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Megan Pasnik Aug 2023
An eternal dance of creation.

One can not exist without the other.

Sun and Moon
Life and Death
Heaven and Hell
Man and Woman
Light and Dark

Creating something new
With each step

Birthing new worlds
With every embrace

Push, pull
In a trance

Weaving threads of time and space
The physical and invisible

This cosmic duality dances together
And from union
Comes creation.
Poem from my book "Call The Light"
Megan Pasnik Aug 2023
To express oneself is the greatest breakthrough a human can make.

Here is something to do more than simply survive...
More than just existing...

There is an infinite rainbow of ways to weave
Love into our lives
And show each other

That trick of the light.
Poem from my book "Call The Light"
Megan Pasnik Aug 2023
Life force awakens
And forces its way
Through the hard dirt
Cracking through the density
Of all the life that once was
Now, beneath the surface
Ready to become
Something new

My breath deepens
My rib cage expanding
My stomach fills with butterflies
My heart surging with electricity

Something new is moving through me
Pregnant with life
But not with child
My being begs to
And allow
The birth of
Something new
Poem from my book "Call The Light"
Megan Pasnik Aug 2023
I had a dream I was on top of a hill
Looking at the stars and feeling the earth
Holding me so still
I wept and knew the truth

Everything was a miracle
The mystery was Love
The games disappeared
And we were one
And the same yet
Uniqueness in us all

From the dream, I awoke
Finally able to see by knowing
The truth was the same and it all was God
The spiral of the universe unfurling like a flower in infinite bloom

Death didn’t scare me anymore.
It was the same as any other moment

I found my home
My place
My belonging within the universe
All of the illusions dissolved and nothing mattered
In the most freeing and beautiful of ways
I glimpsed the Garden of Eden
The moment of infinite conception
Rebirth, death, life.
Ego subsided
Earthly worries ceased

There was perfect harmony.
And in the end

I was the all and the all was me.
Poem from my book "Call The Light"
Megan Pasnik Dec 2018
the gaudy grey of morning leaks,
the hot star following close behind.
like clementines in a market bag:
our weight pools inward.
sweat wicks into stained linens-
sticky skin, pressed back to back.
   good morning.
Megan Pasnik Dec 2018
four walls, and the ceiling above me.

the ins of the walls are pattering about,
the air conditioner unit rattles in my right ear,
while your pristine chest rises and falls perfectly to my left.

“leaky pipes” you said.
sounded like mice getting lost.

moonlight bites through the windows-
light gossips onto soft parts of you:
your eyelids, the crescent shape of your cheeks,
lips pressed, neatly together.
i hear your smoothed breath
and i’m thinking about what you said about how i make you feel a way you never have before-
and i told you the same.
how lucky does some ******* need to be to find: that certain person-
who fits in and around and throughout each corner of your body?
your mind?
your romantic, ******, more sensual feelings-
feelings that burn with and without you.
heat bores into my chest, laying awake, next to you-
    i am whole
    i am whole
    i am whole
i say to myself, silently.
i wouldn’t mind this feeling-
lingering on every day, and every night
    repeat repeat repeat.
coffee for breakfast.
a warm nap for lunch.
laughs for dinner.
*** for dessert.
    and dessert again, and again, and again.
until i am met with witching hour’s quiet breath:
Megan Pasnik Sep 2018
hand picked lovers
slide swords down my tongue
piercing pain spills
in my own solitude
narcotics don't help with the blood
swollen, I can't think.
pick the cotton out
piece by piece
until my head clears
until the bleeding stops
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