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12.2k · Jun 2014
Mira scott Jun 2014
I like to think that I'm a mixture of a sunflower, a lioness, and a tortoise.
simply because a sunflower is
vibrant in color,
flows softly and carelessly with the wind,
plain and simple,
Intriguing to say the lease.

why a lioness?
because she is Queen of the Sahara desert.
she is loyal,
she is independent and does not fully need to depend on a male,
though when given the right one, she'll go through many lengths to accommodate him.
she is also full in color,  plastered with battle scars to prove that she is of worth
and can handle the meat thrown at her
with nothing but scavengers surrounding her,
tempting her.

why a tortoise?
because they are slow and steady,
live on land with feet as claws, being able to dig into troubles and come out more wise than before.
Also they can retrieve back into their cave for as long and as endless as they want,
solitude is acceptable and perfered.

one is noticeable yet, easily breakable and disposable.
one is lazy, yet keen
one is small, yet can take on the world for three hundred and thirty years.

I'll be forever, and memorable, and radiant.
4.1k · May 2014
Mira scott May 2014
she races through her mind, all the time

she sits in the shallows
sighing in her own drowned out howls

she breathes in the dusty air
scrunching her hair

but she looks to the sunset
flourishing in its beauty
secretly wishing she was of beauty

she wonders..

she falls back
hoping to be of a catch

she hopes for the best
but expects the worse
because what is worse than what she hasn't already experienced?

she whispers,
I am a useless tinker.
I am delusional.
I am something yet, of nothing.

the wind..
it is what kisses against her cheek
and says,
you may be of the above,
but you are not anything less than a dove.
and I promise, you'll soon get the answer to when.
so please, do not clip your wings,
because who I am to have to caress?
or to softly brush the feathers on your back?
Because you do need an answer to how, correct?
well then let me show you how, and you will get your answer to when.
3.2k · May 2014
Mira scott May 2014
she saw things that made her malfunction
she broke down to words that should've made her function.
she tortured herself with plastered screenings
repeated feelings
not wanting to be of perceiving  

she was in and out of it, saw the fault line, lingered a bit.
she then took it for what it was, saw what he was, realized he never was.

Next she then meddled with hard hit reality.
she understands to not give herself up, she gets the places it'll mess up, and all she wants to go is up.
So time dwells, she wants to be over it, she wants nothing of it, only to be everything above it.

she does not self harm anymore, because she is of no harm, she is just charm.
he's made her realize that.
he's accompanied her to that.
so she thanks him for that.
she will not whither, she is winter, with personality of a spitter
she is summer with hints of glimmer
she is now full of no more sorrow, no bitterness, or self wallow
she is content, she is fluorescent.
she is better than ever yet.

the muggy cloud has gone and surpassed
therefore leaving everything in the past.
so she says,
see you later,
thanks for the class,
hope everything works out for you in your middle pass,
just remember to not let the next one pass and remember to not be an ***,
with that being said with wise words from this ***.. that you can kiss.
hahaha so see you in the free world, and maybe then can we pass, hit a space migration for our integrations.
thank you to the guy who decided to ***** me over.. you are just one of a kind

*note the sarcasm
487 · Jul 2014
Private Marine
Mira scott Jul 2014
I think my favorite part was when he caressed my lips with the tip of his thumb

so slowly,
so affectionately,
so passionately,
showing the longing he wanted.

"I wish nights were often more like this.."

but that's just the adrenaline talking,
no sense of judgement to clarify things
no sense of direction..
both just taking it.. for what it is,
an adventure.

and lustful.

everything wrapped all in one.
Never would I have ever came across writing something about this particular guy.. much less feel anything..
392 · Jun 2014
Mira scott Jun 2014
she spoke aloud saying,
"and it ***** to admit it
but life tends to hit you at the most terrible places, it tries to teach you a lesson, but for what?
I know I'm going to get hurt some way or another.. either by something or someone.
I assume, its to teach us how to handle the different levels of pain we will endure.
it weeds out the most fit to not so fit.. wouldn't you agree?"

he replied,
"maybe you're right or completely wrong but,
why do you care so much?
why are you so insistent?"

she countered back with,
"because you idiot,
I'm insistent because I've never had anything to remain constant.
As much as I was silly to think that you would have, I must always have a plan B.
because plan A doesn't ever come guaranteed.
I care so much because I didn't ever intend to look like a fool but that was obviously inevitable.."

when she finished, he just looked at her..
he never expected her to be as so smart or so clever.
yet, they both knew that he had the upper hand.
because she just admitted her very weakness, a fool, a fool for being so naive.
and he knew how prideful she was so he stayed tight lipped.
it was the least he could do since whatever that happened between them had diminished.

they both proceeded to know each other and of each other at a distance,
both went back to as if their conversation ceased to ever exist,
which in the end, was entirely saddening.
but they assumed it was for the best
never knew that I could have fallen in love with such an amazing guy with hidden ******* qualities
371 · May 2014
Mira scott May 2014
Too intimidated by my mind
I am of well divine
don't worry, I haven't even reached my prime
so, still, time is of the essence,
just don't forget about my presence.

Remember that I have been where you are
been through what you have
felt what you have felt
and seen what you have seen.
don't pretend to leave those things unseen.
don't be ignorant
be resolvent,
try and be solvent.

Dissolve and degrade the disavowing  mentality
and start on your reality.

I am only here for a few,
so let's bathe in blue
for I am true
and nothing and everything will be new.

please, do not be intimidated
for I only wish to be emancipated.

I want to feel
just as much as you do,
I want to see
just as much as you do,
I want to hear
just as much as you do,
I want to be thee,
just as much as you do.

so please do no be afraid of intimidation,
because I'm just your imagination.

— The End —