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Mike Adam Jan 2024
I painted your Myth onto
A cave wall

Until she atrophied

I scribbled our story
With a stick in White sand

And then the Tide.

So long gone,
I see in Dream
Your Face in
Moon Cold night

Your heat on soles

The Harvest of your Hips
With another.
Mike Adam Jan 2024
I blame the moon.

Her sinuous rhythm
In tune-
You move to her
Her Face your Mirror.

My Gravity slips and
We tumble Cold
Into Space
  Dec 2023 Mike Adam
Heidi Franke
Many things going on around you.
Clothes hang on chairs, littered
Like valves of the heart hang
By cords in diastole
Waiting for blood
What do you care about?

I have too many clothes.
Mike Adam Dec 2023
Slept on Thousand
Year deep moss-

Woke with Spring
In the Steppe
Happy New Year
Mike Adam Dec 2023
Last leaves swept

Years heaped

Wan smile
  Dec 2023 Mike Adam
Universe Poems
As the Winter Season unfolds
A serenade of violins is played
Solo violin
on the floor crisp no more
Nature said when you bleed the leaves,
life is still left in the breeze
Nature you care
Can you hear the Strings
You will rise in light,
because nature has encased you,
it feels right
Now violins play
while we swing in light,
night and day

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
  Dec 2023 Mike Adam
Max Neumann
I saw the end of the wind
In a loop of time and dreams
For the birth of the benevolent
The love in a balloon's belly button
Between fingertip and string
In the grin of a canned child
Who is a belthead
Who ran through deserts
Among fathers and mirages
To pick up desert and water
To forget the sand and the water

I impregnated the end of the wind
With the cludgel of avarice
My head was bursting in wishes
I would spot demons made of gold
Dancing through the channels of future
Dressed in the loss of real love

I saw the end of love
Amid a chaos of winds
Within the fathers of mirages
Blown through the lips of the flying ones
In a mesh of tunnels
Tunnels are good for the dawn
The people of broken angels recover there
Come into my hug of winds
Deserts and waters belong to the wind
I got love for the luggage of your dreams
Red, round, real, racing, ripe love
The End Of The Wind
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