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  Sep 2014 Chiara DeLucia
Tyler Durden
I feel like,
By the time I'm finished preparing for my future
I'll be too old to remember
The things I enjoy.
Chiara DeLucia Sep 2014
The poets are dead.

We killed them
Trading truthful words
For false security.
  Sep 2014 Chiara DeLucia
In life,
It is essential
That you learn
How to be strong enough
To let go;
And wise enough
To wait
For what you deserve.
Then he said we should
just nuke
the entire Middle East.
"**** 'em!

(What’s a little radiation?),

so he could afford to
drive his “******* Corvette”
down the shore
on his Summer vacation.
Being smart--and
already rich--will
make you
rich in America.
You must register with an employment agency,
he said through a muffled yawn, to defer
your studnet loan payments for the next six months.

But don't worry, he continued, clearing his
throat and sipping what I presumed was stale coffee,
you don't have to accept any jobs that you're offered.
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