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  May 2015 Mia Barrat
Wondering Woman
we started at hello
and ended
in hell.
Mia Barrat May 2015
Tainted glass
no more grass
cheaper crystals:
better smoke

Powder cloud
hazy shroud
faster substance:
higher high

It's opaque
so opaque
so God help me:
can’t be read
Inspired by Breaking Bad.
Mia Barrat May 2015
Night.* And I think I might stay here, and pretend
I can smell your perfume on each passing shadow;
because I love it whenever you think that we're
friends: you're even more disillusioned than

I am. But this black dome above me doesn't
ricochet obscure calls and silvery hands; there
are no stars, there is no moon, and God is too
busy with the Southern hemisphere. Where

is your smile as I walk through the night? Where
is your stuttering voice, and those clumsy English
words jammed between your sweet French

lips? And where are your arms, those binding tools,
when there's an emptiness inside me aching against
the heaviness of Summer nights? This was Night.

Because if you close your eyes for a single second,
you'll glimpse at what I've been seeing since the day
you showed me true beauty.

I love you,

  May 2015 Mia Barrat
Seán Mac Falls
( Sonnet )*

Poet to my eyes, you are the sight of whitecaps
On the sea water, or the sudden turn of a bird
In flight and as the wave I roll and break,
With drowning wings that lift toward you, my sky.

Mistress to my soul, I am the nave of your holy
Cathedral.  My head is but an occluded riff,
De-noting songs you make in aisling airs of light
Polyphony, my star over-sings the windy globe,

She swallows heaven, like swallows blacken the dusk.
Shearwater bird, strip my surface with your cutting
Wings.  My waves peak to reach you starling girl.

The sloughing chill of winter dies quick in sighs
Waft asunder my little Indian summer, wake me
From sleep and I shall dream but once for your kiss.
aisling ( ash-ling )  |  Gaelic word meaning:  a vision of promise.
Mia Barrat May 2015
Dusk.* I won't paint you another sunset,
another beautiful striped sea; no, not today.
Picture instead a smooth discolored surface
on which a firmly gripped stone was roughly

ground, causing a painful chalky screech; the
misemployed rock left vague yellow scars and
lavender bruises on the horizon; the sun cowers
behind them fearfully, distraught by the undue

violence; this is the sunset I experienced at
your fragrant side, and wondered - not unlike
that astre - what could possibly justify the

yellow, spectral scars in my heart, the bright,
undue violence brought upon my pride, and
the slighted sunset in my soul. This is *Dusk.
This is Dusk, the third of a series of four Sonnets. So far I have Dawn, Noon and Dusk, and I'll bet you know who's next...

I think this set of Sonnets is starting to take the shape of wounded love letters to a close friend of mine. I stress the term "friend" with something like hurt anger. I hope it can be heard through my verse.
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