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 May 2015 Batin
I want to sink
feel the water
like a new winter blanket
feel the sunshine peek through waves
like a sneaky bandit
feel my feet go numb
like they refuse to walk again
feel my thoughts drift away
like I’m in a state of zen
feel my hands tingle slightly
like I’ve just told a lie
feel my lungs pound against my chest
like they’re drums trapped inside
feel weight over my head
like it’s being strangled by a crown
I want to sink
**but I refuse to drown
 May 2015 Batin
 May 2015 Batin
A human says,
"Last night I dreamed of…"

A poet says,
"You made me dream of…"
sometimes I forget to dream
 May 2015 Batin
 May 2015 Batin
you touched me
without using
your hands

it could not
have felt
any better
 May 2015 Batin
Mary Singletary
Sunlight creeps in between the curtains
The world outside is burning with fire
I’m terrified, all the while, I’m certain
That the need for happiness is dire
What if I get what I’ve always wanted?
What if it’s not what I thought it was?
The thought of it leaves me feeling haunted
Happiness is the only hope for us
Sunlight creeps in between the curtains
The world outside is burning with fire
My sadness is like a beast of burden
It weighs me down and makes me tired
Happiness will have to wait again
Happiness was never part of the plan
 May 2015 Batin
3 am poem
 May 2015 Batin
You are the stars I see in my dreams
Not like the ones in space
You are brighter and bigger
And light up the sky more than the sun
I woke up at 3 am yesterday morning and this happened.

— The End —