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Mar 2015 · 599
Here ♥
Narayani Mar 2015
Come here
Sit down, knee to knee…. ;-)
Sense the grass , feel the breeze and talk to me* ;-)
Merrily a coffee for our wearily eyes
Warily a walk , airily a hold… ;-)
‘N momentarily a Nosehi5 ♥  
NO BYE’s, what if it stuck my memory on replay ?
Come here !! ♥

Feb 2015 · 681
#why #we #broke #up
Narayani Feb 2015
Do you remember the day we met?
Such a foolish Question  
You would  have met so many ,
Then how  could i be that special one  
Yeah I was bad in exploring you
Yeah I was bad in discerning you
Yeah I was bad in grasping you
But as you know , I was a debut here
I might have made mistakes in the source
But now , I trying to get deeper into you
And you’re not onto me
Why you left me so alone
Those lines you told me first,
Hello world !
You neither asked me for a “system.out.println“ nor a console.writeline
Just a print  !
You made my days more vivid
I was falling for you day by day
But what you did to me now?
You showed me what to dream where to go and what to do
I tried my good but not my best
So I Tripped  !
But you know something ?
We were in Love
You din chose me
Still I choose you ,
I don’t want to call you as my X
Be my Y , be my reason to love live n laugh
Python! I've fallen for you like a blind roofer, literally !
Feb 2015 · 947
Narayani Feb 2015
You've neither promised me the Moon nor the Spring
You've never  asked me out
You've never told me that u'll look after me like a Princess
You've  never lied that you love me more than your life
You've never assured me  that we'll be together forever
But  I'm restless now ,
Shall I ask you for the  imminent dawns and dusks together ? :-)
Feb 2015 · 900
Narayani Feb 2015
Traveling alone ,
Gazing at  people from different roofs
Heading to  stations..
Feeling empty and dump.. 
  Coming with a schedule & going back..
Words can't be dishonest ,
but you know , actions can..
Cut the busy thing..
Take me for a spin..
Add me to your schedules ..
Let me be a part of you..
Cos I just wanna be like that..
Am I asking for the moon or what ..
If so you're my moon..
Give me a Lunar phase ..

— The End —