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Flocks of birds
Across the morning sky
Tell me
I’m not in the city any more.
Don't know what they are, just know they're beautiful.
Wrapped around by dawning
cotton candy clouds,
I turn and turn
to scan them all.
Squadrons of Starlings
punctuate the quiet
as the crooked moon
decides it’s time to maybe set.

On a gravel hill that
overlooks a minor wasteland,
I selfishly enjoy
a time that’s mine alone;
reminding one who felt
that in reality she
rolled the dice
and won.
Just another **-hum Nevada sunrise.
The mind is an endless foreign land
A place to find escape
When life becomes a heavy hand
And living is a jape.
From out of the blue.
Don't know who wrote this, but it's  my new mantra.
Little mouse in a room size maze
Every way you turn is wrong
And the cheese stays ever far away
If only you could cimb the walls
Or find a map to help you
Your tiny legs are very tired
And your brain is overloaded
But you can’t stop, for if you do
You get the current’s tickle
Some dsys it doesn't pay to get out of bed.
Like a beauty queen
Grown old,
Sunrise is too quckly over.
Sunrise never lasts long enough.  I always want more.
Question-How do you write?
Answer- I write,
What I have seen
What I have been
What I feel
What I deal
What I realize
What I visualize
What I love
What I observe
What I live
to live....

When asked about my poetry
 Jan 2020 Mike Hauser
Star BG
 Jan 2020 Mike Hauser
Star BG
When things are tough
and life seems like
an never ending challenge.
I ask for back up.
From... friends, my Guides, Higher Self,
and The Divine.

When things are difficult
and every minute gives little comfort.
I breathe deep and ask for help.
From...Mother Gia, Allies in Universal,
Family and my own Inner Wisdom.

When thing aren’t easy
and friends seem few.
I ask for help recalling
I am sacred, eternal, a gift and
carry the essence of love.
Second poem of day
In Georgia, it is 82 degrees.
Sweltering sticky heat and air so thick with humidity
It’s like you’re swimming through syrup
Weigh me down.
Sweat slips down my spine like living water, a reminder that
I am here— uncomfortable, yes, but not quite hurting.
People smile. I smile back.

In New York, it’s 39 degrees.
Wind whips at my face, rendering my cheeks rosy and stinging my eyes with tears.
My teeth chatter, rattling my whole jaw with them.
The subtle pain reminds me I’m alive.
I’m not quite sure when I decided pain and existence were synonymous
But I did
And today is another reminder.
I smile. No one smiles back.

At least they’re alive. At least I am.
a poem about the weather, but also not.
 Jan 2020 Mike Hauser
Poems aren't written,
they're found,
Somewhere in your head the words are waiting,
They're sprawled across the floor,
You just need to pick them up,
Make a path with them,
Let your path guide observers,
And if you can't write,
Walk down somebody's else's path first,
First poem I've written, to anybody who reads this is hope you enjoyed it and it made you day a little better
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