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Jul 2017 · 438
Yin and Yang
Michael Mitchell Jul 2017
The Sun shines in the Fiery Dawn
While the Moon glows in the Cold Dusk

One adheres to short and sweet haikus
While the other prefers lengthy whimsical sonnets

One Plays the Boy in Love
While the Girl Plays Hard to Get

Distant distinct entities chained by responsibility
Still orbit closer to connect

The admiring fish swims beside the cute crab
They travel alongside in the shallow shore

Yin and Yang
Princess and Prince

Coexist among distinct cultures
Began exploring more than ever before

Courtship has revealed their grayscale similarities
Drawing the couple closer together

Their momentary dates felt like endless dreams
Laughing, playing, talking, studying, hugging and kissing

Their Love became lucid to them
Like black and white

Their hearts now beat stronger in unison
flourishing ever more in harmony
A love poem for my girlfriend (PNG) for our 1st month anniversary.

Jul 2017 · 506
Arches of Love
Michael Mitchell Jul 2017
Two islands far apart
Trying to connect across the world

My eyes met hers
As I notice his

Fireworks blossomed roses
Butterflies fill my heart

Spotlights shine on her beauty
He’s the only target I would hit

Snapchats in a bottle
The dove carries bitmojis

Wanting to come closer to her
Escape my own fear to see him

Chopping down the timbers of loneliness
My cupid shows me the path

Closer with every move I make
Skinship comes natural

Two sides of one heart unite
We flutter in sync

Hand in hand intertwine
Building endless strength to the Arches of Love
This poem is written by PNG & M&M. We alternated each line to express our fluttering feelings as a couple <3
Apr 2017 · 361
Forever I'll miss you
Michael Mitchell Apr 2017
Forever I'll miss you
Through thick and thin
How we stayed as a crew
You were my twin

Assisting each other we climbed and climbed
Your charisma keeps lifting me
If only I met you earlier in time
I would have evolved in glee

If only our souls stayed around
But alas, our time has come
So as you don your gown
Our strings of friendship will forever strum
This poem was one that my best friend wrote. This is his first poem so any helpful commentary will be helpful!
thanks! M&M
Apr 2017 · 414
Heart of Warmth
Michael Mitchell Apr 2017
Her eyes stare into my soul
My heart beats like a drum
The next action could toll
My hand reaches to her thigh to strum

Her head and mine gravitate close
Our lips puckered to prep
They dance to music they chose
Our bodies automate for the next step

Her warmth embodies me
Two heartbeats resonate to one
Brushing her lushness more is the key
Her beauty curses my body in a stun

Our clothes shed from wildfire
Luscious mountains appear
My airplane flows between like a frequent flyer
While she cries joyfully into next year

My key ripens for action
Her lock primes to be touched
The key struggles through with heavy traction
The lock finally opens in a clutch

A white surrender flag in fanfare
My soul glistened with the new world
She smiles seductively in the same flair
As if our dreams together swirled
This is a love poem i had felt to write when I met my first girlfriend. Please let me know if i need to improve on this poem and also dating advice! Thanks!!! M&M
Apr 2017 · 1.9k
Basketball Blessing
Michael Mitchell Apr 2017
The name is in the game
You either shoot or you fall
Ball in basket is primary aim

Dribble, dribble, dribble
The ball smacks the ground
Defender’s actions written scribbled
Forward rushes hoop bound

There’s no “I” in “team”
passing becomes like breathing
To enter the pro dream
Cause orange is the color we bleeding
I got into basketball recently and this has helped me take the stress out of life. Hope u like it! M&M
Dec 2016 · 379
My Bear Alike
Michael Mitchell Dec 2016
Pookie bear
Mi ángel
I am trapped in your love stare

You’re an undistressed damsel
Confident to take on the world
Your dreams within your reach

Everywhere you twirled
Swirled precious quotes you preach
Inspiring those that follow you

Mi linda mariposa
Your wings sparkle as you flew
Nuestro vínculo es lo más hermosa
Love always brings us back to what we do best :) M&M
Apr 2016 · 530
Color of the Sky
Michael Mitchell Apr 2016
Blue etchings fill the sky
Rain falls when it starts to cry
Clouds like pillows in the landscape
Watching this painting is our only escape

Cool, calm, collected
This sustained color presented
Shapes our lives to be less aggressive
The infinite freedom conquered the repressive

Orange and red signals an end
This prominent transition we recommend
As change is needed to evolve
So that our unabating problems can resolve

The night sky now shines black
Present until the sun comes back
The shimmering stars on the dark curtain
Asking onlookers if their dreams are certain

The sun greets the sky in red-orange light
Signaling the world to wake up to the morning bright
The sky revolves around night and day
Offering those to gaze at its relaxing bay
I looked up to the sky and wondered its mysteries works and magic #M&M
Jan 2016 · 498
Last Time Today
Michael Mitchell Jan 2016
Maybe it’s the first time, maybe it’s the last time today
I want to be dreaming, but I am foreseeing my fate

My heart’s beating loudly, what are you gonna say
My love for you is astounding, I hope its not too late

Yesterday has happened.
And Tomorrow will soon begin
My heart’s burning like ashes
I hope we will meet again

Time is ticking onward
I think Im gonna die
Im feeling like a coward
I hope you’ll see the sign


I mumble the first words
And she gets to say the last
It seems like the act is absurd
I want it put to the past

Breathing my every second
My hope feels like its gone
I wonder if I can get the ticket
So our love train can spawn


Can you hear my shouts
Don’t put it in the past
Our love is stronger
And it will outlast

Try to hear my calling
And stick it in your heart
Just please stop stalling
I wanna brand new start


4, 3,2, and at the count to 1
I am still able to sing this song
It should go right, I cant be wrong
It will work out, I just gotta stay strong!
Hello my felllow poets! I have not been on here for a while due to living life as a double science major in college. However, I just got some inspiration to write this song! Enjoy! :D M&M
Mar 2014 · 903
Haiku- The Stats of a Coin
Michael Mitchell Mar 2014
Flipping a heads or a tails
Is the key to Stats
I quickly wrote this mediocre haiku to help my friend with an extra-credit assignment for his stats class! :) I never realized how statistics plays such an unrecognized role in our lives! :D
Jun 2013 · 911
A New Chapter
Michael Mitchell Jun 2013
A green, lowly worm
Doomed by sluggish motion
Longs for a new term
Fights for a promotion

Crawling to the nearest leaf
The climb up the vine was arduous
Survival, a lone belief
Learning the “way of life” seemed strenuous

Instinct, its automatic action
The worm falls to sleep in the moonlight
Unaware of its splendid reaction
When it woke, surprised by the brilliant sight

Blessed, beautiful wings
Land feels no more of a limitation
Bountiful flowers blossom where it sings
The butterfly now glides with boundless sensation
Sorry that I haven't posted in like an eternity. Graduation, summer, and a new job have delayed my passion for a while....but it is great to be back!
Michael Mitchell May 2013
Riding boots, helmet, and garments of leather
All equipped to meet a safety need
Jump on and shout, “never say never!”
You embark with your loyal steed

You and your soul mate take a lofty stroll
Before charging at the speed of light!
So that you can minimize the harmful toll
And continue to glide across like a kite

Hurdles and other similar props
Can easily be defeated by the soaring jump
With riding tricks grasped, your horse could never stop
Until there is no more power left in its energy pump

Falling off sometimes seems inevitable
Especially when your horse sees the tasty blue
Your bond rhythm needs to be sustainable
So that your horse can follow on cue

Rider and horse share a deep connection
With the two in sync, you will win the next riding election
This is a poem for a friend of mine for her birthday!
May 2013 · 1.6k
A Rough Gem Hunt
Michael Mitchell May 2013
The only job in sight
Is the mining task
It’s time to dive into the eternal night
Wearing an exotic mask

Surrounded by the earthy walls of uniformity
With a pickaxe in hand, I start the dig
The barren days have drowned me in pity
Hopefully I will find a gem worth BIG

I am not the only one in this mining tunnel
Thousands of other miners try to strike gold
I feel stuck in the bottom of a funnel
The only miners that can prosper are the lucky and the bold

In utter desperation
I grate the rough soil
Using new strategies to alleviate the frustration
I pray for a fortuitous end to this fruitless toil

With exclamation of sudden cheers!!
Some of the workers now start the upward climb
Many of the tarred workers break down in tears
Which day marks salvation this time?
This entire poem is actually a conceit about the endless process in writing scholarship essays..:D
May 2013 · 1.4k
Jack in the box (limerick)
Michael Mitchell May 2013
A little trickster called Jack
Always prepared to condescend on what others lack
upon sprouting out like a clash of thunder
The body of the scoundrel split asunder
Now the victims intimidate what remains of Jack
When I was pondering what the theme shall be for a limerick, the thought of "Jack in the box" suddenly popped in my head.
May 2013 · 2.2k
The Ocean (Haiku)
Michael Mitchell May 2013
Salted waves unrhymed
Endless possibilities
Rough edges rounded
This poem was actually written in a short 5 minutes as part of an assignment from my school's poetry club. The random topic of "the Ocean" seemed a bit broad and expansive at first. But this mini writing project was actually pretty exciting!:)
May 2013 · 2.4k
Mother's Day-Sonnet #2
Michael Mitchell May 2013
Upon entrance into the realm of reality
My first image basks in the bliss of your smile
You knew that bearing two offspring was sheer destiny
All the love that you bestowed was definitely worthwhile

When I’m in pain, depression, or sorrow
You welcome me in a warmhearted embrace
Such care heals my soul for a better tomorrow
Your unrelenting support propels me in the life race

Your grace branches to lands beyond reckoning
Your unique ability to serve others is a true virtue
Your duties are far from easygoing
You deserve much more than the credit accrued

You fought valiantly when things turned gray
You should have a nice rest on this Mother’s day
This poem was a gift to my mother for mother's day. Because of this special holiday, I decided to post it on Hellopoetry so that all my brothers and sisters can read it. Enjoy:)
May 2013 · 1.6k
Oh little puppy
Michael Mitchell May 2013
Whines and groans of melancholy
Knock on my door

Upon opening the blockade
The guest looked very eager
A small, furry stuffed animal sits

Eyes fixed on my complexion
When I smile, the doll imitates
When I brush my hand on the doll's fur
A tongue reveals and kisses my cheek

As I walk down the corridor
The fluffy rascal tails right behind

My eyes dart towards a toy
And the puppy snags it thereafter

With its brown precious eyes gleaming
It's impossible to resist the innocent tug
I take the plushy victim
And fling it across the room

The puppy witnesses the ~Plop~
And immediately dashes
Sprinting in the ten second race

Like a boomerang
The furry speed demon returns
With the plush trapped between its dull jaws
All I can remark is...
**"Good Boy!"
My dog is a year old and it still has its Puppy Days...
May 2013 · 1.0k
The Compass (10 w)
Michael Mitchell May 2013
Cold Mirage
on Earth's pinnacle
uncovering truth
follow the arrow
It is quite odd to summarize all the illustrious details and poetry into a mere ten words..
May 2013 · 2.1k
Lullaby- Sonnet #1
Michael Mitchell May 2013
The magnificent Sun dims to a mellow tie-dye
The calm Moon emerges in the horizon
The cosmos spews stars into the night sky
The glimmering white jewels bow in admiration

Crickets sing passionately in harmony
“Relax your dulled tools. Tis the hour of Sabbath”
The black curtain signals a season of serenity
It is time to ****** the speed on your highway path

Go to your square coffin, rest on the myriad of cloud
All your worries will wash under the fountain of youth
Close your connection to the world, you are now dream bound
To meet your almighty imagination, head a mile down south

So when nightfall approaches, you should say ”Good-bye”
Before I reveal my heartwarming lullaby
Sonnets are actually much more flexible than initially expected. With all these limitations, writing this type of poem is actually pretty far from challenging...
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
The Fearsome Finale
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Every waking moment in store
Crowded with paper galore

Deer slumber while basking in the moonlight
But the desk lamp still shines terribly bright

Newton's laws and the ancient periodic table
When will these tests become a fable?

Ink spilled in elaborate formulae
The hermit emanated a drained sigh

Doomsday has arrived
When will these deathly trials subside?

Questions fired by gunshot
Each need to be defeated right on the dot

Anxiety fills the panic meter up to the brim
These tests decide the strength of the plant stem

Weak progress propels the plant to fall
While strong achievement props the small flora to stand tall

Arbitration day has finally come to an end
The days that proceed are emancipated from the time bend

All stress vanishes from sight
The belligerent has won the grand fight
This is my first couplet poem. Any constructive criticism about how to implement the poetry form more effectively will help immensely!:)
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Pride - Senryu 1
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Every little thought
Seems dominated by him
Taking all the credit

Where is the humility?
Under the furred pelt?
In the arrogant forest?

Egotistical glamour
Self absorbed valor
A lion with too much roar

Tape his grand mouth shut
Break his pearly white teeth now
Disparage his pride

The proud tiger now a mouse
Strength becomes feeble
Head hangs in total disgrace
This is my first senryu poem. Even though most are short in length, this one is pretty long...
Apr 2013 · 5.9k
Senioritis Showdown
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Seniors sluggishly step
Trifling tunnels suddenly turn tame
But boredom befalls from bountiful blessings
The lengthy labyrinths lead to a lair of light
However, hazardous hiking harms healthy equipment
Determination among tunnel dwellers dwindles down drastically
Can crawling to the coronation corridor ease the contagious condition?
This is my first "tongue twister" poem (also known as alliteration poem). I wonder how someone can recite this without making a mistake..
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
The Diabolical Storm
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
As the storm brews in the tenacious sky
One can only dream
When will the sun arrive?
Handicapped from planned pursuits
The chain from the shadows lurks
Wrapping around your being, all actions made mute
Sun, Savior, Liberator
When will you finally release these cuffs of confinement?
-I wrote this one during the last tornado warning in Central Florida. Enjoy!:)
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
A yellow brick road glistens before me
A sign dubbed “Straight is the best way to go”
Even though an ominous aura flows

My inner voice screams
“Chaos will erupt if you walk further”
But my body moves independently
Down the sunny-patched pavement

The bright yellow shade grays
The unbowed path jerks far left
Away from the right destination

The map displays a straight yellow line
Heading directly to the city of great prospects
The mapped road looks as secure as the Great Wall
Running at ease without obstructions

Yet in reality
I ventured into the Desert of Disasters
The powdered sand deadening my progress

The volatile sandstorms
Stalls my venture
And conceals the route
Of the yellow brick road

Little water left
The path nowhere in sight
Only minuscule hope and perpetual effort
Can reveal the true path to salvation
Apr 2013 · 2.0k
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Thoughts and beliefs bubbling in my head
Yet when the nozzle opens
The water remains stagnant
The chute blocked by a language barrier

An English lad and a French Claire
Both hearts galloped in stampede
The two magnets draw in spontaneously
But does love exist from the front cover alone?

The vast terra firma
Perforated in years time
Earth plates sever the one masterpiece into pieces
The scraps bounded by a shimmering blue frame

Engineering, Psychology, and Humanities
All in uniform language
But still segregated
Even with a paint degree
Does the artist know what note the musician is playing?

A gallant soldier
Survived the war of “learn how to speak German”
Two languages under the belt, but 6,498 to go
Illustrious pride stifled into humility
Will there ever be a language compromise?
A free verse poem about the cruelty of world language barriers.
Apr 2013 · 713
Nature's Serenade- Haiku #2
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Serene green landscape
Surreal art carved on live wood
God’s watercolor

Rabbits roam in evergreen
Birds chirp melodies
Butterflies flutter nearby
Life in concordance
Wrote this Haiku in five minutes. In my opinion, the shorter the poem=the more life you can breathe into each word.
Apr 2013 · 4.8k
A Mother's Intuition
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
As life is created from her womb
Bountiful preparation is needed
Charisma, duty, and love
Develop the best care offered
Ecstatic for recording memorabilia
For such experiences occur only once
Given the opportunity to successfully grow
Home redefines as “elsewhere besides the abode”
Ill from separation
Joy still remains in the love connection
Kept in touch through messages of endearment
Life becomes more heartwarming
Mothers nurture endless dreams
This was written for the upcoming holiday of Mother's day.
Apr 2013 · 2.4k
Stage Fright or Stage Might
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Sitting on stage
The glare of the audience immobilizes my every move
Is there a way this paralysis will soothe?
The lights suddenly blare
Like a deer bathed in headlights
How can I escape from this radiant bear?

The conductor baton rises into the soundless air
Sweating, stammering, shivering
Will this be my final prayer?

The sound of an A fires from a clarinet
Bow on string, I imitate the shrill
This magical note seems to be my fever pill

A-D, D-G, A-E
Instrument seems in tune
But will this miniscule fact solve my problem soon?

As the chief baton swings side to side
Flickering images in my mind crash like a tsunami tide
Joy, Love, Hardship, and Harmony
Music conducted the opening to my passion ceremony

Fire ignites my being
Like bungee-jumping off a bridge
The words “Anything is possible!” now beaming

Like poetry, music is an art
Raw emotion strangles uniformity
Expression bears no limit
Creativity beats as our vital body part
For all whom have suffered through stage fright.
Apr 2013 · 957
The Love Weapon
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
The Devious Cupid arrow
Upon impact, steals the victim’s soul
Then controls the lifeless body like a puppet
Is this culprit a magical fairy or a tyrannical imp?

The mallet of righteousness
When the love connection breaks
The hammer bludgeons the heart into lowly rubble
Is this action just?

A simple date transforms to an enlistment into war
Wear sturdy armor
To survive the war of love
Once the fine string of romance splits in two
The battle of “break up” only ends in an emotional bloodbath
I saw a TON of depressing poems from this site, and I just wanted to craft one of my own.
Apr 2013 · 934
The Winged Beast
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
The white winged beast
Slices through the blue
Dominating all the cities that bow beneath
The creature leads as the best transportation tool

Passengers bask in opulence
Glancing at the miniature toy city
The passive scenery acts as reassurance
Since the wind gale sweeps the white cotton in pity

The jay sails to its nest
Gliding while checking for error
The landing signals a successful test
Safe from the perilous journey’s terror

The exotic passengers gaze in awe
The Cliffs of Dover, soldiers clad in red, Buckingham palace
All book text now raw
This dimension lacks common malice

The winged beast leaps
The destination: an unknown place
All the culture the sphinx keeps
No wonder many adore the ferocious face
Apr 2013 · 2.0k
"This is Paradise" -Haiku 1
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Sea tides undulate

Salt saturates wide valleys

Fish leap helplessly

Seagulls laugh at moment’s spare

Desert sand surrounds

Lonely land mass residing

Brim with tourism

Festivals ignite the flame

Native culture dance

Parties prosper all around

Sun enlightens all

Skin tans from ash to brown dust

Reggae music blasts

Life turns to relaxation

This is paradise
At first, Haiku writing was tedious (a.k.a. 5-7-5 syllable rule), but it turned out to be great! Haiku is a little different but still in the same species as free verse.:)
Apr 2013 · 828
Writer's Block
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Pen on paper
The chisel wavers
The statue still headless
Construction remains motionless

Nose, eyes, and mouth still an enigma
Which ****** feature shall play as the lead stigma?
Craft a smile on the blank slate
Or a whimpering frown on that cold state

Metaphor, theme, simile, and allusion
Selecting “e) all of the above” pangs lofty derision
Would “love” suffice
Or could “burning passion” be more precise?

As long as no thought comes to mind
Sitting here will turn into a crime
Is there any key to lock
The gate that leads to writer’s block?
I had the famed disease. So I just said "Hey, why can't I turn this tragedy into a poem." Enjoy:b
Apr 2013 · 832
Maiden of Mysteries
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Maiden of Mysteries
Her look delivers infinite inquiries
One mirror displays devilish ears
While the other depicts an angel with joyous tears

Pink, red, yellow and blue
All part of the personality crew
Does she have Hermes’s cunning?
The next action will be truly stunning!

With strength, she does not despair
Since her condition is quite rare
All of these mirrors make her unique
By combining into a magnificent physique

Like a present under a Christmas tree
You don’t know what’s inside until the wrapping frees
There is always a pleasant surprise
When meeting the Maiden of Mysteries
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
Majestic leaves, trees, and flowers surrounding
Each deep breath feels empowering
Daoism adheres to “all is one” and “one is all”
Instantly… all chalkboard writing vanishes, nothing else befalls
The road to the energy center unveils
Air flows through the lungs, everything else pales
Time itself seems to slow to a halt
Instinct dominates the other senses in a sudden assault
Opening a gateway to a serene dimension
Nourishing the soul, meditation stretches the tension
Apr 2013 · 3.7k
Primrose Blossom
Michael Mitchell Apr 2013
A sapling restrained from its dirt prison
Wanting to sail across the vast seas
Yearning for liberation

Rain brew in the mighty sky
The little sapling endured valiantly
The sporadic growth of the sapling now on tie

Tempest devoured by the radiant sun
Absorbing nutrients from the sun’s jubilance
The days till maturity became none

The petals of the primrose began to blossom
A majestic scent pervaded the boundless air
The options veered from lean to awesome

Spain, Germany, Belgium, and France
Foreign mountains, towers, and customs
Now in sight from the blossom dance
This is my first poem ever written. Advice and other commentary will be immensely appreciated! :) Thanks for reading!

— The End —