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Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
Jan Harak
Czech Republic    I am not even real.
Andrew Durst
Tarentum, PA.    I am 23. Instagram: @andrewdurst
Sound Of Rain
19/F/Somewhere    Mostly just writing when I'm sad.
Musfiq us shaleheen
47/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh    Love is for yours Love is for mine And we are for each other. @ Musfiq us shaleheen I have bided you, in the center …
ny    just some thoughts
Philippines/ Jubail, KSA    Hi! I am back again here in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for work. © Pax 2013 - present...
Layla Thurman
North Carolina    We all have our dreams and aspirations. If I knew what mine were, I'd put them here.
Big Virge
Barbados    Big Virge’s path to Poetry & Spoken Word, began in the late 90s, During the day he worked at Entertainment UK, and discovered a passion …
North Carolina    Poet, mother (in love with her special boys), best friend, word enthusiast, film, movie and art junky (surreal, abstract, bizzare and beautiful), undying bookworm, singer, …
The Unbeliever
Limbo    I have to say that in the past couple weeks girl therapy has gotten me into a way better mood;)
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
M    Have you not learned yet that my words do not suffice? Thank you so much for viewing.
Just Melz
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest …
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
Poetic T
On Oblivions Doorstep    I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the …
Andrew Switzer Stoned Ferret
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
~~the bay~~    slightly intoxicated so don't expect too much
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