Dog, you are just as old as me
Our mind in one purview,
When I was young and did a lot
Dog dreamtime cradled you.
When I had ripened to a fault,
Growth full, next stop decay
You tore from tree to me in glee
And romped all day in play.
From that, we both decline in one
To sit and listen now,
Our ball is caught, our song is sung
And we wait the hour.
My flesh and bone is well and strong,
The mind is loth and weak
Beginnings new the loss among
Happy now to seek.
Break out O Sun from that swift cloud
Sailing the Heaven free,
Warm up Earth’s stones and my bones proud
To embrace what is not me.
A dragonfly inspects my garden
In a fleeting blaze of sun,
Huge and dusky, like a dancer
Whirling wings of filigree spun
Beguiling sweet my spirit faint
Tips new-dipped in golden paint.