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1.3k · Apr 2016
Poetic Shades..
Mizzy Apr 2016
So varied are the hues of poetic pen,
With a multitude of exploding coloured ink,
In endless shades to choose from now, and then,
To set the writing mood, in which we sink.

Should I decide upon a nature write,
I must select just one of many greens,
To paint a woodland oil, in verse tonight,
Of lush green branches shading flowered scenes.

Humorous poems are best presented yellow,
The verses to be sunny, smiling bright,
This Irish poet not e'er a dour fellow,
To try extract a laugh from you, he might.

To pen dark verse, one must use darkest black,
Printed on a page of sombre grey,
The mood is set, no chance of stepping back,
The reader with sad tears, may have to pay.

Poems to my Love, are always delicate pink,
Verse from the heart, her eye to see words beat,
Fond lines penned madly now in perfumed ink,
Extracted from rose petals, for a treat.

****** verse scribed in pulsating red,
Throbbing, bulging blood to end in balm,
My pen grows hot with every word that's said,
Eventually burns to flames within my palm.

Finally if you poets e'er grace my home,
Feel free to take a seat, and ease your pains,
Relax at my bureau and pen a poem,
For it's ink not blood that flows inside our veins !
Mizzy Mar 2016
On harried days when our world seems unkind,
There lies a place my senses crave to be,
Within the shady woodland wild and free,
To ease the burdens of my troubled mind.

I soak much joyous sounds the Wood bestows,
Absorbing dawn aubades each songbird sings,
While zephyrs murmur notes like chello strings,
Beneath a harsh cacophony of crows.

Infectious woodland scents I fondly yearn,
A wily pungent fox peers with unease,
The sweetness of the wildflower on the breeze,
Against the bitter of the trodden fern.

A rotted branch falls crashing to the floor,
As Nature shows its sudden crushing powers,
Two butterflies then kissed some purple flowers,
Such gentle grace that startled me much more.

A speckled thrush begins her fledgling wean,
In search of ration squabble in a fume,
A worm to share with raised and ruffled plume,
She watches proudly o'er in perfect preen.

The sparkling sunlight dapples through the shade,
As if it dripped from sun drenched foliage,
A scene where light and shadows both engage,
Unleashing dazzling splendour on the glade.

These wilds intoxicate me as I stroll,
The need for drugs or liquor I decry,
Near Nature I am naturally high,
As Gaia lulls me to her leafy soul.

Dusk slowly looms, as daylight moments wane,
Return I must to cruel society,
The healing woods restored much piety,
This ailing mind refreshed and freed of pain.
Mizzy Mar 2016
Dear muse, I penned this verse with feather quill,
To gently praise your beauty of renown,
My words to float aloft your gaze until,
They softly kiss your eyes like thistledown.

One single thought of you is all I need,
Pure beams of gold to light my dulling day,
A gorgeous wildflower peers from tangled ****,
And paints a splash of colour to my grey.

My lonely shadow drapes this em'rald shore,
With somber heart I yearn your close embrace,
Between us how wild stormy waters roar,
Such tempest I would brave to see your face.

Fond kisses blown on gentle winds your way,
Warm breezes seek wherein the fells you stray.
To my muse in Cumbria.
869 · Apr 2016
Erotic Lament..
Mizzy Apr 2016
Oh Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, I plead,
Hand me your lyre from the Heavens above,
And I'll sing a lament of our broken Love,
The sorrow from open wounds I bleed.

Memories today all that's left to share,
A Love chastised, both from stringent schools,
We fled to the Forest that held no rules,
The forbidden fruit we longed to dare.

Lush with shade and endless green,
Naked we kissed against the Oak,
While only the Woodland creatures spoke,
Our secret safe, we would ne'er be seen.

She taunted strong, my hungry groan,
The rugged bark did dent our skin,
And I as hard as the Oak within,
Her welcome hand did guide me home.

We fell to the wild and ferny floor,
On a bed of trampled weeds to sin,
The sap tasted bitter on our green-stained skin,
Which fuelled our passion all the more.

Under Mother Natures watchful eye,
She fed her youthful ******* to me,
As we did taste our bodies free,
We hoped this Love would never die.

But the ravages of time to Love's disgust,
Have clouded the gold of our Forest moon,
Sweet Aphrodite please hold your tune,
Our cast iron Love, now decayed with rust.

837 · Mar 2016
Mizzy Mar 2016
No more to live in earthly mould,
Though siblings not bereft ?
Despair in me did clasp it's hold,
My spirit long since left.

No funeral pyre, no gaping clay,
Not one sad mourning tear,
No blood red rose, nor white bouquet,
Was flung upon my bier.

For me, no sudden tragic end,
But slowly perished inside,
A veil of sorrow to descend,
When close-blood kinfolk died.

Lymphoma slowly sapped my life,
Such ills did I abhor,
Then as lost love increased the strife,
I decayed a little more.

No one aware that I've passed on,
Appearing to all just fine,
I smile and laugh, 'til yarns are spun,
And die more every time.

Finally reduced to hollow shell,
This world, my mind it warps,
I wander in this lifeless hell,
An aimless moping corpse.
With respect to all who are depressed.
769 · Apr 2016
Cold Wind / Warm Skin.
Mizzy Apr 2016
Drawn to the privacy of the quiet beach,
And the deafening roar of the waves,
To the mangled shells, and seagull screech,
We surrendered to our bodies, like slaves.

For that seaside was our wild and secret love place,
With our toes we drew hearts in the shale,
A bunch of seaweed she smeared in my face,
I splashed water on her bare bosoms pale.

The sea spray bit cold on our naked skin,
As she teased and taunted so well,
Her magnetic curves how they drew me in,
Like the ocean I did seethe and swell.

Goose bumps crawled on our bodies entwined,
As the harsh wind caressed from the South,
We groped for heat from desires combined,
And the warm saline taste of our mouths.

The moonlight danced high as the sea did ebb,
Our spent bodies now bared to the sky,
The traces of our love play on the rippled sandy bed,
Not even the waves could deny.

We lay starkers on the strand, no madding crowds,
Still flirting in the naughty nip,
Our only company the shadows of the clouds,
And the drone of a distant ship.

Alas ! Our bliss was destined to fade,
Ne'er again to converge in the tide,
The moon no more a ****** to lust displayed,
When mad youths their pleasures not hide.

Memories now so vivid, I could nearly touch,
The tangles in her wild windswept hair,
Or taste those lips that I miss so much,
As across the barren beach I stare.
Teen memories.
762 · Mar 2016
Time and Eternity. (Sonnet)
Mizzy Mar 2016
Rejoice today! for life is short my friend,
Seize passing time like gold, whilst you are here,
Dwell in the now, but ne'er on journey's end,
Until such curtain falls, withhold your tear.

Run into natures arms of outstretched boughs,
Behold sweet woodland sounds, much joy they bring,
If still in love, love hard ! renew your vows,
Hold tight the hand, whereon you'd place a ring.

Arise my darling, may I have this dance ?
And we will waltz together 'round life's floor,
Our eyes transfixed, lost deep in lovers trance,
Just hold me close, be mine for evermore.

When life's last failing breaths are short and few,
My final fading thought will be of you !
Time is short.
610 · Apr 2016
A sprikle of dust..
Mizzy Apr 2016
When worldly time for me has ceased,
No more to breath God's air,
Lay me to rest in Nature's palm,
In solemn, silent prayer.

Scatter my ashes in a leafy place,
Where I can rest content,
Where creatures wail my eulogy,
And birds sing my lament.

To sleep with folded wild flowers,
Beneath lush woodland trees,
And wake with yawning blossoms,
Stirred by the morning bees.

Fling my dust where fairies dance,
Lit by a moonlight beam,
Along the track that I oft' strolled,
In earshot of the stream.

Within the throb of Nature's pulse,
As I close o'er life's pages,
Sheltered from the Summer sun,
And safe from Winter's rages.

'Tis there that I shall be at home,
My earthly toils remiss,
Forever facing wondrous skies,
In pure eternal bliss.

— The End —