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Oct 2021 · 333
lil Oct 2021
so this is what it feels like to be so happy
im sorry i took so long
first kiss at a green light isnt too bad
is it the indie wish your heart desired?
this is the first time i was able to picture the face behind the lips, i want to see you again but i know you are sleeping right now
May 2020 · 191
controllable variables.
lil May 2020
pink and purple paint my eyelids
glitter touches the corner

i go to the bathroom
stand and take a photo
trying to be beautiful
for people who are not worth it

trying to find the feelings
that i haven't felt for nine weeks
May 2020 · 124
lil May 2020
i cried for the first time in a while
i held my face
in my own hands
and let the loneliness seep in
wondering when my hands will be someone else's

i don't know
how do i feel better
from six feet of distance
Apr 2020 · 230
do you regret it?
lil Apr 2020
i am not ashamed of the parts
you saw of me
you should be ashamed
of what you did with them
they always take pieces of my soul and release them to the world. they were meant just for you.
lil Apr 2020
just keep telling yourself
everything happens for a reason
in hopes that
the numbness
and longing
for connection
i was stupid for thinking you could help me with that problem
yes these are all about the same person:/
Apr 2020 · 195
red flags
lil Apr 2020
you only talk to me at night
red flag they say
you can't see the difference between flags when the lights in your room are red
you only send me pictures of your face
no words
no response to my words
i can't see the red flags
and even if i could
i would pretend i couldn't

— The End —