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Jul 2016 · 901
Milica Markovic Jul 2016
just walking around
running for money
running for fame
running  for respect
blind for music
deaf for love
buying happiness at shopping malls
instead of hearts, they're growing holes
eating healthy
staying fit
telling ****
faking love
faking life
lost in time
lost in space
that's the final outcome
of stupid human race.
May 2016 · 3.7k
New World Order
Milica Markovic May 2016
This new world order
is more like disorder.
such a serious disorder
psychological disorder!
There's no more Syria
all is left is Fearia
and here in Serbia
it's the State of Disturbia
we're severely disturbed,
our minds are polluted
we're like half-people,
alive but executed.
Some big sharks
sharp their teeth on our bones.
World is again invaded by fascists
or their even worse clones!
Inspired by morning news, I just wrote a poem.
Dec 2015 · 535
Milica Markovic Dec 2015
Remembering the day you were born
My angel
The sky was blue and bright,
We were blessed and so fulfilled,
And I heard stars laughing that night...
Your hands so warm
Seemed the smallest in the world but yet I was imagining your big hug
Some day around my neck
I had dreams about your future
Your first smile
Your first words
Your first steps
Your first love
Your first kiss...
But all of that I'll miss.

Cause you, my baby, weren't meant to be so happy,
as other children will,  
this unknown disease came to us to ****...

We can't cope with its strong claws,
But we can keep our fingers crossed,
To have you and hold you as long as we can,
And pray for understanding and help of all men...
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Milica Markovic Aug 2013
You know you’ve tried everything,
Pressed ESC,
Pulled plugs out
Then tried reboot
Nothing can help you
And you can help it
We’ll have forever this wireless connection
High quality
Full HD
I’ll be still compatible with any device of yours
How ever far away
I’ll remain logged in your system
Forgot password
Security key
And activation code
And you’ll stay my divine inspiration
Forever and ever without an end,
Without limitations on number of characters,
As long as we save our own.
All we have to do, from time to time, is to recharge the batteries.

31.08. 2013.
Jul 2013 · 971
Damaged goods
Milica Markovic Jul 2013
You might be damaged goods,
but I'll not seek for compensation and reimbursement,
because I'm damaged too,
so we both are good.
Very good.
Jul 2013 · 739
Middle of feelings
Milica Markovic Jul 2013
Should I love you
Or should I hate you?
I don’t know if there is something between
But right now, I can’t see
The middle of my feelings.
I’m confused
By myself
And you.
Sometimes I feel like a walking tear
Just waiting to crash down
And be torn into thousand small pieces
Cause you don’t love me.
Other times I feel
Like a flying smile
Looking for your face
To be born on it
Make you happy
And die on your lips…
Jul 2013 · 5.5k
Run, run, run, run away
Milica Markovic Jul 2013
I want to run away
With you in my hand
In my heart
In my head,
Run away from all negativities of this world.
We could hide ourselves
Under cover of the madness
And be always happy
Staying young as long as we want
Maybe we should forget all
Leave it behind us
And go.
Our sanctuary will be our insanity.
Oh, we could have love,
Great love,
You and me,
Two fools watching the sunrise
And laughing forever.
What more could you want?
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
Milica Markovic Apr 2013
There is Excalibur,
the sword inside you, firmly stucked,
petrified along with your heart
inside of huge cold rock.
I will get it out,
it will melt in my hands as a snowflake,
in the very moment I put it on my palm.
The blood will come through the hole
warm, vivid, red as my lips when I bite it
to keep those two words from coming
and collapse the entire world of us.
It won't hurt you,
oh no,
on a contrary,
you'll be happy,
maybe for the first time in your life,
you'll be happy to feel
happy to touch
happy to share
happy too much!
Mar 2013 · 590
Play dead
Milica Markovic Mar 2013
Play dead.
Keep your eyes closed.
But someday
you'll give up
'cause light will atack you
from the inside.
Hold your breath.
Don't let it burn my skin
I might like it.
But you couldn't do that forever
and I'll be there when you inhale again.
Pretend you're deaf
for all tender words
coming from my mouth
I know if I keep saying them
long enough
you'll believe
they're your own.
Stay blind
for my kisses
my hugs
but for sure
soon you'll realize:
I'm not the best
but I'm everything you need.
Feb 2013 · 839
Wall of fears
Milica Markovic Feb 2013
Afraid of feeling love
Afraid of making love
Afraid of giving love
Afraid of taking love
Afraid of cherishing love
Afraid of dreaming love
Afraid of sharing love
Afraid of knowing love
Afraid of waiting love
Afraid of getting love
Afraid of loving love
Afraid of hurting love
Afraid of healing love
Afraid of me…
Afraid of yourself…
Afraid of us.
Feb 2013 · 699
2 good 2 B true
Milica Markovic Feb 2013
I should have known...
It was simply too good to be true...
What can I do?
I can’t play like you do...

See this tear I can’t hide,
see this pain I can’t take,
this cut bleeds, it’s so wide,
too strong heartache, for God’s sake!
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
Black pearl
Milica Markovic Feb 2013
One day
I will break
This pearl shell you' re hiding in
And I will discover brand new side of you
And you will see completely different side of yourself.
I will prove that you're a  pearl,
My precious.
My treasure.
„But I'm black“, you will say.
„Even better, darling,
even better.
It only means you're worth more than you think.“
Jan 2013 · 464
Milica Markovic Jan 2013
I know that you also feel-
we almost had it for real,
now everything we try to make
seems so shallow, cheap and fake...
Jan 2013 · 518
Milica Markovic Jan 2013

You’re going your way
not telling me why
I can’t make you stay
that’s why I cry
you’re going away
saying goodbye
I must let you go
then I will die…
Jan 2013 · 443
Have no fear...
Milica Markovic Jan 2013

There’s so much fear
inside of your head
I know I can beat it
just give me your hand
there’s so much pain
under your skin
I’ll make you get over
if you let me.
There’s so much music
on your finger tips
why don’t you share it
with my smooth lips
there’s so much love
deep in your heart
if you set it free
we’ll never  be apart…
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Milica Markovic Jan 2013
I feel easy shaking under my skin.
I want to jump out,
to become free!
Help me!
You know that, as well as he,
he gives life to the music
and you can give it to me.
Tonight I need space
I want to give myself to your fingers
and let you to take the best of me
like he out of  the guitar.
I don’t mind even pain,
because beauty is expensive.
Take me,
I’m surrendering  to your touch
and make place in reality
for this impossible energy
that wants to fly out of  me.
Don’t say it’s love –
just play!
Jan 2013 · 818
Love will tear me apart
Milica Markovic Jan 2013
Like a thousand flashlights
in front of my eyes
your smile shines through these cold nights
I can hear my soul cries...

Feeling you so close
and still too far away
tears me up inside,
I wish I could make you stay.

Everything I do it's just not good enough,
that's the serious reason for tears,
but despite that you see me laugh,
and in that way I could laugh for many years.

Wherever you go,
my kindness will follow
to bring care and joy,
and take away your sorrow...

I've got nothing else to give
without jeopardy to reveal
this secret locked in me
this scary love that I feel...
Milica Markovic Jan 2013
Please, don’t ask about this poem’s meaning,
it would simply ruin everything.
Just, leave it.

If there’s no way to get through
what is the point in being with you?

You hold your shield so close to heart,
I can’t find a trick to cross that distance,
to make myself an important part,
all I get is your tough resistance...

Maybe I look and dress like I’m strong,
but some things I really can’t fight with,
whatever I do, I think it’s wrong,
’cause it’s ruled simply by my heartbeat.

I can’t control this situation,
that makes me feel so weak and small,
I can only use my imagination,
that’s the place where I could have it all.

Don’t try to understand me,
it’s sometimes hard even to me,
try to be silly, childish and free,
that’s the blessing, you will see.

Keep yourself somewhere around me,
I hope that’s not too much to ask for,
I like the sound and shine of your smiling,
from this life I couldn’t deserve more.

If I’m not so privileged to have you beside me,
as long as this dream could last,
can you do me a final favour-
**** me, honey, and do it fast!

— The End —