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Miguel Cardozo Jul 2019
If you look close enough you'll see the marks of previous self destruction
Listen long enough and you'll hear the emotions
That inspired the trails I ran razors down
The Crimson drops that reminded me no matter how dead I felt inside, somehow I was still alive,
A tangible effect,
causation: the constant disrespect of those so ignorant to call themselves human.
Purpose: to heal the wounds unseen with visible references of invisible pain.
I used to be caught up into the world of self harm, it wasn’t healthy but it’s the truth.
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
Tomorrow they cut into me...
To fix what birth had done....
You see my heart was broken before I even filled my lungs!!!
The time to wait has passed, the papers have been signed...
And into sleep I go...
The drugs...they feel....
I'll say a prayer of forgiveness and give this world my best ..
For now I close my eyes,
Perhaps for final rest.
Some words I wrote on my arm before my open heart surgery last month.
Miguel Cardozo May 2018
The apple of my eye
why hide,
behind coffee cups,
that seed my jealous heart with yearning of like-contact with those lips,
behind phones,
that hold the attention of those eyes?
Oh how I despise the attentiveness you display
to screens and text,
while I,
hold words,
On a date, with someone too entertained with her phone to entertain the idea of me.
Miguel Cardozo May 2020
Dragon fly, so aptly named
You skit passed land,
and sea,
and sky,
In iridescent blues
and greens
and grays.
Like a jewel, shinning through the day.
Miguel Cardozo May 2018
My eyes wait to catch fire in your gaze.
Caught up in the gravity of ill fated fantasies.
A comet in decaying orbit with those lips.
taking the long way round,
and round.
A dance in density of emotions,
That motions towards calamity...
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
As morning rays of light,
my stare fell unto thee
To bring light to truths I can now plainly see!
To you I cast my light,
as if the only thing in sight!
And as this morning turns to noon,
I've found no plans to move,
or haste, and leave too soon.
And so,
Ill stop the turning of this world,
to keep away the night,
and forever bathe your endless beauty, 
in my warmest rays of light.
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
For I could never know the thoughts that she wouldnt share,
The words she left unspoken,
I lived by those that existed,
And have existed in me,
Given life by quiet looks and half answered questions,
That had taken me to the half empty bottles I used to send her love crazed pieces of me,
Messages taken out to sea by wave after wave of honesty,
Received and taken in with Admiration,
And always returned faintly perfumed
by the possibility of something more.
An aroma of the most intoxicating airs,
A fantastic disaster that
punctuated life to a simple before and after.
Before I spoke my truth,
& after she shared hers.
Miguel Cardozo May 2018

I never knew 2 seconds were all it took.
...Swipe right...
Two seconds of superficial observation.
inspiration for a game.
A game,
That once inspired countless books.

Swipe left.
Swipe right.
Two seconds!
Ignore a life.
Ignore a struggle.
Ignore a...
hungering for more.

Did you know,
In two seconds you might,
...Swipe left...
miss a chance?
The chance.
For two lives to become one.
A thought left..
In hindsight.

Did you know!
Did You know,
...Swipe right...
That love was blind before the screens told us that this was not so.
That *** for the sake of it,
Could sap away our soul?
Leave us corpses...
Nothing more...
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
Your lips,
Their touch,
The bliss,
It muses me to poetry.
Summons words which bare my mind,
My heart,
My soul,
For you I'd write a million, and if I ever stopped to speak, I'd fill the air with praise!
Raise your image to the heavens, for the world should know it's grace.
Perfection is the word you wear, so beautifully.
Yet you humble in your impeccability.
So I beg you, do turn your head to me!
Let me revel in such beauty,
My heart awaken in your loving stare!
Let not my skin forget your lips!
Instead, have me burn in lustful passion, as each new kiss becomes my newest bliss
And as such my newest muse.
Miguel Cardozo Aug 2019
Be still
Be quiet
The trees applaud your beauty,
The sun, it shines only to illuminate your eyes
The breeze, it only blows to caress your every curve.
What use do you have for the greed of man...
When the world loves you so.
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2019
How I hate to be a “poet”
Hate the sound of it,
“Puh” forced and lazy,
“Oh” as if it were surprising to be male and have emotion.
“It” as though verse were not infinite.
No I am simply ,
Floating endlessly over waves of lyrical truths.
Swept up in the gusts of life.
Miguel Cardozo Oct 2017
[pulls out papers, baggie, and lighter(Or mimes)]
Oh! How I love a swim through molasses!
This heavy sense of perception.
[sets up the cigarette]
Oh! How I love a swim through molasses!                                                        ­   This consented self limitation.
To the tendency of self flagulation brought on by the summation of a day.
[rolls and licks shut]  
Oh! How I love a swim through molasses.
A state of mental relaxation,
Of Reduced acuity of thought.
The "unwinding"  that precedes that short death of consciousness, otherwise called sleep.
[lights and takes a puff (holds, and releases)]
Oh! How I love a swim through molasses!
A sense of wading through the weeds.
[exit stage]
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2019
sadness is a sea,
and on its shore I stand.
away from waters deep
feet firmly in the sand
it washes over me,
and goes away again,
a constant ebb and flow eroding who I am.
Miguel Cardozo May 2020
Enchantment, envelope me
Surround me, with the sound of her lips
Breathless as though the words themselves were my oxygen.
I'm overwhelmed in the awe of it,
The simple semblance of words,
Spoken perfectly,and in silence.
They destroy me, and make me whole all over again.
Miguel Cardozo Jul 2019
Surely, though our story is to be found amongst the rooms and walls and shelves  within the library of Babel...

Each letter perfectly paired to the next, and every space in its rightful place.
Periods and commas punctuating every moment exactly as they should.

...That room has yet to be illuminated, The walls therein unseen, It’s shelves have been left unenumerated.
And the book is yet unnamed...

Lost is the certainty,
the written account,
existing within the infinite possibilities of algorithmic and mathematical clout.

...Leaving us to marvel and worry only armed with faith and good reason, through all of life’s seasons and its many unmeasurable miserable doubts.
Kinda at a crossroads with relationships and work... I found a website called the library of Babel where a guy basically came up with a way to get every possible combination of the 26 letters in the English language, plus periods, commas and space. Making it possible to find a perfect written account of your birth/life/death and everything in between... if you just knew the location within its infinite volumes of seemingly endless babble.
Miguel Cardozo May 2020
I feel the emptiness of a brain uninspired,
I have no desire to muse about anything.
And to make something out of nothing
is never the easiest.
Putting pencil to paper,
I drag out the nothing inside
And line by line
It dies.
Trying to write one poem a day... This is barely day 2 lol
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
Love is not to be understood,
It should be felt
Should rise from within without reason,
Take flight on whim and fantasy
Not Beholdent to reality,
but accepted as divinity.
Take heed!
For love is not friend to the coward who seeks to confine it within cages of the definite!
But finds a bower in the heart of he who's brave enough to let it be as it is, infinite!
To submit to its will!
Without question, without fears!
And accept it as fleeting!
And takes this with cheer!
So, worry not to quicken it's pace,
let it come, never chase!
Miguel Cardozo Jun 2018
I never know quite what to say,
When her eyes get that look,
While her hands try and find warmth against my skin,
If I just had pens, paper
I'd be able to tell her...
But there's never time to read,
Once she finds the borders of my shirt,
Hands cold
I've never said a dishonest thing,
She finds my zipper,
The sheets smell of smoke
The music bleeds angst,
Her weight against mine and yet I can't quiet my mind,
Her Lips against my neck,
I fulfill her desires
Her body trembling,
I stand...
Walk away,
leaving only,
I never really meant to stay.
Miguel Cardozo May 2018
It’s not the scar that reminds me of my broken heart,
And when I remember my chest being ripped apart,
it never happened at a hospital.
I hadn’t waived responsibility that time
hold that contract unsigned,
Selfishly holding out offers too hard to refuse,
You’d say it was selfless
Expound on parallel perception
Call me selfish,
Blame lewd behavior on liquor,
Excuse yourself from the situation,
Draw me a truth-less traitor.
It’s not the scar that reminds me of my broken heart,
And when I remember my chest being ripped apart,
it never happened at a hospital.
Miguel Cardozo May 2020
Songs sung off key.
Cigarettes shared on park benches.
Fingers touching frets awkwardly.
Ill timed phone calls that last deep into the night.
You wake up refreshed, each and every time
On fantasy, and four hour sleep.
The day, just a silence in between,
conversations in the dark.
Miguel Cardozo Apr 2017
We were going through the motions
Lacking emotion
hearts not centered on devotion,
No notion of action
Soley reacting
Enacting fantasy,
flesh, Against flesh
Intoxicated by the rush
The adrenaline of adoration
Ecstasy of excitation.
Miguel Cardozo May 2020
I didn't mean the words I said!
I swear the thought to mind my words slipped from my head!
My tongue was sharpened to an edge,
Poised to pierce, and so it did.
For nothing helps, when blood does boil,
To calm the ire, and end the quarrel.
No panacea have I found,
within myself or here around,
no consequence is taken heed.
to help me stay this wicked need,
And though my sins arent mine alone
I have no strength to cast more stones.
I've put a noose around my tongue
And from it you shall find me hung.

— The End —