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516 · Jan 2016
u hurt me
mikev Jan 2016
You hurt me when you say you don't want to talk to me right now
Saying that because I can't be where you are something must be wrong with my heart
You hurt me when you say let's split the bill
Because otherwise you know I wouldn't be thrilled
You get me down
Even though I barely know you
You get me down
Feeling like I belong below you
You get it now?
She says, with a look of surprise
So condescending she couldn't deny
If I ask, but instead I let time pass
And swallow my pride along with this wine fast
mikev Oct 2015
got her a gift I
thought was clever and hastened
I tell her I'll always love her, I can be exceedingly patient,
through whatever weather
I'd be there in a fire and rainstorm
told her that forever I’m staying
so when she said
let's take a vacation
my eyes light up
a permanent one
oh. wait.
no, me? - no - when -
she said, when you begin to intervene with scenes of dreams we breathed?
I'll say you're lacking persuasion
and - don’t ask the occasion.
They’re reasons I cannot be placing.
And life's short why would I waste it
with you? (the eyes)
someone else’s name.
I can taste it
and stupid you and I
with the everyday doubt and shame it became abrasive
don't you see?
the pouts and pangs started replacing
every-single-*******-thing we were chasing
so everything small claim brings out the fangs
I'm so sick of thinking I’m all there is to blame
until I'm on the brink of insane?! (eyes)
I don't owe you any explanation
I don't care what you consider courageous
you don't know how anxious my core is
imagining the sort of - future we'd have
- No, I’m sorry -
I mean, I feel your pain,
everything around me, just happened in a hurry,
people and shadows, blended entwined and blurry,
all that **** before, I didn’t mean to instigate such a worry (the eyes)
I don’t know when you developed this fury
I wish I could help
I wish I knew sooner
instead of assuming useless rumors
always clueless and using excuses
fine. I agree to not be.
but please there's some putrid humor in this
maybe I got the chance to think for myself
maybe the cards I was dealt
got me almost broke on the felt
and since every emotion I felt
since the moment we met
was new
but maybe things end
without without clear reasons
507 · May 2017
mikev May 2017
once in awhile
people together create something greater
than good itself
502 · Oct 2015
the madness
mikev Oct 2015
i think
having known the sinister side of
anyone at any given
time, - it could, come crashing anywhere
even at work, or school, this parking lot
you - them, they'll never know what they are capable
of - depression fueled by hatred - a toxic cocktail - I don't
understand how this isn't a bigger issue.
mikev Sep 2015
I had
no sign no angels
warning me
just Satan himself
courting me
This beautiful life's
rewarding me!
horribly bordering a drunk and disorderly
currently imploring virality of spirituality
I hear them saying
we ought to be quarantined
for unseen mistakes
exploring these train-station streets late
wincing at these morbidly boring estates

Don't tell me things could be worse.
They are, for someone else, somewhere else.
489 · Aug 2015
resilient love (persistent)
mikev Aug 2015
those silent seconds in the sand
the slow motion moments holding her hands
the days i spent driving down to you
to spend hours going down on you
484 · Jul 2016
The Cold War
mikev Jul 2016
It's been a year since we've talked.
I've always had **** luck come July.
This year, though, everything is new.
The people the places
The conversions the food.
This time, I know you won't call from across the universe.
But I have to believe the night sky is more than this static echoing back my own fears.
I know you would answer if I rang.
I know you'd smile and smile
Maybe laugh and ask how I've been all this while.
Well. I've been busy.
479 · Jun 2015
i can't help u
mikev Jun 2015
if these fettered feathers will ever be better
reversed intent
i could gain back the
time i spent
sipping lime mint mojitos
getting bit by mosquitoes
bloodsuckers that be
feeding their egos
jeez, there we go
over the same routine, and you never get it
are you stupid or deaf?
im blinded by the minute -
my decisions a mess
living upset
given a nest
built on a ship
i perch and jump - just to flee this ****
diving at your purse, life's broke
but i take what i can from this *****
plus with a wide set hips and a bright sets of lips
i can't help my attraction
471 · Aug 2015
mikev Aug 2015
What is a day?
Is it sunrise to sunset?
or is it a surprise of how upset
fed up and perplexed with life you can get?
Is it a matter of minutes
divided by moments?
Or is it a matter of atoms
that shatter - exploding
Capable of causing a massive disaster
and showing - us what fear is.
470 · Dec 2016
my friend the felon
mikev Dec 2016
i hallucinate like a starved sexpot
the lights bouncing brighter shades -
in this cold body, crossing your street
outside the walkway stumbling muttering
existential curse words, i  - curse words
for - never sounding like they promise
they will, coming from my mouth - i
have these habits you think are strange
but they - vapid on a cosmic scale - vanish, you
devoid of reflection, a vampire *******
the life, a tick in the morning dew grass you
imagine with pink sunlight and
the songs of birds chirping their affection
469 · Apr 2017
mikev Apr 2017
is it freedom
to give away what's mine?
I taste the air, in the wind
and you, in my mind - I wonder, if
to forget today, will I wish away the light - ?
then until I turn blind - and numb - and why -
we run
I'm innocent - I
I didn't see it coming - I
I just let it happen -
I didn't plan on going out tonight
and then you came over after -
is it freedom
to give away what's yours - ?
cold handcuffs and red wine -
You're guilty - You
pretended you knew you were coming - You
You just let it happen -
You didn't plan on this tonight
but you just wanted action -
Free to do, free to please
What's free to you, it's what sets me free
and I don't need what I don't have and
I won't be a victim of this greed -
She hasn't called, I haven't either
and I still wonder what she thinks of me -
Day 1 - Drink liquid for sustenance.
465 · Jul 2015
mikev Jul 2015
she’s the breathe of fresh air
in this toxic pollution
and even when there’s nothing left here
no future, but fear, she’s got a solution
so no, it’s not easy to be renewing -
but so easy, to ruin -
one match this bridge is gone
roadblocks can make us feel trapped and lost
but I want your hand clasped as we cross
463 · Feb 2017
an open-ended eulogy
mikev Feb 2017
sometimes i wonder
when the last time you wondered
what has come before you
and what may arrive after you leave -
sometimes i wonder
how much impact i could have
on what we believe -
and sometimes, i look back
and wonder, what i was thinking
462 · Aug 2015
mikev Aug 2015
it's her and her dogs
going for a walk, - the phone
hasn't rang, so why not?
they bark
she smiles
they snarl
she retracts the leash
But they're free.
Dancing without smoking.
A ballet of confusion.
Wave to the neighbors!
With a styrofoam cup she's holding
She's holding the leash,
She barks,
They dart back,
She smiles behind big sunglasses.
It's just her dogs and her
going on a walk.
461 · May 2015
mikev May 2015
I never knew how easy it is to point fingers and place blame.
I never knew how long pain lingers when we face shame.
I never realized you know me better than I ever will.
I never thought I'd say goodbye to a piece of this until, I had too.
I had two chances
And I blew three
One time, it was just you and me.
Now it's I who sits alone at night at home wondering how I could have been so blind and go, this way.
456 · Feb 2017
mikev Feb 2017
There is something to be said,
for speaking your mind, she whispered -*

      There's a home
outside of this home -
inside of this home is a fire
inside of this home is a fountain
This pedestal, is perched, a crow
gawking at me, as I inhale smoke
from charcoal, as my breathing accelerates endlessly -
I can feel the oxygen hitting my lungs
like the sun hits my eyelashes on the first
day of Spring, where blue jays
and wet lawns, and a later setting sunset reach into
my stomach and fill it with flowers
and girls and sand and salt and bikinis -
I just wanted to take the time to say - I
I feel nostalgia in the form of an atomic holocaust -
it happened, and it will happen over
and over and over. Until we can take the time
to say, what we really feel inside.
453 · Jul 2015
i - elapsed -
mikev Jul 2015
the hailstorm path i failed warning signs at
i was so sure, i knew where each the demons sat
453 · Jul 2016
tickle me fancy
mikev Jul 2016
I'm sick of eating organic
sometimes I just want to eat the face off a dead squirrel -
That's what we call McDonald's where I'm from.
Not really though.
Sometimes I think about my eating habits as a child, and what was allowed
My God great good Lord capitalized I did on milk duds and mountain few
I got so sick into a sink
Putrid fluorescent bile
It's not my fault.
It's not my fault.
My mind had a mind of its own!
451 · Aug 2016
That A Feminist
mikev Aug 2016
Ptshhpht. I been a feminist yo -
I said
Not feminine.
You gotta buy me dinner first.
Or at least a drink or five
Five! Five drinks
And I can do anything.
Actually. Anyone
can do anything.
As a
f e m i n i s t
I think we're all equal.
I think we're all as cancerous
and false, blue deviant as late breakfast
I believe if one can't vote.
No one should. Why bother?
You're beyond what would otherwise be
(Free Speech)
But you can't relate
With daisies in your hair
And a cigarette hanging from you lips
Bursting with bacteria
and **** -
Survival of the fittest?
We're all going down, don't you get it?
mikev Jul 2016
Another late night
More birds chirping
More feeling worthless
Worth well, six shots of Bacardi
A beer here, a drag there
What a drag here, slowing down
To my last fear - speak publically rambling
Incoherent politics iced coffee straw wrapper cigarette lunch for pigeons and people who look like birds
441 · Jul 2015
Ok so here's what happened
mikev Jul 2015
I said - what?!
I can earn much cash
as long as
I serve enough ads?
Food & Drink ? (please.)
   *" and who would think
   the Hive would lie?
       Besides -
   You and I both know we're better off than the next guy
   You know, the left side type to return from work and gets high? " *
I tend to the bars to ascend into stars
probably end up on Mars by the time I end this verse -
'cause life's too short not to fight this war
   So worry free? Never me.
I liked when words
get the recipe - stirred
must be, -
why I'm the latest scoop
must be, -
when I didn't post up on the greatest stoop
See - it let me be free, - unnerved
instead of
splurging at every urge occurring and I'm worried
so of course I'm surging with venom,
one man's poison and is another man's medicine
but every moment you're in is blurring with desire and sin and
Emergency - Insurgency
Insurance schemes - and murderous fiends
swerving from being purged of their devilish ways
and I thought I was just at the rebellious age
but this is the rebellious age, where selfishness gets paid
Personally? I don't know if I'll never make it well...
probably wake up naked in the bottom of a well
for the words I wrote and just
walk up to gates of hell
ugh... let me re-explain myself....
440 · Aug 2015
backspace v. del
mikev Aug 2015
It's been another cold summer
with the
air conditioner running nonstop -
Yeah I am constantly caught up - at screen
Racing thoughts I capture them
nightmares are right there
to deform ideas, but ideally
I'd die for, my ideals
So I try to warn my peers to keep it real
But honestly, my fear is
it appears that no one wants to hear
About that ****, rather just amount to ****
Pout and *****, sulk and disconnect
I'm ******* repulsed by it - so I choose not
To follow suit and instead chase my heart -
Call a ***** a ***** and just make this art
Yeah rather that than rage for days
Yeah I'd rather work away the pain than relax distracted from the fact that we are each a slave - in one way or another
436 · Jun 2017
Elon Musk
mikev Jun 2017
an idea isn't anything
if you can't
turn it into something
435 · Dec 2016
crowded beaches
mikev Dec 2016
i had visions of a girl with brown
hair - her - eyes
lit up my soul, her
mouth was like a womb
her mouth was a womb for words
that gave life to chaos - her
hands were delicate like
a white napkin or a bird's perched
on an electrical wire - i hear
her speak when i look at the clock
434 · Jan 2017
tickled pink.
mikev Jan 2017
Open the windows let the spring breeze lift flowers with a song in the air -
Pour him a coffee tidy the table
Down come the children
It's an every day gamble, you swear.
431 · Sep 2015
mikev Sep 2015
you got a
twisted perspective
only feel alive with
kissed erections - no
missed connections - no
mixed messages - no
*** with protections - it's expected
that on the first date, I waltz over to the third base
and worst case scenario, this is just a game - right?
mikev Jun 2016
I miss when the president of the United States was a person I'd respect,
Instead of just a worthless derelict -
Preying on the problems of the poor -
Praying this will
solve it, as I pour -
This glass
half empty - all out -
Not much to lose now?
They say an enemy of my enemy,
is a friend, well...
Pyongyang? Here we are.
Biscuits, and blankets, ants and all.
Melting on your tattered crimson.
What do we do, when the poltergeist comes to life?
When the music becomes light,
and the light becomes shade, oh Lord
I'm giving up all of my vices today!
But I'm afraid, it's too late.
mikev Jan 2017
in my heart, there's a hornet's nest
But we can still be together I promise
the only difference is, it might
sting once in awhile honey - and
I chase toxins like a lit match
I used to read my thoughts aloud
with metaphor, and wit
And nowadays it's like I barely get,
A chance to step past this shadow
I blame the acetone in my sleep -
I blame the lights down on me
Like a hospital table
430 · Sep 2015
if Google had Parkinson's
mikev Sep 2015
does it really matter?
that I don't remember?
does it really matter?
that every minute I'm enveloped
by letters - patterns and combinations
of words making sure I comprehend where we're
headed? maybe your city is sinking
maybe you're make up isn't as pretty as you were thinking -
genetically speaking
rotting what remains on the weekends
I don't want to forget I guess
it's just what happens next I guess
it's just what happens when you're laughing
and the seconds are flashing by
You're friends are gone by the time you realize
what time it is - the lights are on
their lights are out - I should be asleep
but I can't figure out how
to get there in what's deemed a reasonable time
by the time I have to be where I'm told
I wonder how many times this will happen until
I look up to the mirror old - and grey
I was told, this would happen someday
but when? I ask -
I don't think it's too unreasonable to want to know.
428 · Aug 2015
mikev Aug 2015
she doesn't smile for the camera
she is the camera
she isn't determined by what you deem
**** - beautiful - alive
424 · Sep 2016
wet candlelight
mikev Sep 2016
i wish i had the charisma my shadow has
dancing in the light
brimming with darkness
i never wished to completely let go of you -
i just couldn't bring myself to call -
i see the streetlights and the insects
fighting to burn, i think that's just human
i didn't realize this burning moon sweltered so silently -
i clasp my hands towards its existence
hoping some gap opens between time and space
and i may leave
and never return
422 · Nov 2016
mikev Nov 2016
i can't be another statistic
i already made it this far
this world can't be that sadistic
that i am not so sure of, so far -
i see bloodshed of newborns
and lies from the preacher
i hear gunshots in the mornings
and lose track of the weekends
i barely notice the sky anymore
i rarely look you in the eyes anymore
422 · May 2015
green felt attitude
mikev May 2015
what do i think of success?
i think it comes pressed, hard and you break it up
serve it to the fiends while you cakin' up
blurry thoughts that i can't make it out
well my 'friend', posted up you should take it down
off this digital billboard
populated pixels people **** for
while they just bill more
for real though -
what do i think of success?
shucks, well it's probably more complex
than this complex i have impressed
upon my mindset, heck
no wonder im pressed for time every time
i try to rise shine it's already ******* nine pm
so i'll lead sheep blind while i sleep
the only time i can find myself
what do i think of success?
i know it takes hard ignorance and persistence, relevance and intelligence
not just a nod and a yes
it's not windswept, it's being led
leading, it's existing ahead but seeing
below with insight - i hold this pen tight
every minute alongst midnight, i will dream of success
421 · Jun 2015
hurry up, give up
mikev Jun 2015
we whisper white lies between dark truths
flame-like tongues flicker between teeth
a friendship dependant on what you're able to prove
hoping to appear naive
but nothing to lose
a soul feared, is a soul had
her lipstick smeared, a moment
i wish i could go back
and stop myself, resist
temptation, and tell myself
resist temptation
do it for your future self
he'll be glad you did
but that didn't happen
'cause here i am, trapped in
this passive
aggressive, sad and obsessive
tragic and mixed message flashing
it's getting - me sick
420 · Apr 2016
blew it
mikev Apr 2016
Do you ever think the wind gets a second chance so why can't you?
mikev Jul 2016
I watch you roll over in ecstasy
Eyes full black like moons of sin
Liquid venom pouring from your lips
I want to taste the nectar of hatred
Self inflicted wounds
and poetry written in musky rooms
Where the air is as stale
as the coffee is as bitter as
the neighbors teeth broken as
the fan blowing breathing dust
into our lungs as we sleep
Please don't let go, I said
4 weeks prior, please don't
3 weeks left until I expire, please
don't leave me, 2 days you say
You love me, you love me
She loves me, she loves me.
417 · Jun 2015
mikev Jun 2015
You're the worst.
You're the worst.
You're the worst.
You're the worst.
416 · May 2017
that's not family
mikev May 2017
family shouldn't
shame - because
shame lumbers in the belly like a bad ham -
it burns into intestines and spills
hot green stomach acid up your throat while
you're asleep peacefully at the television -
no, family shouldn't
point fingers like a winter's frost, scowling
like a midnight alley cat between trashcans -
no - family
reflects in the
social mirror, and breaks
itself down first
mikev Jul 2016
If I can get away with it
It's safe to say I tried
Handjobs over
Hand over fist, the first fight
I fought, I thought
I'm in the right, no wrongs
Swinging fists
At God -
I lost. Two black eyes and a dented
aluminum can. A concussion
A broken heart
And the Humiliation out of televisions.
Hallelujah hallucinations -
The kids only did what they saw.
Hallelujah hallucinations -
The parents let them live through their thoughts.
Hallelujah hallucinations -
I'm not saying I didn't deserve it
Past Present Future
Fractals of opposing decisions void
of logic, fingertips wet anticipation
over a keyboard. Throat foaming
purple capsules and
a full tank of yellow gasoline a bottle
of Xenka warm under summer seats
(warped plastic adds flavor)
Like a dog panting, I broke the forth wall
simply for the sake of freedom.
411 · Apr 2015
mikev Apr 2015
You know?
it's not as easy as it looks
answering you, - It's commitment.
it means.. i can't write.
it means.. i can't wander.
it means.. i can't stop
or quit So?
I just shut down the world
like a computer
407 · May 2015
bark bark bark
mikev May 2015
it takes
to get to know someone
and energy and
energy sapped I pine for you.
400 · May 2015
buckle up
mikev May 2015
yellow sand and green grass
swing sets and hands clasped
white clouds and blue skies
those were the best days of a past life
399 · Oct 2015
mikev Oct 2015
when it makes sense
the air is fresh
access is with ease
it's just what you needed
396 · Jun 2017
Life Goes On
mikev Jun 2017
Don't quit your day job!
they said, when I was imitating stand up comedy
routines - and when I made her a stuffed
turkey - the time I tried backwards skating on a pale
blue pond - I could see this frozen
fish underneath wondering when I
will ever break this glass ceiling -
Life goes on!
they said, when she said we were no longer
going to be seeing each other on weekends, on phone
calls into the wee hours of twilight haze -
dull ***** on her cardigan, our footsteps in the streets
I saw your eyes in your hands and
my heart was in my lap -
I gave you a warm bottle of water, left
and never came back
Life Goes On
mikev Sep 2015
heh, i know i'm dreaming
but i can't wake up.
she's over there
talking to the wall
and i'm still realizing it's summer time
at a beach i've never actually been too.
there's waves and sand and there she is
with eyes so hollow i can hear my echoes from them.
mikev May 2015
don't text me
don't call
no snapchats at all
don't tweet me or tag pics
don't like **** or leave comments
don't ask questions or begin wanting
don't let them hear you wonder
don't let them hear what you wonder
394 · Sep 2015
open books
mikev Sep 2015
who'd of thought
pulling her chair out
would have me
pulling my hair out?
friends say it's
nothing to be embarrassed about
we all have our unfair spouts
of bad luck or streaks, but
i swear they just do it to **** with me
what - maybe you don't understand
the damage done when things got out of hand
abandoned out of greed
and stranded out to sea
i refuse to float in hopes of finding the land that i need
to eat to breathe please
i'm used to being exposed to those losing clarity

391 · Sep 2016
Dance, Clown-boy
mikev Sep 2016
Ooooh look at you
Big red shoes - and a attitude
- a deck of cards
52 laughs - and face of paint
dry cracking teeth
You always assume the answer is yes.
383 · Dec 2016
spit in my mouth
mikev Dec 2016
My words are almost there
Ready to be drowned
Unfinished sentences - I
Start thoughts without knowing why -
I never understood kissing someone goodbye
381 · May 2015
salty lips
mikev May 2015
i wonder
how many sets of lips
i must kiss
until i can no longer judge if
it's just for fun
self hatred the pain from which we run
the insecurities we scour like birds circling
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