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A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
Max Evans
this is a shout out to the kids who haven’t cracked a smile since last summer.
To the kids who’s wrists turned to cutting boards
and stomachs intentionally went empty.

This is the anthem for saturday nights spent on the couch just asking yourself “why”
For hours spent thinking that it’s your fault your parents split and theres nothing you can do.

For the kids who drag a blade across their wrist and carve grand canyons into their wrists although its still not the same.

A song for the kids who crack their knuckles as a distraction from the glares they get from across the classroom in fifth period science.

A harmony to the kids who are trying so hard to fit in but cant seem to get the hold of the right words to stick on their tongue so instead the wrong words slip out of their mouthes and roll into a ball of embarrassment.

A five star dinner served to his four friends which left him three years later and two years later he was just one kid by himself fending off the monsters we call classmates all alone.

Another sleeping pill for the boy who prays with his eyes shut but cant sleep because his eyes have already been closed for hours.

A brace for the broken and the weak as the week drags on to the point where every word that ends in the letter y makes you want to pull your hair out.

A poem dedicated to the kids who cant fend for themselves in the jungle.
Its a hard existence.
But we can make it through.
Where are you?
I need you
It seems like we were close,
Until I lost you.

Now I feel:
These people don't know our bond,
I can feel your presence.

I can feel you but I'm never able to touch you,
Hug you and tell you how much I love you.

A mothers love is all they say I need
But lately I've been deprived of the very little I need.

I need you in my life to show me true loves course,
Because without you love is lost.

Where will you be when I'm eight-teen years of age,
To show me that I do have some good ways.
To be my teacher but not to an actual class;
To be there when all love seems lost.
To guide me and show me the right way.

All these words running through my mind so I'm left to say:
"Daddy, where are you I need you?"
With no response, I carry on my way;
Thinking my daddy will answer me some-day.
#Rip W.R. # Forever in My Heart #Your little girl is growing up :'(
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
i destroy myself
before you get the chance
because the pain i give myself
could never hurt
as much
as your gentle touches
smile wide

you see me at my time of weak
your warm eyes question mine
i feel the pain
pounding my outer wall
till its all gone

i wish you didn't make me feel this
every time your presence greets mine

if  only you understood
how inferior i really am
  Apr 2014 Melody Millett
I wish I was deaf.
Because every time I hear the wind sing,
I hear it calling your name.

I wish I was blind.
Because in every constellation and in every shadow,
I see the image of your face.

I wish I was mute.
Because every time I start to speak,
My lips wish to call out to you.

I wish I was immobile.
Because my feet ache to run to you,
Even though they shouldn't.

I wish I was dead.
Because every day I spend living is wasted,
Since none of them are spent with you.
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