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 Dec 2017 megan
My Scarlet Amora
Its been a couple of days now
And I don't know how I feel
I miss you
You became my whole world in a matter of months
And now you've been ripped from my soul
We seem to be stuck in a different universe
Stuck between two worlds
Between hello and goodbye
But it's better this way
I swear to you it is
But I still miss you
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
Into you
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
Just for a little while
Can you let me,
Before you leave,
Can I hold your hand

Just like the heaven and sky
Your smile, I want to see
Don't worry, I won't insist
Even though I want you so

At first I thought
That there'll be a tomorrow like this
I would think it's better to forget you
But I'm glad that I met you
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
Can I hug you?
Can I hold your hand?
Can I say I like you?
Can I ask for your hand?

Will you ever look my way?
Will you choose to stay?
Will I be able to say these things?
Will I be able to express these feelings?
Afraid to know the answer.
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
a silent walk into the night
I lean to you and hold you tight
don't want to let go or say goodbye
just want to be with you before I die
the only one I want to be with before everything fades away
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
it took me....
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
it took one look smile hug moment
for me to realize that there's something special within you.

it took me 5 months
...................20 weeks
...................150 days
for me to realize that the "special someone" would be you.

It took me years to finally find you.
I would like to get to know you even better
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
Words Unsaid
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
I saw your reflection on the glass of the door
your long black hair that flows like a river
your bright red lips as beautiful as a flower
your soulful eyes that can bring warmth to winter

Then I turn at you and met your eyes
That sweet sweet smile, I was mesmerized
Your angelic voice got me hypnotized
Your very existence got me magnetized

it's really hard to hide these things
when in my mind I can hear you sing
How could I stop myself from loving you
when every heartbeat of mine belongs to you
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
 Nov 2017 megan
Hi De
I'm glad I met you
even if unrequited, I'm so happy that I've fallen for you.
this silent feelings of mine towards you
I'll keep it forever in my heart,
it will be my secret to the beautiful you..
I really have fallen...
just the thought of you makes my heart beat faster
 Nov 2017 megan
Ana S
Little lesbian
 Nov 2017 megan
Ana S
I had a secret... I keep it in... Mommy I... I think I'm lesbian. Thoughts rushed through her head. Gosh I wanted to be dead. Did you hear me mommy? Was she going to leave me. What was running through her mind. The silence lasting a long time. Finally she spoke, baby I think you need to go. Pack your bags and leave. But mom... No I can't have your perverted lifestyle influencing my normal children. Tears streaked my checks. I had tried so hard. Mommy accept me! Mommy love me!!! Remember when I was your baby? Back when people heard me? Goodbye mommy.
A secret... Not my real coming out story.
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