So many times have I lain be-sided
Even as we this afternoon sit now a-sided,
Tears welling up, above and beyond control,
This man's steady nerves, constant on patrol,
Our secret open, visible, un-hided,
Your are my Magi
My Yogi,, your, obedient devotee, shaped to you please.

This is the birthday present my words present.

Words, unremarkable,
Except for the contentment
That lies within them.

Let me love you more,
Recklessly abandon norms,
Kiss you at the supermarket, at the opera,
Unashamedly, take you in my arms
Wherever wonderment and wandering lead us.

T'is so very hard to compose
When tears flow upon my writing tablet,
To wipe, blot them away, I refuse,
For tears are joyous emblems,
Salty badges of love,
All compliments of our complementary beings,
The Tears of Us.

The soaring music we gather in.
The shimmering sparkles upon the bay,
My gift of natural diamonds better, this day,
Than jeweled glitterati I hide in the refrigerator.
All this treasure, part and sparkle of
The Treasure of Us.

T'is truth,
I know not, forgot, your age nor care,
The day the time the year,
What matter they to me these artifice markers,
I weep carelessly, undone, overcome,
Every day, but this day, most, united joy.

Need-No reminder,
I am a survivor,
From a concentration camp
That slow programmed to destroy,
Perhaps the kindness you claim
As the hallmark of my fame,
An inadvertent gift, from the devil?

You shook my hand on our first meet,
Don't think, have I ever let go?
Let me be your driver, entertainer, your only poet,
Let me be whatever you need,
Even as now, I laugh-cry, your tissue carrier.

For t'is I who weeps and keeps
These tissues as part of our history.
You are the first,
Who has ever read
The Words of Us.
Happy Birthday, my darling S.
Sep 2013 · 606
I lie with you
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I lie with you,
But do not lie to you.

I lay with you,
But do not lay you.

I love you.

Should ere death's day dawn come,
When we lie imperfectly alone,
I lay this poem beside you
That our love once and always perfect be,
Even if the body that lies
beside you is no longer me.
Hoping you will never read this till long after I, this world, before you, part.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
It's ok if you don't "like" my poems

Once upon a time
I wrote a poem.

893 people read it.
Only one person liked it.

Makes me laugh.

Makes me like it even more,
Knowing that two people
Liked it,
Me, and someone named
Pure Love.

Now, that's very,
very cool.

That the secret to this poetry racket,
Is to never ever stop,
      laughing at yourself
Dedicated with much love and affection to Pure Love and her excellent taste in poetry.

And to those very special few who acquired a taste of me:
My poetry is an acquired taste,
So come, dear one,
Place your tongue in my mouth.
Pace yourself, there is so much,
Spoke and unwritten,
That fruitions only when spit-shared.

Flick your tongue-tip to mine,
Sealing bond, the salt caramel of my rhymes,
The iambic meter of my tamarind prose,
The buds, flowering, poems forming,
Watered by the admixture of joint, minted saliva.

My poetry, so very complicated,
Hints of currants and ash,
Soil volcanic, basaltic vowels, oh's and eyes,
Cursed verses that commence with I,
Nonetheless, despite soil inhospitable rued,
Compositions flourish, born wetland soluble.

Yours, for the taking,
Yours, for the tasting.

You place your fingers on my waist,
My body of work to contemplate,
My ditties, you spit out,
You want courses, not appetizers,
You want truths, not fluff, lies, menu tastings.

Columbus and Magellan, thy fingers named,
Trace the curvature of my ***,
With tip and tipsy stroked caresses,
You laugh with the pleasure of all the sssssss's.
Hissing all the day your satisfaction,
Capturing my writs, by your tongue's duress,
Recipient-thief of my literary largesse.

I am dressed all in white,
Stripped bare to my native coloring,
Except for two brown nippled spots, you lick,
Imbibing milky thoughts  from fountain-heads *****,
Savoring, relishing, stanzas that praise love's flavor.

With every line, every word-painting accessioned,
You make my soft parts hard,
My hard parts soft, but my liquidity,
My tears, they, that, you drink straight,
Licking, liking, and oohing and ahhing,
You tongue curled, upside down arching,
The storage point of your seduced gatherings.

To drain me full, your incisors cut,
Straight lines, entry points for your *******,
Taking, draining, leaving nothing,
Not even one aleph or bet escaping.

When you acquired my poetry, my verbosity,
Pillaging soul's hiding place, took and *****,
Your acquired the best, breaking my nape,
Imprisoned on and by my island's seascape,
Blanched and pained, a blank tape,
I am tasteless, witless, mockingly, tongue-tied.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
The definition of poet
Is one who lifts pen up
To write words down
Others, to pick up,
Then lay them down,

To do so correctly,
We begin with a single word,
A single question,


The answer of course obvious,
A single word, for are we not all,

Dedicated to and inspired by Kelly Rose, another asker of questions, in the quest for completion.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
If every human awoke each day,

Believing that they would walk on the moon
By evening tide,
That gods would walk in their footprints
By evening tide,
Saw them self as poet-omnipotent, a creator, a namer,
By evening tide,
Slowed their breathing, their seeing, time in seconds,
By evening tide,
Knowing seconds as days, hours as months, all
By evening tide,
Trained from birth to modify our each action without the word I
By evening tide,
Would we not

stand straighter, walk more slowly,
see with the clarity of perfect perspective,
know the joy of things, large and small,
remove pride from our nuclei,
jaundice from our eyes,
anger from fists,

and never capitalize an Idea as greater than,
for there is none larger or smaller than human,
then, we could remove the word
from our dictionaries.

and naive, as well.
Inspired by Ilion gray  
A fellow new yorker,
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Who and Where in the World is Shaunna Harper?

A young poetess here at HP, a story teller, herein a Mashup, excerpts from her writings. Do not overlook her...

You hold your breath,
stagnant, absent
in the station,
trains grumbling about leaving
and about waiting,
people passing, chattering
about nothing
they are actually thinking about;
***, cheap wine, finances,
time, romances and of course,
the weather.

You stand on the platform
between two trains,
puffing fumes and
oil from its brains.
In your throat
you mime the sounds
of a goodbye speech,
the silent, strained
words false even in
unspoken terms,
the ever-after of remorse,
the frailty of indecision.

I am somewhere either in the woods,
walking in the enormity of your shoes,
or in the water, making feeble shapes,
hoping to find you in the blue.

Not a child, ill with misfortune.
One of a kind, she dances
to her own gypsy tune,
free, enviable, fresh
to ears and eyes, not used,
like you or me,
or abused, immune to lies.

I am heading for a shock.
I am leaving home and arriving
only God knows where,
bags empty, head full,
and the place my roots took hold
is never going to look the same.
The win is not important,
only the playing of the game,
and the rules have been rewritten.
With every step covered,
I am someone else, somewhere else,
and only the disorientation remains.
I cannot make up my mind
from my dreams.

Chasing planes from buses
to cleaner places
better places
leaner places
the brittle, broken
fingernails chewed
to fray the anxiety.

America, I’m on my way.
Bury me in your deserts,
throw me to your cities
let my future do what it will
in its own sweet time.

Give me my fury.
Keep me swinging.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Do you pay your bills (on time)?

Lunar and sun cycles overlap,
interest accumulates, faster than
human cells compounding,
atoms splitting.

time rules inexorable,
it's justice, ruthless,
so many dues to pay,
for clubs I didn't want to join.

do not deny,
I bought much of my own fate,
my heart, my eyes overwhelming
my worn down, common common sense.

even if I pay my bills on time,
time is the only winner,
and what I possess,
becomes a prison, possessing me.
Sep 2013 · 598
The F Times...
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
there are the moments,
the F times,
far, few, fleeting...

when words do not fail,
but are not needed.
when the present provides presents,
preview glimpses of intertwined

when the children laugh and share,
the babies giggle out loudly because
the simple joy of being alive is

overused, even abused, I select
le bon mot, au courant
as all mine, reserved,
this singular time, preserved,
a summary word defining,
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Untitled for none is deserved.

Bended knees self-sanctify bloodied ground,
sneering, silent thunder slaps my face,
Those Who Dare Call Themselves Gods,
chuckling at all they have wrought,
murderous, heinous, hateful.

Who is the reprehensible abomination,
us or them,
and their devoted servants
who **** "freely" in their name?

Ennobling man with faculty infinite,
then tempting/torturing, obstacling him
from its fullest usage, lest we recognize,
the imperfection of their sloppy design.

If free will is a gift,
I freely regift it back to them.

Some venerate Mother,
after killing their wives and daughters and
laughing about it in
the whorehouses of their souls
What a piece of work are these Gods!

If man is the quintessence of the Gods,
their last, best creation before resting,
are they themselves not corrupted?

So called Gods,
pillory the New York City morn dawn,
a pallor hard-grey nothingness.
a bitter kiss, from things only they control,
a greeting card from on high,
happy new year wishes from
Newtown, Delhi, Peshawar,
and Jerusalem.

At last, I comprehend,
why we minioned millions
celebrate this day with drunken reverie.
Jan. 1, 2013
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
new year notes to self at 4:30am

too cynical
to pseudo-resolve stuff
just because
an arbitrary mark
the calendar affords.

the mind endlessly calculates,
then recalculates,
rinse and repeats,
responsibility, "success,"
middle class living death

pretend erase the slate,
as if this prologue was not
a sequel,
but the..

the squeeze of guttural noises
stuck in my throat
prevent raucous breathing,
stifle noisy disbelieving,
lest I awake all the babes
sleeping cozy nearby,
trusting in me,
so I communicate
to the others
who are awake
at 4:30am,
offering them but
a plain white lamentation,
cry with me,
"I know, I know."

Jan 3, 2013

Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
"How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob,
Your dwelling places, O Israel!"

Thy children gather,
telescoping generations,
O Jacob, what do thine eyes ascertain.
what history do they memorize?

Coalescing younger star clusters,
disparate related families uniting,
embedding as a single unity,
a star cloud,
shedding a new light,
the astronomers awed, witnesses,
a super-star cluster birthed.

The beauty of thy tents,
thy wealth, O Jacob,
is their multiplicity,
their construct and content.

The web of thy tissue,
bindings, linkages,
what resides within thy tents,
acknowledge, testify, that
the strength of thy issue,
are the Matriarchs,
managers of thy destiny,
mothers of thy dynasty,

The Sarah's, Leah's, the Rachel's,
the Fay's, the Ginger's, the Miriam's
these jewels bedeck, beautify,
brides and bridles of thy tents,
master mistresses of thy dwellings,
without them, O Jacob,
you, but, just,
another desert tribe.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Minor Poet
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Once upon a time, on a site far far away, I would post and not a soul would comment, let alone read...

Minor poet,  
I am not even, but odd.  
A truth that slaps me unto tears.  
I seek your admiration,  
admonish your failure to
admonish me, fail me
unto tears.
Your academic hyper-pretensions
gods of overlording silence,
sentence condemnations of the
meagerness of mine deaf,
weary-worn entreaties.
Your ignorance and the  
vanity of my weaknesses,
pencil point punctuate my brain,  
holes filling up with the  
approbation of silence.

Tender unto me  
the Onomatopoeia of a concerto of boos,
barrels of bitter alliteratives
regretful rainwater,
send me curses of future inspiration.
immoderate me re my mediocrity!
Try try again, to charm thine eyes,  
populate your face with grimaced tears,
penetrate our mutuality  
with uncommon verse,
pricking the winter frosted windows
of a enmity and a common enemy.
Another day of self-persauding,
un-succeeding to accept that
successive minor failures,
are undeniably,
a success of sorts,
in a minor way.
A play on words,
as y'all play me.
Mr. Adminstrator, answer me!
Are we not all prisoners of Poetry?
Sep 2013 · 3.9k
Parenting (the baby monitor)
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013

organizing the day,
while the baby room adjacent
makes dreaming rock n' roll noises
siren calls to lay in bed,
semi-alert, on guard duty,
scheming about dis n' dat,
you are sleeping, dreaming,
wide awake seeing,
multitasking eyes closed simultaneously.

lesser of a poet, more a notate-er,
list keeper, note taker,
arguing with yourself inside the head,
actually feeling the thoughts
coursing, lurking, seeing both sides now,
parentally, washing the dishes
of the hours and years ahead.

while the woman-mother
makes her soprano dreaming noises,
you laugh at the orchestra of
*******, sighing somnolent noises,
a cadenza of love dancing in your
irresistible wide awake dreams.

paying the bills, lying in the dark,
you wonder-worry about the agenda
unknown that will overgrow you,
fast creeping up the grain of your skin,
ivy on stone skin walls.

lala lala
you borrow baby's lullaby,
yourself calming,
keeping time, silly rhyming,
organizing the days ahead
in you head, while,
recording the harmonies of sensory inputs.

the dark provides the cloak
where you alone
feel and hear the worry and laugh lines knitting
into a single stitch of parenting.

Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Cats will lick coffee off of your chest
If you raise 'em the right...

Thus spake Zarathustra,
confidentially, off the record.
when an early morn hot beverage
dribbled from chin
onto chest

of facts and figures,
recipes for living life.

So, I suggest,
that if you do not a cat possess,
get a girl friend,
both wise as mine,
and willing.
An another oldie....hope they have enough space on the servers
Sep 2013 · 569
twenty words should suffice
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
twenty words should suffice.
but let us compress.
can ten arise?
even three survivable.

I need you.
need you
From eight months ago.
Sep 2013 · 903
To be (en)titled
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Saturday morning, well armed
coffee cup and newspapers,
from days past and miracle!
even future, Sunday news,
prematurely birthed.
Content to content.

Pandora supplies the music,
outside, clouds of steam tinge,
decorate a pale blue sky,
freshwater pearls from man,
a choker to grace
nature's blue purity.

All's well, a weekend day as
God meant it to be, labor free.

Then I am weeping.

Dan Fogelberg, poet songwriter,
cancer victim, longtime gone,
weeps me into a memorable mess.

Leader of the Band,
a tribute to his father,
shipwrecks me on his
river of souls.

So much more, needs adding.

But songs end, and so do I.

But the tears keep reforming,
falling freely as I acknowledge freely,
my father too, a good man,
a cancer victim,
who led his band,
his fellow patients in the
doctor's waiting room
in spontaneous uplifting song.

I have no idea why
I was so entitled.
I have no idea
what to entitle this.

As Dan wrote/sang,
cry when you have to,
it's part of the plan.
From seven months ago. My father died of cancer many years ago.   A god man.   If you don't know who Dan Fogelberg is, find out, so you can say, "he wrote/sang that, I love that..."
Sep 2013 · 951
The Minutes
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
the minutes between
midnight and six,
individuals, unique,
each one,
all dears,
old friends.

rhythmic but differentiated
in so far as
each one,
brings me a completely
special, preying
poesy dream,
bittersweet symphony.

the digits of my mobile,
double duty alarming clock,
digits rigid, rounded,
ends slanted,
bold white pronouncements
on a back background.

double identity,
my cell, my clock,
screaming pieces of time,
bullets whizzing
past the sides
of my head,
"awake and listen"

there was a period,
once, when the
body clock was
more accurate
than the tick tock
in Greenwich, England,
precisely awaking at six.

now randomness reigns,
and the county clerk
bids me record
the precise awaking time
and the poem,
therewith associated,

4:47 AM

Seven months ago.
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Poetry For a New Audience
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
First see new photo, or else won't make sense.

Word is out
Animal kingdom on red alert,
No animus allowed near the chair,
Tween human and animal.

Good eats, good writes to be had,
Near that ye old adirondacke chair,
Where scribbles float in
L'air du temps,
Ripe for the plucking.

Arrived in the night dark,
Twelve eyes grinning, sheepish,
Wasn't tho no sheep, just a  veritable
**** deer herd munching the shrubs,
Who when head lighted, indifferently said,
Yo *******, it is September, remember,
Get the fk off **our


Coffee-armed. Tablet shotguned,
Went to write in the fall sun,
When to my shock n' awe,
A gaggle of geese, awaiting.

And I mean a good-god-**** giggling-gaggle, no sht!
Probably resetting, resettling, looking for forgiveness,
For ******* all over the hard scrabbled grass.
Well no atonement boys, Yom Kippur notwithstanding,
I ain't the forgiving type!

No, no poet!
We stand before you on the Jewish Judgement Day,
Decorously waiting, in a row,
Before the throne, tho honking a little rudely,
Impatient for inscribing in Natalino's
Hall of Fame, Book of Life for the coming year.


Well, in that case,
(Ego melting secretly inside),
Here is a poem just for you.

Fly south safe,
Inscribed and sealed you will be,
In both the Book of Life and Prosperity,
But only if you, stay off my grass in perpetuity!

Done and off they flew,
Me smiling, proud of my new fame,
Until I found their presents
Under my flip flops.

******* deer.
******* rabbits.
******* geese.

I wish they were not such
Poetry fanatics.



10:11am Yom Kippur morning.
The photo of a dozen plus geese lined up to hear me recite has been changed.   Send me a message if u would like to see it post reading the poem. N.
Sep 2013 · 796
You WILL read this poem!
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Pas de choix, no choice,
On the Internet,
you surf waves of poetry,
Every breathe,
Every second of every-sight seen,
Filtered into a poem,
Words are your saliva,
Passion the glue,
And the poem your write
Is your finger extending heavenward
Like Adam's at the Sistine Chapel,
Saying gaze upon OUR creation.
Another old one retrieved for proper storage here. Today's project...
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
On The Great Lawn of my mind,
The city's biggest dance floor,
Upon its cushions, stepping lightly,
The spring breeze, feeling its way,
Making, reawakening, a thousand acquaintances,
Absent parent kissing each long-lost babe-blade of grass

Breeze takes each blade of spring grass:

Cajoles, asks not,
With windy hands, guided missiles,
engage/ disengages,

Breeze makes each one
Neck, caress their neighbor,
A thousand pas de deuces of  
fresh faced green children.
All in all a triumphant processional,
Cloaked in robes of sky blue velvet,
Crowned by the sun's burnt orange kisses.

At the middle school dance,
The walls are portrait painted  
with the shy ones,  
The ones-who-don't-know-how-to-ask.
Passover's children
Needy for a Moses.

Student of the spring breezes,
This silly earnest teacher/chaperone,
Grand-pa-rent will:

Cajole, ask not,
With hands, guided missiles,
engage/ disengages,

Under his tutelage,
Every boy and girl
A dancer, a blade,  
Each a Passenger on the fuselage
Of his Spring Ballroom breeze.

These are my spring rites  
Visions of my sight  
Present and future  

Soon we will teach our own  
Little Princes and Princesses,
The shelter of dancing,
Feel the embrace of nature,
Under the mantle of an  
A Capella choir of tree leaves,
We will lie side by side,  
Skyward pointing,
Sharing our spring-sprung imaginings,
Performing each and all  
Upon the breeze to carry away,
For all to gleeful applaud!
Another old one
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Just one.

No need to keep you in suspense,
Because if you are a poetic soul,
A member of the troupe,
You live in suspense,
Wonderment and awe,
Never knowing when from
Your eyes to your mind to your fingers
You birth verse,
You already knew this...

This then is the point,
The point of no return and
Forever forward,
Poet home-grown,
Soul possession,
Slave to words,
The alphabet, your oxygen molecules,
Never knowing the exact moment
A poet was god-sparked within your every pore...

Take your points and pins,
Put them aside for another kind of contest...

Just let the confused children,
Love sick, suicidal, overjoyed, broken hearted,
Sad old men, worried about unknowns
Whose hot breath is flush upon their neck,
All those, all we,
Pained and joyous,
Who inhabit this space, these servers
Write write write write
To our hearts content or discontent...

Each one a hero to me,
I award them one point for living life,
The only point they will ever need,
A badge of verbal courage,
Thru the embrace of their
Works of words,
They are all the everyday heroes of
Digging out old-ones today, this, a swipe at certain poetry site that fosters competition via points.  You are the point, my point.
Sep 2013 · 793
10 Words
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
If it cannot in ten words be said,
It cannot.
Sep 2013 · 591
Do poets ever sleep?
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
The answer it appears,

For this exercise,
Of filtering life thru eyes poetic,
24/7, is an equation, with a single constant,
Eyes wide shut.

They would sleep,
If they but, could record their dreams,
Precisely, securely.

Absent that assurety,
Without that guarantee,
Sleep verboten, lest a single poem
Escape unrecorded.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
You would wake up, clocked, alarmed,
lost in the crossover transition,
from dream to live beauty,
and find me writing
laughing, crying, simulcast.

If you slept with, beside me,
you would put your head
on the chest that warms, enlivens,
the few who ever privileged to touch it,
shape-designed to give what needs taking.

If you slept with, beside me,
your vocabulary would contain
new creations daily, poems, words,
like nippilicious, and thatsridikulus.

If you slept with, beside me,
The first thing you would see thru the window,
that chair, angled toward the sun rising,
where I everything,
and sigh-smile simulcast.

If you slept with, beside me,
you would laugh at that man who takes
that newly arrived coffee mug,
and lifts it to warm that naked chest,
heat external thru skin,
waking up his heart, caffeinated for you.

If you slept with, beside me,
you would get to choose,
your fav body part,
a choice tween tongue
and tongue.

If you slept with, beside me,
we would argue mightily,
what be best,
multitudinous colors of the sky,
grass lush green or,
calm bay blue treading waters,
Bach or Billy Joel.

If you slept with, beside me,
you would not have to read this,
for this would part and parcel your life,
no need to say and see things twice.
6:43am sept. 14th

If you slept with, beside me,
You would to bed dispatched,
With the taste poem, of me, lullabyed,
And awake to the poem-chronicle
Of the first few moments of this day,
And in between, a duet,
Sleep, and a poem, entitled, me.
First poem of the day.  From actual to digital in a heartbeat, from the USA to you, so close, yet so far away, from me to you.   If you slept with, beside me...
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
My poetry is an acquired taste,
So come, dear one,
Place your tongue in my mouth.
Pace yourself, there is so much,
Spoke and unwritten,
That fruitions only when spit-shared.

Flick your tongue-tip to mine,
Sealing bond, the salt caramel of my rhymes,
The iambic meter of my tamarind prose,
The buds, flowering, poems forming,
Watered by the admixture of joint, minted saliva.

My poetry, so very complicated,
Hints of currants and ash,
Soil volcanic, basaltic vowels, oh's and eyes,
Cursed verses that commence with I,
Nonetheless, despite soil inhospitable rued,
Compositions flourish, born wetland soluble.

Yours, for the taking,
Yours, for the tasting.

You place your fingers on my waist,
My body of work to contemplate,
My ditties, you spit out,
You want courses, not appetizers,
You want truths, not fluff, lies, menu tastings.

Columbus and Magellan, thy fingers named,
Trace the curvature of my ***,
With tip and tipsy stroked caresses,
You laugh with the pleasure of all the sssssss's.
Hissing all the day your satisfaction,
Capturing my writs, by your tongue's duress,
Recipient-thief of my literary largesse.

I am dressed all in white,
Stripped bare to my native coloring,
Except for two brown nippled spots, you lick,
Imbibing milky thoughts  from fountain-heads *****,
Savoring, relishing, stanzas that praise love's flavor.

With every line, every word-painting accessioned,
You make my soft parts hard,
My hard parts soft, but my liquidity,
My tears, they, that, you drink straight,
Licking, liking, and oohing and ahhing,
You tongue curled, upside down arching,
The storage point of your seduced gatherings.

To drain me full, your incisors cut,
Straight lines, entry points for your *******,
Taking, draining, leaving nothing,
Not even one aleph or bet escaping.

When you acquired my poetry, my verbosity,
Pillaging soul's hiding place, took and *****,
Your acquired the best, breaking my nape,
Imprisoned on and by my island's seascape,
Blanched and pained, a blank tape,
I am tasteless, witless, mockingly, tongue-tied.
Written tonite while driving upon moonlight country roads, departing one island, crossing another,
only to ferry to a third. As I was driving, unable to retain all, but wine and Bach's Brandenburg, withdrew new lines, before I broke, surrendering to a dreamless sleep
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Day of Atonement
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I will not fast.
I will not pray,
Alone or in the company of
Fellow poets and sinner-believers,
Like when I was an awed child,
A young father,
Or a middle aged confused one.

My sins, the kind,
Words don't blot up.

When we meet next,
We, across the table,
Assuming You got a set,
A Sense of Justice or,
just Humor,
We will discuss
Comparative literature,
Comparative sinning,
I will let You know
What Your punishment will be,
Caused You have already
Informed me, of mine.
Yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר, IPA: [ˈjom kiˈpuʁ], or יום הכיפורים), also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people.[1] Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jewish people traditionally observe this holy day with an approximate 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Dear Elizabeth Paxton,
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
The dichotomy of the psychology
Of love is the thin line between
I am and I can be.

The taking of the status quo,
Lining it up before the firing line,
And asking Prisoner Heart if
Last wishes they posses,
Wishes wasted to confess?

The prisoner says:

I am the standing status quo,
When I should have been the
The questioner, on the firing line,
asking always, firing this bullet,
Quo Vadim?

"Whither goest thou?"


An admirer of your indecision,
For it is the mark of
The Questioner...
Apologies. Written on the crosstown bus in about 3 herky~jerky minutes, between 7th Ave., and Lexington Ave.

Inspired by Ms. Paxton's,

you split me in two
half of me begs you to stay away
and avoid our fire,
while the other half bathes in the light of
a dangerous flame;

half of me builds barricades around my memories
while the other half records every inch
of us, in detail;

half of me is lost in the complexity of your mind
while the other is screaming
for me to get out;

half of me wants you to cradle my face in your hands
like you did last summer, but this time
give in and kiss me,
and the other half is terrified that
that is what will do me in,

that is what will ******* alive
and that is what will **** me.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Nothing good comes easy
Nothing worthwhile is free.

You know, for a girl with
Such a wild imagination,
She argues with
Logic, far too often.

She's pretty pessimistic
For a girl with sunshine eyes
The darkness makes her tick
And a soul that's full of lies.

An enigma in her randomness
She is a song that holds no words
Staring down life's rabbit holes
Both the blessing and the curse.

Time is always standing still
The sunshine never lasts
She dances to her own drum
Waiting for the one who understands.

But credit her this,
With clarity and rhyme,
From the outside looking in,
Her I is exposed from inside out,
From outside, looking in,
For her conclusion admirable:

A peaceful soul
Tender kind and loving
Will always be sought after
Above all other types

Regardless of recovery
You will always be your own worst enemy
Drown the voices in your head
You can make it out alive.
A Mashup of KM's words, her price, her prize for a cheesy but honest entry to my silly notion contest!  Her word in  italics, mine just a bridge..
Sep 2013 · 534
Can you?
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Write a poem without the word
In it?

I cannot.
Oh yeah, me me me as in do re mi don't count neither....all successful submission (as judged by me). Will win an undisclosed prize!  Looking for zero pronouns, YOU got it? Roses are red automatic  boo hoo!
Sep 2013 · 795
I slashed his throat
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
I slashed his throat

Dreamt a madman me did attack,
With knife, he came upon me,
Enraged, engaged, I took his blade away,
Slashed his throat,
Watched his life
And mine,
Bleed away.

As she sponged my brow,
But a dream, hush,
But I knew better,
For the rage and the lust
Was primordial, a man's must,
His blood on my fingertips,
A secret  smile on my face.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
6 Words
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013

Sleep my children, you, not forgot.

Lured you here under false pretenses
What matters six or ten or
Nine eleven,
When each word enervates the midnite senses.

Through chance or fate,
You, selected on that date,
Thy names inscribed,
A select few, a chosen tribe.

In a megalopolis,
Where hurry and rush,
The hallmarks of the populace,
A city oft condemned as heartless,
Your place, your alphabet unique,
Permanently preserved.

Rest easy then,
Tho our names will be dust and forgot,
You individually, collectively,
Will be remembered eons on.

No need to economize,
Tears, the numbers of words,
Draw some comfort, tho minimized,
Your names, this day, all recalled,
Thus I bless you,
As you bless us,
**Sleep my children, you, not forgot.
The day will come inevitable,
When thy names be spoke,
By those who witnessed or knew you not,
Like victims of another holocaust,
Sleep my children, you, not forgot.
Sep 2013 · 3.8k
9/11 Distilled
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
The poem was inspired by a particular photo of the WT C, and after that by my first visit to the 9/11 Memorial.  On the day of 9/11, I was working about a diagonal mile away, and from our windows, we could see people jumping to their death.

Open sky annulled
to bordered lines of
uptown edges,
worldview momentarily
forcibly redefined by
memories of buildings and sadder days,
recollections of pillars of biblical smoke rising

A photograph
makes me look up,
and sit down historically,
need to catch a breath,
to rest mentally,
upon a storied small bridge's steps,
that I well recall,
a disappeared street stoop.
all were rubble then and once
upon that day.

Wear, tear, and older eyes distill perspective,
but the hardy heart is hardly stilled
by the recognizable gray upon
bon vivant gray reflective surfaces of
memories of buildings and sadder days

So today, on a reborn street,
I rest upon reconstituted speckled curbstone,
the city's lowered down ledges,
the city's lowered down-town boundaries,
constantly redrawn, but
nonetheless, always rebuilt from their own
regenerated stony compost,
and the NY passersby doesn't even notice
a man, head in hands,
silently weeping, thinking that:

We throw away so much we should have kept.
We keep so much we should have thrown away.

Lose keepsakes, but keep our mysterious sadnesses
locked away in compartments that open only to
benedictions uttered in ancient tongues.

Make your own list,
be your own curator,
catalogue visions of sophomoric triumphs,
museum mile pile
those early poetic drafts,
be unafraid of memories
raw and ungentrified,
overlaid, buried underneath
postmortem of dust-piles of senior critiques

Finally went downtown to see
where the blessed water falls
into catacomb pits that once
were the foundations
of buildings that ruled the cityscape,
downtown anchors
for a modern city that exists
only because it was built on
million year old granite bedrock

Stone monuments are stolid, discrete.
Memories are of grayed, frayed edge consistency.
Negatives resurrected that survive digitally,
all blend synthetically, layer upon layer,
essence distilled in a single,
black and white photograph
that serves to
disturb complacency,  
awaken stilled pain,
reflections suppressed,
are restored
Written August 2013
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