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Cold veins, cold blood, cold heart, torn apart.
No light, no life, hustle hard, play right.
Keep your sanity, no vanity, me myself and your family.
Held hostage, don't block this, more hurt, more pain.
Its the gain, play the game.
When you gamble, you scramble, mind cells ramble.
No itch, no glitch, keep it tight, get rich.
Its everything, its everywhere its money not funny.
Don't laugh, don't cry. just deal just deal.
Swallow the pain like a pill.
Next day, next morning, keep it moving, no mourning.
the pain that hides behind a smile
is the pain you think you must endure alone
My poems are ****
But you enjoy my wit
I know I'm a loser, but I'll never quit
"tired of feeling"
addicted to emotion

"nothing to say"
addicted to writing

"whats wrong with society"
addicted to the world
afternoon thoughts
So they bought you
And kept you in a
Very good home
Cental heating
A deep freeze
A very good home-
No one to take you
For that lovely long run-
But otherwise
'A very good home'
They fed you Pal and Chun
But not that lovely long run,
Until, mad with energy and boredom
You escaped- and ran and ran and ran
Under a car.
Today they will cry for you-
Tomorrow they will but another dog.
 Oct 2015 Nekia-Brooke Thomson
1:20 A.M.*
hey, I just wanted to tell you I miss you.
read 1:21

no response.
all I wanted was for you to miss me as much as I missed you.
Please don’t let me be like my Mother.

Don’t let me be the woman
Who never gave me a second glance
Because whenever it came to children
She stopped loving at one.

Don’t let me be
The woman who gave her all to the first born,
But when it was me
She gave it all up.

Don’t let me be the woman who smoked
Half a lung into ashes,
Every night thinking I don’t see
The grey puffs rising to my window
Darkening my room
Choking me as it slowly became the air I breathe.

When I grow up,
Don’t make me marry a man
Who never loved
And lived for numbers upon papers
Caring more about his reputation
Than his own blood he weaved into

When I grow up
Let me teach my children
Happiness and what it is like to smile,
Instead of drilling into their brains
All the reasons they should cry
And drown in their tears.

When I grow up,
Don’t let me search for my dreams
At the bottom of a shot glass
Taking more and more
As I get drunk on false, temporary happiness.

Don’t let me come home to my children,
Telling them how useless they are,
Throwing things at them
And finally collapsing into a heap of hopelessness.

Please don’t let my children
Have a father who never even cared
Enough to remember their birthdays
Let alone save them from the nightmare
That was their Mom.

Don’t let me become
The reason my children cried at their reflection
Because beauty never defined them
The reason they refused to eat
Since the flesh on their body
Kept growing in their eyes only.

Never let me be the woman
Who found only the ecstasy
She bought through men each night.

Even then it wasn’t love.
Even now it isn’t love.
She never learned to love people like me.
But I loved her.

Yet it was forced,
I only saw the mistakes she made
Every time I looked at her.
Including myself.

Please, when I grow up,
Let me learn to love my skin
And suffocate in all the things that make me

Let me prove to the woman who claimed
To have raised me up
That I will never make the same errors or ever be like her.

I’ll love, I’ll live, I’ll care.
Three things she never grew up to do.

When I grow up,
Please don’t let me be like my Mother.
I hear distant voices,
Inside of my head,
There are a million tears,
That I have shed,
There is no possible way,
That I can stay alive,
I have nothing left,
No need to survive,
I thought I was strong,
But I am not,
I was utterly wrong,
The battle was fought,
There is a cost,
To my wretched defeat,
My life is lost,
I was beat
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