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 Aug 2014 Melody Jennings
In the shower yesterday
I turned the water up
It burnt my skin, I stayed in
Until the heat wasn't enough

I guess that's how life goes
One day we're hit with pain
And gradually it decreases
But it always stays the same

Slowly, oh so slowly
We're becoming numb
To the hurt that lies within us
Secretly weaving us undone

When we realize we can't feel
We decide to up the dosage
Because is life better empty,
Or when we have a purpose?

We're drowning down and down
Slowly less believing
That all this pain and all this grief
Really has a meaning

If I only had the time, I would fall in love with you
I would bend down the night and steal you the moon
And weave a blanket made from all the stars
I would peel a rainbow off a blue sky and fold it
  into a flower and place it in your hair
I would dip the quill of a feather into the ghost of
  Shakespeare's heart and write you a play
If I only had the time
She loves being
pinned down,
she loves being submissive,
she loves him
to take control,
not just with her body,
with her soul.

He's her King;
that no matter what,
he would be

that no matter what,
would make it
through anything.

He loves being in control,
he loves
her against the wall,
pulling her hair
yet rough.

Treating her
as the Queen that she is,
he would move
just to see her

At the end,
it really never mattered
what she wore.
He could see through
he could see pass through
skin, nerves, & bones.

He could see her
lovely & naked
Such a hypocrite am I.
For I promised to stop loving.
I promised to continue the journey.
But such a hypocrite am I,
Because I cannot bring myself,
To move on.
Such a hypocrite am I.
For I still love,
Even though,
I should be,
letting go**.
Something to express in this short one. Perspective is a powerful thing you know.
(shout out to my good friends Winter Silk and Blackness!!!)

— The End —