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 May 2014 Madison
Shane Oltingir
Here lies my eighteenth birthday,
The days we've kissed, and said goodbye

And all the laughs and heart to hearts,
Our extinguished tears and fiery eyes,

And all our childish fantasies,
Dog breeds, houses, children's names,

And the blackened fragments of our lungs --
From which we laughed and gayly sung --

Now rest peacefully in the ashtray.
 Apr 2014 Madison
Daniel Magner
someone once told me,
"you're not one for drinking"
but there's a beer in my hand
because I've gotten sick of thinking
rather wake up with a twist
in my stomach
Oh, how was I to know
that highschool holds heartbreak
how was I to know
that college does too
no one ever told me
that home is not a place
it's a feeling inside you
which sometimes gets erased
these words taste sour
let's face it
Daniel Magner 2014
 Jan 2014 Madison
Daniel Magner
She stated the obvious
while I puffed on my cigarette
"You know smoking kills?"
"Yeah, want to die?"
I held out my stoge
"I like life"
"How do you know
you don't like death
if you've never tried it?"
She stayed
Daniel Magner 2014
 Jan 2014 Madison
never happened
 Jan 2014 Madison
I shouldn't have fooled myself,
Thinking you meant it.
When you said you couldn't stand her,
And when you confessed how comfortable you felt with me.
For I saw the sorrow of lost love flash through your eyes,
When you assured me you certainly were no longer in it.
Now your hand has returned to the clutch of hers
As something in me knew it would.

It still hurt, though
As I passed by the two of you today
And my eyes landed on first your face
(A welcome sight)
Then your fingers intertwined with hers

Maybe it hurt because, as my eyes followed you,
Your gaze did not once fall upon me,
It was locked on her.
And in that moment I knew
That as I sit here unable to go a single day without your image haunting me,
To you
it's like
we never
 Jan 2014 Madison
Daniel Magner
Someone to
lay in bed with
listening to
Red, Red Wine
lip syncing
to every
"Just one thing makes me forget, red, red, wine"

Daniel Magner 2014
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