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 May 2014 MPL
When people ask for my advice
I'm always baffled
What exactly about my life
Indicates that I have any ******* clue
 May 2014 MPL
pepper spray
 May 2014 MPL
when you touched without
my permission,
you took away my
right to say 'no'
"He touched me, and I didn't feel butterflies."
 May 2014 MPL
 May 2014 MPL
Red lace covers white skin.
Perfume and candles; ******.
Kissing leads to touching, touching to begging.
Tell me your ready as you breathe down my neck.
Tell me you're hungry for more as my lips move down your stomach.

Lace off and memories fade as we fall into a lustful splendor.
Rough hands on soft skin; touch me one more time.
Tongues meet as we kiss deeply wanting to take all we can from each other.

Tell me you're ready as your legs entwine with mine.
Tell me you're hungry for more as we move together as one screaming ecstasy.

Skin on skin, rough to slow.
Heavy breathing, heavy touching.
It feels so real sinking into real.
 May 2014 MPL
Jon York
Love Is. . .
 May 2014 MPL
Jon York
Love is. . .an obsession, everybody wants it,
everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it
and those who do achieve it will cherish it,
be lost in it, and among all will
never forget it.

Love is. . . the most powerful emotion known,
and one the most important things in life is to
learn is how to give  love and let it come in as
love can heal any wound but equally love
can leave some very painful scars that last a
very long time.

Love is. . .the only satisfactory answer to the
problem of human existence because bad things
happen to us and how we respond to them defines
our character and the quality of our life and we can
choose to sit in sadness, immobilized with pain
from our loss or we can rise above the pain and
treasure the most precious gifts that we have, life
and love.

Love is. . .a puzzle posed by the emotions and
not likely to be solved by reason and it is hard to
get into but even harder to get out of and soon
we realize that there is only one happiness in life
- to love and to be loved and anytime not spent
on love is wasted.

Love is. . .loving without fear, trusting without
questioning, needing without demanding, wanting
without restrictions, accepting without change,
desiring without inhibitions and only time is capable
of understanding how valuable love is.    
                                                                ­            Jon York         2014
 May 2014 MPL
Seán Mac Falls
Backward-man loves his dog.
Ties him up before and after
His walks, likes to goad his pet
Too, speaking as the weather wails
And howls then dog looks down,
Sad on his master dumbfounded.
A chain is worn as it scrapes
The ground connecting dog
To his master.  They both love
The sound of it hissing as it strikes
The concrete pathways, sometimes
Man and dog feel free, not a part
Of each other, the chain may break,
And fear is for forks in the road,
The rusty pockmarked grip of his links
Have always been there on walks
Ahead and behind though it makes
Things confusing as if in a dance
And sometimes they wonder which way
They might end up after all—
And when the dark and golden
Rope, as always, is finally tied
To some old fruit tree, the man
Is happy his dog has both sun
And shade, but also has joy watching
Dog beg for ripe apples he cannot
Reach.  Some people might come
To think that dog thinks those apples
Are not for eating.  Everyone loves
Fruit, don't they?

Backward-man built his dog
A house as cold as a three-
Storied barn, out of things
He could not afford, things much
Too good for dog to not care
About, maybe man built dog's
House for himself, he cannot
Really impress his dog.
Backward-man likes to think
He knows what dog is saying.
Barks and whimpers have deep
Meanings, 'world is a good place,'
Dog says, but when pooch says,
'World is cruel,' crying, disobedient
Whines gets him a serious kick
Out of old anger from backward-
Man.  And man can be a hell-
Hound on his own, the way
He twists and unravels the things
He needs, like truth and food
And love— that goes without
Saying for backward-man hates
His woman, but loves his dog.
 May 2014 MPL
Allison Harsh
When you see the evidence let your heart sink below the floor. There is no use in trying to pull it up because they are all stronger than you and they are pushing down
Spend as much time as you want formulating your questions, you pleas, your requests, but remember that all that time will be going to waste because they don't care never have, never will
Try not to feel bad for yourself because it is your fault after all. They'll never accept you after your past of failing to win their esteem
You can ask them what to do to be good enough but they will never respond. To them you are just a beggar in the streets
Go outside and try to smoke them out of you. Smoke the whole pack if you need to.
Don't you dare cry. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that they are strong enough to squeeze your lungs so small you don't have enough air to believe you are human
Get so drunk you don't remember their names. Drink and mark a notch in your arm for all the times you failed to be lovable, and cut one for the colors of each of their eyes
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